Thank you all for turning up at the meeting today. None of the action items show up. I'll see why this happened and send a follow up mail listing them out.
Here are the links
23:30 < zodbot> Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2013-09-03/fedora_medical_20... 23:30 < zodbot> Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2013-09-03/fedora_medical_20... 23:30 < zodbot> Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2013-09-03/fedora_medical_20...
The text minutes are below:
Meeting summary
Init process (FranciscoD, 12:03:30)
Current status (FranciscoD, 12:06:19)
- LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=673841 (FranciscoD, 12:06:43)
- LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-medical/report/6 (FranciscoD, 12:07:15)
- Track tickets need to be updated to reflect current state of packages (FranciscoD, 12:07:36)
- LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Medical_Imaging (FranciscoD, 12:07:59)
contributors' update (FranciscoD, 12:11:43)
- sebp working on ITK (FranciscoD, 12:12:41)
- sjodogne Developer of orthanc, a lightweight PACS: already packaged for Fedora (FranciscoD, 12:13:55)
- LINK: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_management_information_system ? (FranciscoD, 12:23:25)
- : I was saying a use case for pratictioners with dicom software + management ones (mrceresa_, 12:29:53)
- : plus a second one aimed to medical image research with orthanc, itk and derived and software to make a segmentation (mrceresa_, 12:30:29)
Spin 1: dicom + management (FranciscoD, 12:32:35)
- : orthanc, ginkocad (mrceresa_, 12:33:40)
- freemedforms/freediams (FranciscoD, 12:33:59)
- gnumed, openemr (FranciscoD, 12:38:50)
- LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-medical/report/6 (FranciscoD, 12:39:39)
- the command-line tools of dcmtk (especially dcm2xml) could also be useful for people dealing with DICOM in the medical practic (FranciscoD, 12:43:50)
- : trac contains a bug report about Fiji https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-medical/ticket/17 (sebp, 12:44:57)
- imagej will pull in java (FranciscoD, 12:47:53)
- imagej (FranciscoD, 12:49:41)
Spin 2 Medical Image research (FranciscoD, 12:51:58)
- 3D slicer, ITK/VTK devel packages (FranciscoD, 12:55:10)
- 3D slicer will need to be packaged first (FranciscoD, 12:55:23)
- itk-snap (mrceresa, 12:55:30)
- seg3d2 (mrceresa, 12:55:53)
- octave (sjodogne, 12:57:45)
- seg3d2 needs to be packaged (FranciscoD, 13:00:31)
- LINK: http://www.offis.de/en/competence_center/ict_for_smart_grids/publications/pu... (FranciscoD, 13:03:46)
- LINK: http://code.google.com/p/dicompyler/ (FranciscoD, 13:03:57)
- pydicom isn't in the repos (FranciscoD, 13:07:04)
- dicomplyer needs to be packaged (FranciscoD, 13:07:16)
- elastix (mrceresa, 13:08:46)
- ants (mrceresa, 13:09:05)
- plastimatch (mrceresa, 13:09:34)
- plastimatch needs to be packaged (FranciscoD, 13:09:47)
other details (FranciscoD, 13:11:35)
- Base spins on XFCE (FranciscoD, 13:20:51)
- Spin handler required (FranciscoD, 13:21:17)
- more package maintainers required (FranciscoD, 13:21:22)
- If anyone wants to co-maintain my packages, they're more than welcome to get in touch with me (FranciscoD, 13:22:07)
I've listed the action items from last meeting here[1]:
1. FranciscoD update fedora medical trac tickets to reflect current state of packages 2. sjodogne open ticket for 3D slicer 3. FranciscoD open a trac ticket also, so that folks who didn’t make it to the meeting can comment and make suggestions 4. mrceresa package and start review of seg3d2 5. mrceresa file new trac ticket for seg3d2 6. FranciscoD get in touch with design team spin wrangler and request a post on how the spin is made 7. sebp SSlater sjodogne FranciscoD : catch hold of any new volunteers who’d like to help and get them started
sebp, sslater: It might be worth talking to folks in the spin SIG and/or the infra team to see if we could have nightlies built for fedora medical. That would really simplify the task since you'll only have to maintain comps or a single kickstart file, i.e., add the packages you want as part of the spin.
I'll get started on my action items this week. Feel free to send updates to the list when you make any progress on yours.
[1] http://ankursinha.in/blog/2013/09/04/minutes-from-last-nights-fedora-medical...
Dear all,
Following the minutes of our September meeting [1], I have been working on implementing DICOM Query/Retrieve inside Orthanc.
Orthanc 0.7.0 has just been released [2]. This is an important release, as Orthanc now implements C-Find SCP and C-Move SCP (i.e. it supports Query/Retrieve). Thanks to this feature, it is now possible to connect tools such as Ginkgo CADx and 3D Slicer (and in theory OsiriX) directly to Orthanc using the DICOM protocol.
Orthanc can thus be considered as a real mini-PACS server. Hopefully, the planned spin 1 (DICOM + management) and spin 2 (medical imaging research) will both take advantage of these advances.
I will upgrade the Fedora package in the next few days.
Cheers, Sébastien-
[1] http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2013-09-03/fedora_medical_20... [2] https://twitter.com/OrthancServer/status/393724085013721088
On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 1:27 AM, Ankur Sinha sanjay.ankur@gmail.com wrote:
I've listed the action items from last meeting here[1]:
1. FranciscoD update fedora medical trac tickets to reflect current state of packages 2. sjodogne open ticket for 3D slicer 3. FranciscoD open a trac ticket also, so that folks who didn’t make it to the meeting can comment and make suggestions 4. mrceresa package and start review of seg3d2 5. mrceresa file new trac ticket for seg3d2 6. FranciscoD get in touch with design team spin wrangler and request a post on how the spin is made 7. sebp SSlater sjodogne FranciscoD : catch hold of any new volunteers who’d like to help and get them started
sebp, sslater: It might be worth talking to folks in the spin SIG and/or the infra team to see if we could have nightlies built for fedora medical. That would really simplify the task since you'll only have to maintain comps or a single kickstart file, i.e., add the packages you want as part of the spin.
I'll get started on my action items this week. Feel free to send updates to the list when you make any progress on yours.
Thanks, Warm regards, Ankur (FranciscoD)
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