Am Sonntag 30 Mai 2010, 13:30:10 schrieben Sie:
Please help me understand this issue. You are talking about the tarball we release (gnumed-server.tgz). This tarball is essentially a cleaned up snapshot of our GIT tree structure.
I assume that Fedora wants the tarball itself in a certain form with a certain directory structure ?
Its not really a requirement for a particular directory structure. It has more to do with which files can go where.
Do you mean the final destination of the files or do you mean the origin of the files inside the released tarball ?
If this is of concern we could look into rearranging the content directory structure of the tarball. However for the moment I do not see any purpose except for the Fedora guideline because the packager will move the file to another layout anyway.
I can easily selectively copy the different files to the required locations but my concern is that whether such a trick actually work.
Let us know where they are supposed to go. What about the existing Fedora package ? Does it copy to the wrong places ?
I found a lot of hardcodings as far as the paths of files are concerned.
I don't think there is anything hardcoded. Pretty much all is handled as long it is in the python PATH. We need to know what files you want where.
I am afraid that if I move the python files to the required directories, it might break the application.
Don't worry just let us know what you want.
The package could also be autotoolized or atleast a makefile should be provided so that it is easier to configure and install.
I am not capable of either. This has been discussed back and forth. Noone on our team has the skills and we did not see any obvious benefit.
Looking forward to working this out.
Me too,
Do you mean the final destination of the files or do you mean the origin of the files inside the released tarball ?
The final destination.
Let us know where they are supposed to go. What about the existing Fedora package ? Does it copy to the wrong places ?
All python files, including common python files should go to /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gnumed-server . The shell scripts should be put in /usr/lib/gnumed-server The config files should go to /etc/gnumed-server
The existing Fedora package copies all files to /var/lib which is not recommended.
I don't think there is anything hardcoded. Pretty much all is handled as long it is in the python PATH. We need to know what files you want where.
Do I need to do anything to handle this or is it already taken care of?
Don't worry just let us know what you want.
I am not capable of either. This has been discussed back and forth. Noone on our team has the skills and we did not see any obvious benefit.
Got that. I hope someone else picks it up.
Am Montag 31 Mai 2010, 10:05:57 schrieb Rangeen Basu:
Do you mean the final destination of the files or do you mean the origin of the files inside the released tarball ?
The final destination.
Let us know where they are supposed to go. What about the existing Fedora package ? Does it copy to the wrong places ?
All python files, including common python files should go to /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gnumed-server . The shell scripts should be put in /usr/lib/gnumed-server The config files should go to /etc/gnumed-server
I see. For the client package it is already done that way. For the server package it is not (yet) done this way.
I will CC our main developer as so he can comment as well.
We will check if it breaks anything and report back.
The existing Fedora package copies all files to /var/lib which is not recommended.
I see. The reason for this is that the files are only needed once. During the database creation step. This often leads to confusion.
It works like this. One copies the tarball to any directory and runs the script gm-bootstrap_server. This create a database in postgresql.
Once this has finished the files are not needed any more. So I did not seperate the files for the server. For the client this is done already.
I don't think there is anything hardcoded. Pretty much all is handled as long it is in the python PATH. We need to know what files you want where.
Do I need to do anything to handle this or is it already taken care of?
We will have a look and take care of it.
Am Montag 31 Mai 2010, 10:05:57 schrieb Rangeen Basu:
Do you mean the final destination of the files or do you mean the origin of the files inside the released tarball ?
The final destination.
Let us know where they are supposed to go. What about the existing Fedora package ? Does it copy to the wrong places ?
All python files, including common python files should go to /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gnumed-server . The shell scripts should be put in /usr/lib/gnumed-server The config files should go to /etc/gnumed-server
The existing Fedora package copies all files to /var/lib which is not recommended.
While I am in the process of manually moving the files and testing it I came across this
openSuse: It copies to usr/lib , not var/lib
I wonder if all this file shuffling is neccessary. After all while there are config files and python files there are no python modules as per definition. At least not in the python sense.
Am Montag 31 Mai 2010, 10:05:57 schrieb Rangeen Basu:
After moving around the files I need advice. The GNUmed server "package" was really not designed for distributed files. Since it basically works like expand the tarball, bootstrap (once), delete all files I wonder if what is the best way to proceed.
So far it needs three patches to the source code to get it going. However it still fails to find the needed sql files.
Where are those supposed to live ?
I really would like to raise the question if it is possible to just put all this in /usr/lib/gnumed-server
Here are the reasons:
the python files which are expected in lib/site-packages are not really packages. No other program will ever import them. The way it is written now they will collide with the client files which live in site-packates already.
the *.conf files are not really config files as they are really never changed. They are used once and noone ever changes them. We could call them *.data instead of conf if that makes it more clear.
The place for the sql files is not clear.
We have had this discussion with the Debian team before and they have followed our argument that since this is one-time-use only it is ok to put these in /usr/lib
The client part is a totally seperate beast and is in the format you would like to see already.
Please let me know what you think,
Best regards, Sebastian
the python files which are expected in lib/site-packages are not really packages. No other program will ever import them. The way it is written now they will collide with the client files which live in site-packates already.
Not really sure about this.
the *.conf files are not really config files as they are really never changed. They are used once and noone ever changes them. We could call them *.data instead of conf if that makes it more clear.
Ok. In that case they might be put in /usr/lib/gnumed-server .
The place for the sql files is not clear.
The sql files can go to /usr/lib/gnumed-server as they can be considered as data files.
We have had this discussion with the Debian team before and they have followed our argument that since this is one-time-use only it is ok to put these in /usr/lib
According to your argument, this might be possible. Let me check and revert back.
The client part is a totally seperate beast and is in the format you would like to see already.
Please let me know what you think,
This is a little complicated scenario as these files are to be used only once. I will discuss with someone much more experienced and will get back to you.
Am Dienstag 01 Juni 2010, 12:18:11 schrieb Rangeen Basu: Hi
Please let me know what you think,
This is a little complicated scenario as these files are to be used only once. I will discuss with someone much more experienced and will get back to you.
Just in case this is not in line with Fedora policy I have attached a few patches to the files.
What is still missing is a sed script which would mangle the conf files to find the sql files which would live in /usr/share/gnumed/server
It is indeed quite complicated. The best solution for upstream would be to have as few patches as possible because they will rotten over time.
I really hope in this special case all files are allowed in /usr/lib as it would make the life of upstream and the packagers a whole lot easier.
Am Dienstag 01 Juni 2010, 12:18:11 schrieb Rangeen Basu: Hi
Please let me know what you think,
This is a little complicated scenario as these files are to be used only once. I will discuss with someone much more experienced and will get back to you.
Is there any news on this ?
Best regards, Sebastian