#fedora-meeting-1: fpc
Meeting started by geppetto at 17:00:12 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Roll Call (geppetto, 17:00:12)
* Schedule (geppetto, 17:08:14)
(geppetto, 17:08:17)
* #600 %systemd_requires macro (geppetto, 17:08:25)
* ACTION: Don't ban systemd_requires macro, or other
Requires(scriptlet) macros (+1:5, 0:0, -1:0) (geppetto, 17:21:23)
* #601 Standard macro for RPM macro directory (geppetto, 17:21:35)
* #602 Mono packages must have ExclusiveArch: %{mono_arches} (geppetto,
* ACTION: Add exclusive arch, via mono_arches macro, to all mono
packages (+1:5, 0:0, -1:0) (geppetto, 17:58:01)
* #601 Standard macro for RPM macro directory (geppetto, 17:58:20)
* ACTION: Standard macro for RPM macro dir. (+1:5, 0:0, -1:0)
(geppetto, 17:59:48)
* #605 Bootstrapping exception for GPRbuild (geppetto, 17:59:59)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6335 (Rombobeorn,
* Untagging not possible to solve case 2:
https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6335 (geppetto, 18:02:41)
* Case 2 happens after pushes to mirrors. (geppetto, 18:03:47)
* ACTION: Bootstrap exception for GPRbuild (+1:5, 0:0, -1:0)
(geppetto, 18:04:16)
* Open Floor (geppetto, 18:04:48)
(mjw, 18:04:55)
Meeting ended at 18:24:05 UTC.
Action Items
* Don't ban systemd_requires macro, or other Requires(scriptlet) macros
(+1:5, 0:0, -1:0)
* Add exclusive arch, via mono_arches macro, to all mono packages (+1:5,
0:0, -1:0)
* Standard macro for RPM macro dir. (+1:5, 0:0, -1:0)
* Bootstrap exception for GPRbuild (+1:5, 0:0, -1:0)
Action Items, by person
* Don't ban systemd_requires macro, or other Requires(scriptlet)
macros (+1:5, 0:0, -1:0)
* Add exclusive arch, via mono_arches macro, to all mono packages
(+1:5, 0:0, -1:0)
* Standard macro for RPM macro dir. (+1:5, 0:0, -1:0)
* Bootstrap exception for GPRbuild (+1:5, 0:0, -1:0)
People Present (lines said)
* geppetto (81)
* tibbs (28)
* limburgher (25)
* mbooth (23)
* RaphGro (18)
* mjw (17)
* tomspur (16)
* zodbot (14)
* orionp (10)
* Rombobeorn (5)
* dgilmore (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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#fedora-meeting: Security Team Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Security_Team_meetings
Meeting started by Sparks at 14:00:43 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Roll Call (Sparks, 14:00:49)
* Participants are reminded to make liberal use of #info #link #help
in order to make the minutes "more better" (Sparks, 14:06:05)
* Follow up on last week's tasks (Sparks, 14:06:17)
* ACTION: Sparks to figure out how FST members can get access to
Fedora security bugs (Sparks, 14:06:24)
* ACTION: Sparks to follow up on meeting locations to verify their
availability. (Sparks, 14:06:33)
* ACTION: pjp to give a status update on security policy in the wiki
(carried over) (Sparks, 14:06:48)
* Fedora Security Team FAD (Sparks, 14:06:53)
* Security Team FAD will be on March 11th from 9AM to 5PM ET (Sparks,
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Security_Team_FAD_2016
(Sparks, 14:07:31)
* If you are planning on attending you do need to RSVP using the wiki
page. (Sparks, 14:09:46)
* Outstanding BZ Tickets (Sparks, 14:13:16)
* Thursday numbers: Critical 0, Important 65, Moderate 450, Low 180
(Sparks, 14:14:19)
* Open floor discussion/questions/comments (Sparks, 14:16:19)
Meeting ended at 14:21:30 UTC.
Action Items
* Sparks to figure out how FST members can get access to Fedora security
* Sparks to follow up on meeting locations to verify their availability.
