#fedora-meeting-2: FAmSCo 2016-03-02
Meeting started by giannisk at 14:28:20 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Roll Call (giannisk, 14:28:31)
* No quorum; three out of seven members present. (giannisk, 14:31:33)
* Changing FAmSCo meeting time and/or day (giannisk, 14:32:24)
* ACTION: giannisk to reach out to the rest of FAmSCo, settle down
with a new meeting time and/or date and explore other options.
(giannisk, 14:42:28)
* ACTION: decause talk to council about options we have to support
FAmSCo (decause, 14:43:02)
* Final appointment of chair (giannisk, 14:47:59)
(decause, 15:09:59)
* ACTION: giannisk to post on the mailig list, ask the members opinion
about the current FAmSCo leadership. (giannisk, 15:10:33)
* The majority of FAmSCo is to decide whether the current FAmSCo
leadership remains or we conduct another round of elections
(giannisk, 15:10:54)
* Fudcon LATAM (giannisk, 15:13:39)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Puno_2016 (giannisk,
* Fudcon APAC (giannisk, 15:27:37)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/389 (giannisk,
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_PhnomPenh_2016
(giannisk, 15:28:18)
* We cannot vote during this meeting, no quorum met. (giannisk,
* ACTION: giannisk to ask the rest of FAmSCo to comment in the ticket
on trac. (giannisk, 15:33:15)
* Mentor nominations / cleaning-up inactive mentors (giannisk,
* ACTION: giannisk to post on the mailing list regarding the current
mentor nominations and also the process of cleaning up inactive ones
(giannisk, 15:37:28)
* Transition to FOSCo (giannisk, 15:37:53)
* Will be further discussed on the mailing list and during our next
meetings. (giannisk, 15:41:11)
* Action items from previous meetings (giannisk, 15:41:38)
* Open Floor (giannisk, 15:47:10)
Meeting ended at 15:54:05 UTC.
Action Items
* giannisk to reach out to the rest of FAmSCo, settle down with a new
meeting time and/or date and explore other options.
* decause talk to council about options we have to support FAmSCo
* giannisk to post on the mailig list, ask the members opinion about the
current FAmSCo leadership.
* giannisk to ask the rest of FAmSCo to comment in the ticket on trac.
* giannisk to post on the mailing list regarding the current mentor
nominations and also the process of cleaning up inactive ones
Action Items, by person
* decause
* decause talk to council about options we have to support FAmSCo
* giannisk
* giannisk to reach out to the rest of FAmSCo, settle down with a new
meeting time and/or date and explore other options.
* giannisk to post on the mailig list, ask the members opinion about
the current FAmSCo leadership.
* giannisk to ask the rest of FAmSCo to comment in the ticket on trac.
* giannisk to post on the mailing list regarding the current mentor
nominations and also the process of cleaning up inactive ones
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* giannisk (115)
* potty (45)
* decause (40)
* mailga (21)
* zodbot (14)
* Southern_Gentlem (3)
* jflory7 (1)
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#gluster-meeting: Gluster Community Weekly Meeting 02-Mar-2016
Meeting started by kshlm at 12:00:05 UTC. The full logs are available at
Meeting summary
* rollcall (kshlm, 12:00:37)
* Last Weeks AIs. (kshlm, 12:03:44)
