Greece for veterinary private practices (might find some interesting functions)
software is used for: -appointments of a day. -electronic medical record - store information on animal's health (lab exams, imaging, vaccines, pills). This must be connected to an owner (like child to parent). 2 useful parameters are: when we enter the vaccine or pill, there must add a notice of the appointment (follow ups). Also if the animal is young, to show the suggestion of vaccination program (docs will be able to add this). -lab results handling (with normal numbers) - connected to the EMR, when adding some biochemical or blood exams-parameters and some clinical symptoms to show diferential diagnosis. Since the diseases are different on types of animals (and humans), it's when setting up the program, to choose what type of practice this is, so there will be a file created by doctors who wants to share it with the rest of the world or the user-doctor will be able to create it himself (very helpful for vets is -medication databases with calculator. We have to calculate the dossage according to animal, weight etc. If it's possible, the database will be a file that a doctor can modify since there are different names of medication arround the world. -accounting and invoice (a small type of ERP) with the option for the doctor NOT to use it. - Office suite connected to EMR software for all kinds of patient related letters and printing their EMR card. - sms gate (don't know how this is done). A trick to vets is to SMS the owner that tomorrow his dog must get the pill or vaccine. As reminder because owners don't remember. I imagine the program can check the tomorrow's day and get the mobile phones of the owners as list and send them SMS by press of a button. Of course connected to default e-mail client and fax software.
That is all I can think of (and used in the past). As I mentioned in the past, the program must be easy to use by the doctor since doctors want something to work with and not learn HOW the program works. They don't care about servers or SQL etc. They want everything to be done by the press of a button. Stathis