* pjp to give a status update on security policy in the wiki (carried
Action Items, by person
* Sparks
* Sparks to figure out how FST members can get access to Fedora
security bugs
* Sparks to follow up on meeting locations to verify their
* pjp to give a status update on security policy in the wiki (carried
People Present (lines said)
* Sparks (39)
* linuxmodder (13)
* zodbot (7)
* d-caf (6)
* mhayden (2)
* Astradeus (1)
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#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Marketing meeting (2016-03-02)
Meeting started by jflory7 at 21:55:22 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Roll Call (jflory7, 21:55:30)
* Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest areas (jflory7,
* Justin W. Flory; UTC-5; CommOps, Marketing / Magazine, Ambassadors,
Join, and more (jflory7, 21:55:54)
* Ardian Haxha; CET; Ambassadors; CommOps, and Infra (ardian,
* Fabio A Locati; UTC; commops, marketing, qa, ambassadors, packager
(fale, 22:00:46)
* Jona Azizaj; UTC+1; Ambassadors :) (jonatoni, 22:01:43)
* Announcements (jflory7, 22:05:30)
* === "Outreachy 2016 remote internships and Fedora" === (jflory7,
(jflory7, 22:05:53)
* Fedora was accepted as a participating organization in the GNOME
Outreachy program. This is an excellent opportunity for women to get
a paid internship working in open source and on Fedora. (jflory7,
* === "PCWorld interviews FPL Matthew Miller for Fedora 2016 plans"
=== (jflory7, 22:06:05)
(jflory7, 22:06:10)
* PCWorld interviewed mattdm about the future plans for Fedora in
2016. This article has gotten a fair amount of exposure across the
web and there is a lot of feedback coming from the post. There's a
lot of questions concerning the discussion over packaging
proprietary drivers. This could possibly use some attention by
Marketing in a formal Magazine article? (jflory7, 22:06:16)
* === Google Summer of Code === (jflory7, 22:06:21)
* Fedora was accepted as a mentoring organization in GSoC again this
year. A new article will be posted on the Community Blog soon, and
an article on the Magazine would be a good companion to this
article. (jflory7, 22:06:25)
* ACTION: jflory7 Write the pointer article about GSoC on the Magazine
once the CommBlog article is drafted (jflory7, 22:06:31)
* Action items from last meetings (jflory7, 22:08:47)
(jflory7, 22:08:54)
* === mailga raise marketing meeting attendance with FAmSCo ===
(jflory7, 22:09:02)
* [INCOMPLETE] === linuxmodder raise marketing meeting attendance with
FAMNA === (jflory7, 22:10:37)
* ACTION: jflory7 / linuxmodder Bring up Marketing meeting times with
FAmNA on Thursday evening meeting (jflory7, 22:10:42)
* === jzb move discussion on FAS membership to list === (jflory7,
* jzb completed this this morning -- email discussion is on the list
(jflory7, 22:13:09)
* [COMPLETE] === jflory7 Create a ticket for Fedora Server talking
points and CC linuxmodder on it === (jflory7, 22:13:19)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/220 (jflory7,
* [INCOMPLETE] === jflory7 / linuxmodder Take on responsibility for
the Workstation ticket and begin collecting info for talking points
=== (jflory7, 22:13:34)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talking_points_SOP (jflory7,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/218 (jflory7,
* [COMPLETE] === decause/jflory7 add to commops meeting agenda in
wikigardening section
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_talking_points ===
(jflory7, 22:16:28)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:CommOps_2016-03-08
(jflory7, 22:16:34)
* [INCOMPLETE] === jflory7 Get F24 talking points page up to date and
update Marketing page === (jflory7, 22:16:41)
* [COMPLETE] === jflory7 File a ticket to discuss adding a [Marketing]
prefix to the mailing list === (jflory7, 22:17:00)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/221 (jflory7,
* [COMPLETE] === jflory7 Create a ticket about publicizing Fedora
affiliates / similar kind of topic === (jflory7, 22:17:09)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/222 (jflory7,