* aravindavk to add Gluster Eventing & REST API support in 3.8 roadmap
(kshlm, 12:03:54)
* ACTION: kkeithley to send a mail about using sanity checker tools in
the codebase (kshlm, 12:05:46)
* ACTION: kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit,
bugzilla, github (kshlm, 12:05:57)
* kshlm to update amye to update the website with latest release notes
(kshlm, 12:06:25)
* ACTION: kshlm to ping amye to update website to point to correct
release (kshlm, 12:07:28)
* kshlm to follow up with rabhat about 3.6.9 updates (kshlm, 12:07:44)
* raghug/kshlm to follow up on maintainers list for a replacement of
3.7.9 release manager (kshlm, 12:08:16)
* lpabon to review Eventing design (kshlm, 12:09:02)
* ndevos to send out a reminder to the maintainers about more actively
enforcing backports of bugfixes (kshlm, 12:10:57)
* ndevos to announce 3.5.8 availability later this week (kshlm,
(ndevos, 12:14:19)
* ACTION: ndevos will send out 3.5.8 announcement after the meeting
(kshlm, 12:17:28)
* GlusterFs 3.7 (kshlm, 12:17:48)
* ACTION: kshlm to ask hagarth to provide an update on 3.7.9 (kshlm,
* GlusterFS 3.6 (kshlm, 12:21:26)
(ndevos, 12:23:57)
* GlusterFS 3.5 (kshlm, 12:25:37)
* GlusterFS 3.8 and 4.0 (kshlm, 12:30:15)
* ACTION: msvbhat will add a HOWTO for DiSTAF for developers to write
tests (kshlm, 12:33:29)
* ACTION: msvbhat to mail gluster-devel soliciting opinions on
location of DiSTAF tests. (kshlm, 12:36:09)
* ACTION: overclk to share notes from DHT2 discussion with jdarcy
(kshlm, 12:44:58)
* ACTION: jdarcy to share his notes from his Bangalore discussions
with the community (kshlm, 12:49:43)
* ACTION: kshlm/atinm to share notes on the GD2 discussions with
jdarcy (kshlm, 12:50:01)
* Open Floor (kshlm, 12:50:36)
* LINK: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/Snapshots_in_glusterfs
(pkalever, 12:53:34)
* overclk: MAINTAINER addition - http://review.gluster.org/#/c/11171/
(kshlm, 12:59:43)
(kshlm, 13:04:22)
* ACTION: kshlm to start discussion on improving maintainer
(kshlm, 13:08:15)
* Next weeks meeting (and the one on 25th) will be held at 1500UTC
(ndevos, 13:10:14)
Meeting ended at 13:11:52 UTC.
Action Items
* kkeithley to send a mail about using sanity checker tools in the
* kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla,
* kshlm to ping amye to update website to point to correct release
* ndevos will send out 3.5.8 announcement after the meeting
* kshlm to ask hagarth to provide an update on 3.7.9
* msvbhat will add a HOWTO for DiSTAF for developers to write tests
* msvbhat to mail gluster-devel soliciting opinions on location of
DiSTAF tests.
* overclk to share notes from DHT2 discussion with jdarcy
* jdarcy to share his notes from his Bangalore discussions with the
* kshlm/atinm to share notes on the GD2 discussions with jdarcy
* kshlm to start discussion on improving maintainer documentation
Action Items, by person
* kshlm
* kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla,
* kshlm to ping amye to update website to point to correct release
* kshlm to ask hagarth to provide an update on 3.7.9
* kshlm/atinm to share notes on the GD2 discussions with jdarcy
* kshlm to start discussion on improving maintainer documentation
* msvbhat
* msvbhat will add a HOWTO for DiSTAF for developers to write tests
* msvbhat to mail gluster-devel soliciting opinions on location of
DiSTAF tests.
