On Thu, Jan 6, 2022 at 9:14 PM Tom Callaway <spotrh(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi! If you're getting this email, it is because you're listed as SIG members on the Fedora Wiki.
> (In looking at the Medical SIG page, it was not clear who might be the right people to poke, so I sent this to you. Please forward as needed)
> The Fedora Council would like to invite your SIG to present at an upcoming Fedora Council video meeting. If you're interested, what we'd be looking for from you is:
> Someone to present (on camera in a virtual meeting room) a 10-15 minute presentation (with slides) on the state of your SIG (past, present, future) along with any calls to action that you might have.
> Stick around for 15+ minutes for Q&A discussion
> These meetings are recorded and then shared on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnIfca4LPFVn8-FjpPVc1ow
> A small FAQ:
> Q. When are these meetings held?
> A. The video meetings are held monthly, on a Thursday, between 1800 - 1900 UTC.
> Q. Do we have to do this?
> A. No. It is an opportunity we're making available to you, but if you don't want to (or cannot), feel free to decline (or ignore this email).
> Q. Would the meeting be all about our SIG?
> A. We also use some time to discuss council business, but you'd be the guest(s) of honor.
> Q. Okay, we're in. How do I sign-up?
> A. You reply to this email and say "Our SIG would love to do this!" and I'll get you scheduled.
> Q. I have other questions, who can I ask?
> A. You can ask me! You now have my email, or you can find me any of the other obvious places I have presence on the internet and ask me there.
> Thanks,
> Tom "spot" Callaway, on behalf of the Fedora Council
Hello Tom,
Yes, maybe I am one of the right people about this topic. I added the
Fedora Medical SIG mailing list email to CC.
I am happy to volunteer to attend the meeting and do a presentation,
unless someone would take this.
Medical SIG people,
I think this meeting is an interesting opportunity to meet online for
each other. :-)
Jun | He - Him