* Tickets (jflory7, 22:17:46)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/report/12 (jflory7,
* === Ticket #160 === (jflory7, 22:17:56)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/160 (jflory7,
* * "Fedora magazine "head" for planet" (jflory7, 22:18:04)
* ACTION: jflory7 Follow up with nirik or puiterwijk about doing this
and close the ticket once completed (jflory7, 22:18:16)
* === Ticket #214 === (jflory7, 22:21:35)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/214 (jflory7,
* * "Clean up Marketing FAS group membership" (jflory7, 22:21:36)
* nb will coordinate with decause about removing inactive people (nb,
* === Ticket #215 === (jflory7, 22:21:37)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/215 (jflory7,
* ACTION: nb will coordinate with decause about removing inactive
people (decause, 22:21:38)
* * "Looking at our Join process" (jflory7, 22:21:38)
(jflory7, 22:21:38)
* AGREED: Marketing team will use jzb's mailing list post as our new
guidelines for defining activity in the Marketing team and
determining what makes someone a member. This will also be
documented in our wiki join page. (jflory7, 22:28:10)
* ACTION: jzb Update the Marketing Join page to incorporate the new
guidelines proposed on the mailing list (jflory7, 22:28:47)
* === Ticket #217 === (jflory7, 22:28:49)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/217 (jflory7,
* * "Talking points: Fedora Cloud" (jflory7, 22:28:58)
* jzb has sent a note to the Cloud group and is working on gathering
input. No expected delays to have this finished by the due date of 8
March (jflory7, 22:31:46)
* === Ticket #218 === (jflory7, 22:31:51)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/218 (jflory7,
* * "Talking points: Fedora Workstation" (jflory7, 22:31:59)
* AGREED: sesivany will take ownership of the ticket and will work
with ardian on helping generate some talking points for the F24
Workstation (jflory7, 22:39:05)
* ACTION: jflory7 Update Ticket #218 with new information and owners
(jflory7, 22:39:20)
* === Ticket #220 === (jflory7, 22:39:26)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/220 (jflory7,
* * "Talking points: Fedora Server" (jflory7, 22:39:35)
* ACTION: decause ping serverWG ML for status update (decause,
* ACTION: decause work with fale to get server WG talking points from
ML (decause, 22:44:35)
* AGREED: decause is going to ping the Server WG mailing list and try
to get a status update about F24 changes; fale and possibly
linuxmodder will help with compiling the list of talking points for
new, hot changes (jflory7, 22:45:15)
* === Ticket #221 === (jflory7, 22:45:32)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/221 (jflory7,
* * "Add a [Marketing] prefix to mail on our list" (jflory7,
* AGREED: Would help with email subjects to add a [Marketing] prefix
to mailing list emails; jflory7 to contact Fedora Infra on getting
this arranged and added (jflory7, 22:46:46)
* ACTION: jflory7 Contact Fedora Infra about adding the prefix or file
a ticket in Infra Trac if necessary (jflory7, 22:47:00)
* === Ticket #222 === (jflory7, 22:47:06)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/222 (jflory7,
* * "Publicizing "Fedora affiliates" (or groups using Fedora)"
(jflory7, 22:47:16)
* ACTION: fale will draft the procedure for the official recognition
of entities using Fedora (fale, 22:55:41)
* ACTION: decause ping the EDU list with the wiki page fale is working
on after it has been created (decause, 22:57:13)
* AGREED: decause is going to mail the EDU list for more information
about any past attempts of something like this and fale is going to
work on drafting a rough process of what an organization might have
to do to gain official recognition (jflory7, 22:57:57)
* Long-Term Plans: Magazine (jflory7, 22:58:03)
* Council will likely be approving/re-approving objectives in the very
near future, and having EDU pages ready for that would be helpful
(decause, 22:58:22)
(decause, 22:59:01)
* Open Floor (jflory7, 23:02:57)
Meeting ended at 23:06:39 UTC.