* ndevos
* ndevos will send out 3.5.8 announcement after the meeting
* overclk
* overclk to share notes from DHT2 discussion with jdarcy
* kkeithley to send a mail about using sanity checker tools in the
* jdarcy to share his notes from his Bangalore discussions with the
People Present (lines said)
* kshlm (161)
* ndevos (34)
* overclk (33)
* msvbhat (18)
* pkalever (8)
* aravindavk (5)
* lpabon (4)
* zodbot (3)
* post-factum (2)
* josferna_ (2)
* jiffin (1)
* ggarg (1)
* hchiramm (1)
* rjoseph (1)
* rastar (1)
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#ansible-meeting: Ansible Community Working Group
Meeting started by rbergeron at 19:31:23 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* Today's agenda (rbergeron, 19:31:53)
* today's agenda brought to you by github and waffle (rbergeron,
* LINK: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues (rbergeron,
* LINK: https://waffle.io/ansible/community (rbergeron, 19:33:09)
* Things in Needs Review Column (rbergeron, 19:35:34)
* ACTION: rbergero to close remaining issues relating to PR #20
(rbergeron, 19:38:29)
* What order do we go in? (rbergeron, 19:39:04)
* AGREED: We will do needs review, in-progress, ready, backlog in that
order for community wg meetings (rbergeron, 19:40:36)
* Committers Guidelines (rbergeron, 19:41:38)
* LINK: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/3 (rbergeron,
* still undergoing internal review (rbergeron, 19:43:05)
* create the testing working group (rbergeron, 19:43:36)
* LINK: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/9 (rbergeron,
* no progress in testing working group today (gregdek, 19:44:21)
* LINK: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/18 (gregdek,
* LINK: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/23 (gregdek,
* LINK: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/junos_command_module.html
(mordred, 19:47:14)
* Random Meeting Topic: Networking Stuff :) (rbergeron, 19:47:27)
<-- note "version added" (rbergeron, 19:48:58)
* ACTION: gregdek will add a todo for a documentation working group
(gregdek, 19:51:09)
* Proposal for proposals. (rbergeron, 19:54:31)
* LINK: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/23 (rbergeron,
* Started working this and hope to god to post something today or
early tomorrow morning. (rbergeron, 19:56:43)
* maintainers for ceph modules (rbergeron, 19:57:55)
* LINK: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/16 (rbergeron,
* ACTION: gregdek to close #16 (rbergeron, 19:59:04)
* Schedule an ansible durham meetup (rbergeron, 19:59:22)
* LINK: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/14 (rbergeron,
* Open Source Galaxy (rbergeron, 20:01:05)
* LINK: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/11 (rbergeron,
* robyn is pulling together requirements list (rbergeron, 20:01:38)
* Next up: Things in the Ready Column (rbergeron, 20:03:00)
* Schedule a community meeting (not this one, lol) (rbergeron,
* LINK: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/10 (rbergeron,
* I lied, it is this meeting. I didn't read the issue (rbergeron,
* we are already doing this now. (rbergeron, 20:05:38)
* ACTION: gregdek to close #10 (rbergeron, 20:05:42)
* ACTION: gregdek open one for the weekly core meeting to poke at :)
(rbergeron, 20:06:04)
* Promote Best Tools (rbergeron, 20:06:12)
* LINK: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/5 (rbergeron,
* New Things! (rbergeron, 20:07:08)
* things in the "backlog" column (rbergeron, 20:07:34)
* open items / open floor (rbergeron, 20:10:19)
Meeting ended at 20:17:13 UTC.
Action Items
* rbergero to close remaining issues relating to PR #20
* gregdek will add a todo for a documentation working group
* gregdek to close #16
* gregdek to close #10
* gregdek open one for the weekly core meeting to poke at :)
Action Items, by person
* gregdek
* gregdek will add a todo for a documentation working group
* gregdek to close #16
* gregdek to close #10
* gregdek open one for the weekly core meeting to poke at :)
* rbergero to close remaining issues relating to PR #20
People Present (lines said)
* rbergeron (91)
* gregdek (46)
* devananda (8)
* mordred (8)
* zodbot (6)
* bcoca (3)
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#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora CommOps (2016-03-01)
Meeting started by jflory7 at 16:55:53 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (jflory7, 16:56:04)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:CommOps_2016-03-01
(jflory7, 16:56:08)
* 1. Roll Call (jflory7, 16:56:12)
* 2. Announcements (jflory7, 16:56:16)
* 3. Tickets (jflory7, 16:56:22)
* 4. Wiki Gardening (jflory7, 16:56:27)
* 5. Community Blog (jflory7, 16:56:33)
* 6. Open Floor (jflory7, 16:56:38)
* Roll Call (jflory7, 16:56:42)
* Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas (jflory7, 16:56:46)
* Justin W. Flory; UTC-5; CommOps, Marketing (Magazine), Ambassadors,
Join, and more (jflory7, 16:57:03)
* decause; UTC-5; CommOps, Council, EDU, Python (decause, 16:57:19)
* Sachin Kamath; UTC +5.30 ; CommOps (skamath, 17:02:47)
* Announcements (jflory7, 17:03:43)
* === Ticket #37 === (jflory7, 17:03:49)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/37 (jflory7,
* * "Making a "Join" series on the wiki" (jflory7, 17:03:56)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps/Join (jflory7,
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join (jflory7, 17:04:04)
* It's official! CommOps has a documented on-boarding process and it
is shared across the wiki in the official channels. This should help
grant us some additional visibility to new contributors looking to
get involved. (jflory7, 17:04:08)
* === Ticket #46 === (jflory7, 17:05:20)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/46 (jflory7,
* * "[New Post] Outreachy Promotional Post" (jflory7, 17:05:26)
(jflory7, 17:05:30)
* Post published, shared on Reddit, Telegram; could use a social media
boost? (jflory7, 17:05:35)
* ACTION: decause post outreachy announce to Fedora FB page after
commops meeting (decause, 17:06:14)
* ACTION: linux-modder link to outreachy post on G+ / PW blog
(linux-modder, 17:06:47)
* === Ticket #47 === (jflory7, 17:06:48)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/47 (jflory7,
* * "This Trac is hard to find" (jflory7, 17:06:57)
* Was resolved during Ticket #37 - we now have our Trac more clearly
defined on our wiki page as its own section under "Communication" as
kparal suggested. kparal++ (jflory7, 17:07:02)
* === Ticket #60 === (jflory7, 17:07:10)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/60 (jflory7,
* * "[Onboarding Series] All The Series'" (jflory7, 17:07:18)
* All tickets for on-boarding badge series for each individual
sub-project have been added to our Trac and are ready to go – we'll
begin working at completing them one sub-project at a time. The
above ticket serves as a tracker for all the different tickets (as
part of a larger objective). (jflory7, 17:07:23)
(decause, 17:07:36)
(decause, 17:08:57)
* Fedora/Atomic have been accepted to Google Summer of Code 2016:
(decause, 17:12:53)
(decause, 17:12:59)
* Fedora Friends Birds of a Feather Session was accepted for Red Hat
Summit (decause, 17:14:52)
* Tickets (jflory7, 17:15:24)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/report/9 (jflory7,
* === Ticket #2 === (jflory7, 17:15:38)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/2 (jflory7,
* * "Request for a tool to converge tickets from the main teams to
commops ticketing" (jflory7, 17:15:47)
(decause, 17:18:58)
* LINK: https://badges.fedoraproject.org (decause, 17:20:21)
* [Ticket #2] threebean is currently low on cycles and is the best
point of contact for this ticket; once he has some more time, we
will follow up with him about how to go about implementing this
feature (jflory7, 17:23:15)
* ACTION: linux-modder to chat with threebean about #409 and work
on ticket in infra-trac per convo (linux-modder, 17:23:19)
* [Ticket #2] Anyone interested is welcome to CC themselves to this
ticket as well! (jflory7, 17:23:34)
* === Ticket #11 === (jflory7, 17:23:50)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/11 (jflory7,
* * "Infra + Websites Collaboration: Budgeting Site" (jflory7,
* LINK: http://imgur.com/a/ujXRI (decause, 17:26:28)
* ACTION: jflory7 Close Ticket #11 (jflory7, 17:26:55)
* AGREED: decause has finished the 1.0 release of the Budgets site and
it should see action soon across the Fedora Infra team. Stay tuned
for the official premier of the site! (jflory7, 17:27:24)
* === Ticket #17 === (jflory7, 17:27:37)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/17 (jflory7,
* * "Interview Fedora's Diversity and Inclusion Advisor, tatica"
(jflory7, 17:27:45)
* AGREED: Pushing back another week for now, will check in again next
week (jflory7, 17:28:17)
* === Ticket #29 === (jflory7, 17:28:21)
* ACTION: decause ping tatica, check-in with her and see how she's
doing for next week (decause, 17:28:21)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/29 (jflory7,
* * "G11n - proposal for the group revitalization" (jflory7,
* In last week's hack session, we met with aeng from the G11n team and
decause and aeng brainstormed some ways to help boost the G11n
sub-project back up, including discussing the details of the vFAD.