Action Items
* jflory7 Write the pointer article about GSoC on the Magazine once the
CommBlog article is drafted
* jflory7 / linuxmodder Bring up Marketing meeting times with FAmNA on
Thursday evening meeting
* jflory7 Follow up with nirik or puiterwijk about doing this and close
the ticket once completed
* nb will coordinate with decause about removing inactive people
* jzb Update the Marketing Join page to incorporate the new guidelines
proposed on the mailing list
* jflory7 Update Ticket #218 with new information and owners
* decause ping serverWG ML for status update
* decause work with fale to get server WG talking points from ML
* jflory7 Contact Fedora Infra about adding the prefix or file a ticket
in Infra Trac if necessary
* fale will draft the procedure for the official recognition of entities
using Fedora
* decause ping the EDU list with the wiki page fale is working on after
it has been created
Action Items, by person
* decause
* nb will coordinate with decause about removing inactive people
* decause ping serverWG ML for status update
* decause work with fale to get server WG talking points from ML
* decause ping the EDU list with the wiki page fale is working on
after it has been created
* fale
* decause work with fale to get server WG talking points from ML
* fale will draft the procedure for the official recognition of
entities using Fedora
* decause ping the EDU list with the wiki page fale is working on
after it has been created
* jflory7
* jflory7 Write the pointer article about GSoC on the Magazine once
the CommBlog article is drafted
* jflory7 / linuxmodder Bring up Marketing meeting times with FAmNA on
Thursday evening meeting
* jflory7 Follow up with nirik or puiterwijk about doing this and
close the ticket once completed
* jflory7 Update Ticket #218 with new information and owners
* jflory7 Contact Fedora Infra about adding the prefix or file a
ticket in Infra Trac if necessary
* jzb
* jzb Update the Marketing Join page to incorporate the new guidelines
proposed on the mailing list
* linuxmodder
* jflory7 / linuxmodder Bring up Marketing meeting times with FAmNA on
Thursday evening meeting
* nb
* nb will coordinate with decause about removing inactive people
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* jflory7 (233)
* decause (58)
* ardian (27)
* jzb (25)
* zodbot (19)
* fale (18)
* nb (10)
* simo (6)
* sesivany (4)
* jonatoni (3)
* linuxmodder (2)
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#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Cloud WG
Meeting started by kushal at 17:01:26 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Roll Call (kushal, 17:01:36)
* Action items from the last week's meeting (kushal, 17:04:47)
* Fedora Cloud FAD (late 2015/early 2016)
https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/115 (kushal, 17:14:12)
* Document process for using Fedora-Dockerfile branches
https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/123 (kushal, 17:20:12)
* Fedora-Dockerfiles examples for Kubernetes
https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/125 (kushal, 17:22:37)
* Atomic app team does not have bandwidth to maintain examples in
Fedora land (kushal, 17:25:27)
* make docker archived image get imported with lowercase tag
https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/131 (kushal, 17:31:02)
(imcleod, 17:32:23)
* Produce updated cloud base images monthly
https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/138 (kushal, 17:34:56)
* ACTION: maxamillion will write a SOP for 2WA release (kushal,
* ACTION: kushal to release an updated Cloud image with help from
everyone :) (kushal, 17:41:12)
* Don't overwrite download location for 2 week atomic images
https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/147 (kushal, 17:44:05)
* ACTION: maxamillion will update #147 (kushal, 17:48:37)
* Container "Packager" Guildelines and Naming Conventions
https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/148 (kushal, 17:49:03)
* Open Floor (kushal, 17:53:55)
Meeting ended at 18:01:12 UTC.
Action Items
* maxamillion will write a SOP for 2WA release
* kushal to release an updated Cloud image with help from everyone :)
* maxamillion will update #147
Action Items, by person
* kushal
* kushal to release an updated Cloud image with help from everyone :)
* maxamillion
* maxamillion will write a SOP for 2WA release
* maxamillion will update #147
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* kushal (121)
* dustymabe (45)
* maxamillion (28)
* scollier (16)
* zodbot (16)
* jberkus (14)
* rtnpro (10)
* imcleod (6)
* aalam (2)
* sayan (1)
* trishnag (1)
* jbrooks (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-03-02/workstation.201…
Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-03-02/workstation.201…
Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-03-02/workstation.201…
* * *
#fedora-meeting: Workstation WG
Meeting started by stickster at 15:00:00 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* Roll call (stickster, 15:00:03)
* PulseAudio flat volumes (stickster, 15:04:33)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1265267
(stickster, 15:04:53)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1265267#c2
(stickster, 15:12:49)
* ACTION: cschalle_ check in with Wim to move forward his flat-volume
fixes upstream, and get estimate on upstreaming (stickster,
* ACTION: mcatanzaro Remind stickster to put this on agenda four weeks
out ;-) to revisit (stickster, 15:23:30)
* Wayland - user marketing (stickster, 15:23:54)
(stickster, 15:24:01)
* Really the list that mattdm included is roughly all there is to say
for general users (stickster, 15:33:55)
* Wayland F24 default go/no-go (stickster, 15:38:09)
* stickster didn't put this on agenda but makes sense to discuss now
so we're clear on what to do for Alpha freeze 2016-Mar-08
(stickster, 15:38:45)
* ACTION: mclasen blog on "why Wayland anyway?" (stickster, 15:39:40)
* ACTION: stickster crib from aforementioned blog to write up talking
point for Marketing/Ambassadors (stickster, 15:39:56)
* mclasen advises some blockers remaining, specifically text proto for
the onscreen keyboard, and accessibility features remain undone atm
(stickster, 15:50:31)
* Unresolved on Wayland 24 default (+11: 3, -1: 1, +0: 2) (stickster,
* AGREED: We will resolve this fully next week, in addition to
third-party content discussion (stickster, 16:05:42)
* AGREED: , default can stay right now but we will be deciding next
week on freeze exception to change back to X11, if needed
(stickster, 16:06:32)
Meeting ended at 16:07:50 UTC.
Action Items
* cschalle_ check in with Wim to move forward his flat-volume fixes
upstream, and get estimate on upstreaming
* mcatanzaro Remind stickster to put this on agenda four weeks out ;-)
to revisit
* mclasen blog on "why Wayland anyway?"
* stickster crib from aforementioned blog to write up talking point for
Action Items, by person
* cschalle_
* cschalle_ check in with Wim to move forward his flat-volume fixes
upstream, and get estimate on upstreaming
* mcatanzaro
* mcatanzaro Remind stickster to put this on agenda four weeks out ;-)
to revisit
* mclasen
* mclasen blog on "why Wayland anyway?"
* stickster
* mcatanzaro Remind stickster to put this on agenda four weeks out ;-)
to revisit
* stickster crib from aforementioned blog to write up talking point
for Marketing/Ambassadors
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* stickster (93)
* mclasen (47)
* mcatanzaro (46)
* cschalle_ (25)
* mattdm (24)
* kalev (23)
* zodbot (16)
* otaylor (12)
* rdieter (4)
* jsmith (3)
* davidshea (2)
* adamw (1)
* kalev-afk (1)
* halfline (1)
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.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
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#fedora-meeting: Workstation WG
Meeting started by stickster at 15:00:00 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* Roll call (stickster, 15:00:03)
* PulseAudio flat volumes (stickster, 15:04:33)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1265267
(stickster, 15:04:53)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1265267#c2
(stickster, 15:12:49)
* ACTION: cschalle_ check in with Wim to move forward his flat-volume
fixes upstream, and get estimate on upstreaming (stickster,
* ACTION: mcatanzaro Remind stickster to put this on agenda four weeks
out ;-) to revisit (stickster, 15:23:30)
* Wayland - user marketing (stickster, 15:23:54)
(stickster, 15:24:01)
* Really the list that mattdm included is roughly all there is to say
for general users (stickster, 15:33:55)
* Wayland F24 default go/no-go (stickster, 15:38:09)
* stickster didn't put this on agenda but makes sense to discuss now
so we're clear on what to do for Alpha freeze 2016-Mar-08
(stickster, 15:38:45)
* ACTION: mclasen blog on "why Wayland anyway?" (stickster, 15:39:40)
* ACTION: stickster crib from aforementioned blog to write up talking
point for Marketing/Ambassadors (stickster, 15:39:56)
* mclasen advises some blockers remaining, specifically text proto for
the onscreen keyboard, and accessibility features remain undone atm
(stickster, 15:50:31)
* Unresolved on Wayland 24 default (+11: 3, -1: 1, +0: 2) (stickster,
* AGREED: We will resolve this fully next week, in addition to
third-party content discussion (stickster, 16:05:42)
* AGREED: , default can stay right now but we will be deciding next
week on freeze exception to change back to X11, if needed
(stickster, 16:06:32)
Meeting ended at 16:07:50 UTC.
Action Items
* cschalle_ check in with Wim to move forward his flat-volume fixes
upstream, and get estimate on upstreaming
* mcatanzaro Remind stickster to put this on agenda four weeks out ;-)
to revisit
* mclasen blog on "why Wayland anyway?"
* stickster crib from aforementioned blog to write up talking point for
Action Items, by person
* cschalle_
* cschalle_ check in with Wim to move forward his flat-volume fixes
upstream, and get estimate on upstreaming
* mcatanzaro
* mcatanzaro Remind stickster to put this on agenda four weeks out ;-)
to revisit
* mclasen
* mclasen blog on "why Wayland anyway?"
* stickster
* mcatanzaro Remind stickster to put this on agenda four weeks out ;-)
to revisit
* stickster crib from aforementioned blog to write up talking point
for Marketing/Ambassadors
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* stickster (93)
* mclasen (47)
* mcatanzaro (46)
* cschalle_ (25)
* mattdm (24)
* kalev (23)
* zodbot (16)
* otaylor (12)
* rdieter (4)
* jsmith (3)
* davidshea (2)
* adamw (1)
* kalev-afk (1)
* halfline (1)
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