However, this information has not been shared on the ticket yet.
(jflory7, 17:28:33)
* LINK: https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/commops-power-sessions
(jflory7, 17:28:37)
* DO NOT try to export the HTML... it crashes the entire etherpad
server ;) (decause, 17:29:03)
* danofsatx, dmossor, UTC-6, CommOps, Ambassadors, QA, Server, KDE, ++
(danofsatx, 17:29:27)
* Anyone who crashes the GNOME etherpad server better run away from me
(puiterwijk, 17:29:36)
* ACTION: decause attend g11n meeting today (if it's today) (decause,
* ACTION: decause / jflory7 Follow up with pravins and aeng about G11n
vFAD and CommBlog article for revitalization efforts (jflory7,
* === Ticket #39 === (jflory7, 17:36:22)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/39 (jflory7,
* * "CommOps and Google Summer of Code" (jflory7, 17:36:29)
* Fedora + Atomic is now a participating member of Google Summer of
Code for a tenth year! Woohoo! Thanks to all the people that put in
the extra cycles to help pull this together and make it happen. Next
steps: a CommBlog article and more publicity for this? What
milestones do we want to set? (jflory7, 17:36:34)
* ACTION: jflory7 Draft up a GSoC announcement post confirming
Fedora's participation and linking to the essential pages [DUE:
March 2]] (jflory7, 17:37:49)
* ACTION: link to GSoC post on blog and elsewhere (including
ycombinator) (linux-modder, 17:38:06)
* ACTION: linux-modder link to GSoC post on blog and elsewhere
(including ycombinator) (linux-modder, 17:38:06)
* decause's goal is to get the ratio of mentors-to-ideas to be 1:1 for
GSoC (or higher) (decause, 17:40:25)
* ACTION: decause join #gsoc on freenode (decause, 17:40:48)
* ACTION: linux-modder add yourself as a mentor for hubs on ideas
page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Summer_coding_ideas_for_2016
(decause, 17:41:26)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/61 this should
be a 2 min task for anyone who is admin on the blog :) (c0mrad3,
* ACTION: cprofitt create quality category (cprofitt, 17:44:10)
* GSoC welcome drafting page here:
http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedora-gsoc-welcome-2016 (decause,
* AGREED: Next plans for GSoC after immediate broadcasting on the
Community Blog and social media will be to create the standard
"welcoming package" to help on-board newcomers from GSoC into
CommOps and other related projects. (jflory7, 17:45:29)
* LINK: http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedora-gsoc-welcome-2016
(decause, 17:46:15)
* Wiki Gardening (jflory7, 17:46:55)
* ACTION: NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps ] (jflory7, 17:47:05)
* HELP: The Fedora Join page could use some cycles for tidying up,
reformating, and general cleanup. It's a well-visited page and it's
important the information on this page is current and correct.
(jflory7, 17:47:09)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join (jflory7, 17:47:13)
* Community Blog (jflory7, 17:53:37)
* === This Week in CommBlog === (jflory7, 17:54:02)
* * "Fedora Infrastructure projects in IndiaHacks 2016" (jflory7,
(jflory7, 17:54:10)
* Total Views (Feb. 23 - Mar. 01): 221 (jflory7, 17:54:13)
(jflory7, 17:54:17)
* * "Outreachy 2016 remote internships and Fedora" (jflory7,
(jflory7, 17:54:25)
* Total Views (Feb. 25 - Mar. 01): 91 (jflory7, 17:54:28)
(jflory7, 17:54:32)
* ACTION: jflory7 Share this article link with social-media mailing
list (jflory7, 17:54:37)
* * "Friday Fedora Web Dev Clinic" (jflory7, 17:54:41)
(jflory7, 17:54:45)
* Total Views (Feb. 25 - Mar. 01): 33 (jflory7, 17:54:49)
(jflory7, 17:54:53)
* * "Heroes of Fedora (HoF) – F23 Beta" (jflory7, 17:54:57)
(jflory7, 17:55:01)
* Total Views (Feb. 29 - Mar. 01): 24 (jflory7, 17:55:06)
(jflory7, 17:55:10)
* ACTION: jflory7 Put the Heroes of Fedora article on the Telegram
broadcast group (jflory7, 17:55:26)
* * "PCWorld interviews FPL Matthew Miller for Fedora 2016 plans"
(jflory7, 17:55:30)
(jflory7, 17:55:35)
* Total Views (Feb. 29 - Mar. 01): 19 (jflory7, 17:55:39)
(jflory7, 17:55:43)
* === Coming Up in CommBlog === (jflory7, 17:55:47)
* * "Campus Ambassadors Initiative" (jflory7, 17:55:51)
(jflory7, 17:55:55)
* ACTION: jflory7 Finish getting this drafted for next week (jflory7,
* [12:55:14] <cprofitt> on the article about Campus Ambassadors -- add
some keywords that related to K-12, Secondary Education, High
School, etc. (jflory7, 17:56:07)
* DROWN article coming up Today (decause, 17:56:18)
* Event Reports from Europe (FOSDEM/DevConf/Cfgmgmntcamp) coming soon
too (decause, 17:56:42)
* Trash is just another queue in Wordpress, it can always be rescued
;) (decause, 17:59:07)
* "Fedora Server Working Group discusses minimal installs" moved to
Trash, article is outdated and may not even be major news because of
Server Working Group's current objectives (jflory7, 17:59:42)
* Open Floor (jflory7, 18:00:10)
* Welcome new CommOps members! Be sure to introduce yourselves on the
mailing list, and to apply for FAS group membership, join the
mailing lists, etc... (decause, 18:00:55)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps/Join (jflory7,
* jflory7 will be low on cycles this week and may not be around as
often as normal (jflory7, 18:02:10)
* ACTION: jflory7 Prepare next week's meeting agenda a little bit
earlier than the hour before (jflory7, 18:03:04)
* ACTION: jflory7 Follow up on Quality category for the CommBlog
(jflory7, 18:03:23)
* ACTION: jflory7 Add minutes / logs to the wiki page after meeting
(jflory7, 18:04:06)
Meeting ended at 18:04:24 UTC.
Action Items
* decause post outreachy announce to Fedora FB page after commops
* linux-modder link to outreachy post on G+ / PW blog
* linux-modder to chat with threebean about #409 and work on ticket
in infra-trac per convo
* jflory7 Close Ticket #11
* decause ping tatica, check-in with her and see how she's doing for
next week
* decause attend g11n meeting today (if it's today)
* decause / jflory7 Follow up with pravins and aeng about G11n vFAD and
CommBlog article for revitalization efforts
* jflory7 Draft up a GSoC announcement post confirming Fedora's
participation and linking to the essential pages [DUE: March 2]]
* link to GSoC post on blog and elsewhere (including ycombinator)
* linux-modder link to GSoC post on blog and elsewhere (including
* decause join #gsoc on freenode
* linux-modder add yourself as a mentor for hubs on ideas page:
* cprofitt create quality category
* NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps ]
* jflory7 Share this article link with social-media mailing list
* jflory7 Put the Heroes of Fedora article on the Telegram broadcast
* jflory7 Finish getting this drafted for next week
* jflory7 Prepare next week's meeting agenda a little bit earlier than
the hour before
* jflory7 Follow up on Quality category for the CommBlog
* jflory7 Add minutes / logs to the wiki page after meeting
Action Items, by person
* aeng
* decause / jflory7 Follow up with pravins and aeng about G11n vFAD
and CommBlog article for revitalization efforts
* cprofitt
* cprofitt create quality category
* decause
* decause post outreachy announce to Fedora FB page after commops
* decause ping tatica, check-in with her and see how she's doing for
next week
* decause attend g11n meeting today (if it's today)
* decause / jflory7 Follow up with pravins and aeng about G11n vFAD
and CommBlog article for revitalization efforts
* decause join #gsoc on freenode
* jflory7
* jflory7 Close Ticket #11
* decause / jflory7 Follow up with pravins and aeng about G11n vFAD
and CommBlog article for revitalization efforts
* jflory7 Draft up a GSoC announcement post confirming Fedora's
participation and linking to the essential pages [DUE: March 2]]
* jflory7 Share this article link with social-media mailing list
* jflory7 Put the Heroes of Fedora article on the Telegram broadcast
* jflory7 Finish getting this drafted for next week
* jflory7 Prepare next week's meeting agenda a little bit earlier than
the hour before
* jflory7 Follow up on Quality category for the CommBlog
* jflory7 Add minutes / logs to the wiki page after meeting
* linux-modder
* linux-modder link to outreachy post on G+ / PW blog
* linux-modder to chat with threebean about #409 and work on ticket
in infra-trac per convo
* linux-modder link to GSoC post on blog and elsewhere (including
* linux-modder add yourself as a mentor for hubs on ideas page:
* NewMembers
* NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps ]
* pravins
* decause / jflory7 Follow up with pravins and aeng about G11n vFAD
and CommBlog article for revitalization efforts
* link to GSoC post on blog and elsewhere (including ycombinator)
People Present (lines said)
* jflory7 (283)
* decause (174)
* linux-modder (70)
* zodbot (37)
* c0mrad3 (31)
* cprofitt (19)
* skamath (16)
* bee2502_ (8)
* puiterwijk (5)
* fale (5)
* danofsatx (4)
* kushal (3)
* Southern_Gentlem (2)
* NewMembers (0)
* pravins (0)
* aeng (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBothttps://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2016-03-01/commops.2016-…
You received this message due to your preference settings at
#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting
Meeting started by pwhalen at 16:01:27 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* 1) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== (pwhalen, 16:02:44)
* No current package issues. Coming to the end of the mass rebuild
with less than 2400 to go. (pwhalen, 16:03:57)
* F25 builds to start once F24 is current. (pwhalen, 16:04:41)
* 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== (pwhalen, 16:06:32)
* gcc 6 breaks booting on numerous ARM devices -
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1303147 (pwhalen,
* Assistance with this would be much appreciated! (pwhalen, 16:09:36)
* 3) ==== U-Boot Status ==== (pwhalen, 16:18:50)
* Latest - uboot-tools-2016.03-0.3.rc3 (pwhalen, 16:19:19)
* Tested on the Banana Pi (fixes previous data abort when loading
kernel), Panda and Wandboard. No issues so far. (pwhalen, 16:20:01)
* 4) == Open Floor == (pwhalen, 16:22:01)
Meeting ended at 16:27:03 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* pwhalen (29)
* pbrobinson (29)
* hrw (16)
* zodbot (7)
* yselkowitz (1)
* jsmith (1)
* dmarlin (0)
* bconoboy (0)
* dgilmore (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBothttps://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2016-03-01/fedora_arm_an…
You received this message due to your preference settings at
#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting
Meeting started by pwhalen at 16:01:27 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* 1) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== (pwhalen, 16:02:44)
* No current package issues. Coming to the end of the mass rebuild
with less than 2400 to go. (pwhalen, 16:03:57)
* F25 builds to start once F24 is current. (pwhalen, 16:04:41)
* 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== (pwhalen, 16:06:32)
* gcc 6 breaks booting on numerous ARM devices -
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1303147 (pwhalen,
* Assistance with this would be much appreciated! (pwhalen, 16:09:36)
* 3) ==== U-Boot Status ==== (pwhalen, 16:18:50)
* Latest - uboot-tools-2016.03-0.3.rc3 (pwhalen, 16:19:19)
* Tested on the Banana Pi (fixes previous data abort when loading
kernel), Panda and Wandboard. No issues so far. (pwhalen, 16:20:01)
* 4) == Open Floor == (pwhalen, 16:22:01)
Meeting ended at 16:27:03 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* pwhalen (29)
* pbrobinson (29)
* hrw (16)
* zodbot (7)
* yselkowitz (1)
* jsmith (1)
* dmarlin (0)
* bconoboy (0)
* dgilmore (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot