#fedora-meeting: Fedora CommOps (2016-03-29)
Meeting started by jflory7 at 15:56:03 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (jflory7, 15:56:16)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:CommOps_2016-03-29
(jflory7, 15:56:22)
* (1) Roll Call (jflory7, 15:56:26)
* (2) Announcements (jflory7, 15:56:30)
* (3) Action items from last meeting (jflory7, 15:56:36)
* (4) Tickets (jflory7, 15:56:40)
* (5) Wiki Gardening (jflory7, 15:56:44)
* (6) Community Blog (jflory7, 15:56:49)
* (7) Open Floor (jflory7, 15:56:53)
* Roll Call (jflory7, 15:57:04)
* Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas (jflory7, 15:57:16)
* Justin W. Flory; UTC-4; CommOps, Marketing / Magazine, Ambassadors,
etc. (jflory7, 15:57:42)
* danofsatx, Dan Mossor, UTC-5, CommOps, Ambassadors, Campus
Ambassadors, Server, KDE, QA (danofsatx, 15:58:05)
* Sachin S Kamath ; UTC+5.30; CommOps, Ambassadors, * (skamath,
* Bee ; UTC +5.30 ; CommOps, Metrics - go fedmsg !! :) (bee2502_,
* wesley otugo UTC|+1 (wesleyotugo, 16:02:19)
* Announcements (jflory7, 16:06:33)
* === Ticket #17 === (jflory7, 16:06:38)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/17 (jflory7,
* "Interview Fedora's Diversity and Inclusion Advisor, tatica"
(jflory7, 16:06:46)
* Ticket closed! Announcement posted on the mailing list. Welcome
tatica as Fedora's first Diversity Adviser! (jflory7, 16:06:51)
(jflory7, 16:06:55)
* LINK: http://openclipart.org (decause, 16:07:48)
* === Ticket #26 === (jflory7, 16:08:04)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/26 (jflory7,
* * "Mailing lists analysis and graphs" ' (jflory7, 16:08:09)
* This ticket is also open; another *great* ticket for someone new who
wants to get involved. Ticket looks at mailing list activity in
Fedora with fedmsg and tries to try conclusions from that data. If
this interests you, ask to claim this ticket at Open Floor or on the
mailing list! (jflory7, 16:08:15)
* === Ticket #45 === (jflory7, 16:08:20)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/45 (jflory7,
* * "Talking Points: Python" (jflory7, 16:08:29)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/219 (jflory7,
* AGREED: All further discussions about the Python talking points
should happen in the Marketing Trac ticket (the CommOps ticket will
be a "downstream" ticket) (jflory7, 16:11:33)
* === Fedora 24 Alpha is out today === (jflory7, 16:11:45)
* LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-24-alpha-released/
(jflory7, 16:11:50)
* Today's big announcement is the Fedora 24 Alpha release! Awesome
work for everyone involved with this past release cycle, keep it up
for the beta and the release! (jflory7, 16:11:54)
* AGREED: Fedorans are awesome! (jflory7, 16:11:59)
* Action items from last meeting (jflory7, 16:14:01)
(jflory7, 16:14:07)
* === linuxmodder to continue working on ticket 21 with update and
solid draft for next week === (jflory7, 16:14:13)
* === [COMPLETE] decause Send out the announcement of the Fedora
Diversity Adviser position === (jflory7, 16:14:42)
(jflory7, 16:14:47)
* === [COMPLETE] decause / jflory7 Mirror the announcement on the
Community Blog === (jflory7, 16:14:53)
(jflory7, 16:14:58)
* === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Review and edit bee2502's fedmsg2gource
article for the Community Blog === (jflory7, 16:15:03)
(jflory7, 16:15:07)
* === [COMPLETE] decause follow up with OSAS about Limesurvey for
Contributor Survey in Fedoraland === (jflory7, 16:15:16)
* === [COMPLETE] decause review GSoC proposals today === (jflory7,
* ACTION: decause work with jzb to create the account for LimeSurvey
(decause, 16:15:53)
* === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Create tickets for the two wiki gardening
tasks of the Join page and F24 Talking Points === (jflory7,
* === [COMPLETE] decause ping the GSoC Mentors one more time to get
listed on the GSoC site. === (jflory7, 16:16:19)
* === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Convert Etherpad Power Session items into
tickets in CommOps Trac === (jflory7, 16:16:25)
* LINK: https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/commops-power-sessions
(jflory7, 16:16:30)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/65 (jflory7,
* === [INCOMPLETE] commops add "save the date" for g11n vFAD to
onboarding Fedocal === (jflory7, 16:16:44)
* ACTION: jflory7 Create an event in the Onboarding calendar for the
G11n vFAD (jflory7, 16:16:47)
* === [IN PROGRESS] jflory7 / pravins / noriko Get the planned dates
for the G11n vFAD into the Onboarding calendar in Fedocal ===
(jflory7, 16:16:52)
* === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Reply to email from pravins ASAP about
CommBlog G11n vFAD article === (jflory7, 16:17:06)
* === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Get the Etherpad badge proposals to the
ticket ASAP === (jflory7, 16:17:12)
* ACTION: jflory7 Get the Etherpad badge proposals to the ticket
(jflory7, 16:17:29)
* === [COMPLETE] skamath Officially "accept" Ticket #63 on Trac and
begin working on adding dates to the calendar for GSoC ===
(jflory7, 16:17:34)
* === Dimuthu Begin working on adding the dates to the calendar for
Outreachy === (jflory7, 16:17:37)
* Tickets (jflory7, 16:18:49)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/report/9 (jflory7,
* === Ticket #29 === (jflory7, 16:18:59)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/29 (jflory7,
* "G11n - proposal for the group revitalization" (jflory7, 16:19:07)
(jflory7, 16:20:36)
* ACTION: decause create featured image for g11n article on commblog
(decause, 16:21:54)
* Tummala Dhanvi ; UTC+5:30, CommOps,Docs,Security,* (c0mrad3,
* AGREED: Next step for G11n vFAD is to publish the CommBlog article
and syndicate on social media; agreed on a publication date of
Thursday, 2016-03-31 for the article, pending final approval by
pravins / noriko. The vFAD is coming up soon! (jflory7, 16:27:04)
* === Ticket #39 === (jflory7, 16:27:27)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/39 (jflory7,
* "CommOps and Google Summer of Code" (jflory7, 16:27:36)
* tried to import the GSoC calendar to fedocal, got a 500 error, filed
a ticket (decause, 16:28:02)
* GSoC mentors will be reviewing proposals this week and making slot
determinations by April 11th (decause, 16:28:31)
* congrats to the GSoC applicants who successfully submitted proposals
on time. There were def several very strong applications. (decause,
* === Ticket #49 === (jflory7, 16:30:09)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/49 (jflory7,
* "[Onboarding Series] Infrastructure" (jflory7, 16:30:23)
* AGREED: HACK SESSION: Tonight, 22:00 - 01:00 UTC (jflory7,
* ACTION: jflory7 Create a Fedocal entry in CommOps for the Hack
Session ASAP (jflory7, 16:35:28)
* === Ticket #65 === (jflory7, 16:35:51)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/65 (c0mrad3,
* "Convert etherpad power session (Hack-sessions) into Tickets"
(jflory7, 16:36:12)
* Moving this from action item into a ticket. jflory7 accepted this
ticket and intends to get it done this week now that he's done
traveling. (jflory7, 16:36:18)
* === Ticket #66 === (jflory7, 16:38:08)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/66 (jflory7,
* "Create a Call For Nominations for Server WG Election" (jflory7,
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Server/Governance_Charter
(sgallagh, 16:41:58)
* ACTION: jflory schedule modularity article to publish on tuesday
next week (decause, 16:47:39)
* Wiki Gardening (jflory7, 16:48:03)
* ACTION: NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps ] (jflory7, 16:48:11)
* HELP: The Fedora Join page could use some cycles for tidying up,
reformatting, and general cleanup. It's a well-visited page and it's
important the information on this page is current and correct.
(jflory7, 16:48:15)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join (jflory7, 16:48:20)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/62 (jflory7,
* ACTION: jflory7 Get back with dhanvi about what is needed to be
updated, how to go about doing it, etc. (make the game plan)
(jflory7, 16:48:28)
* HELP: CommOps reconcile the final version of the alpha release
announce on magazine into f24 alpha release wiki page (jflory7,
* LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-24-alpha-released/
(jflory7, 16:48:50)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F24_Alpha_release_announcement
(jflory7, 16:48:56)
* AGREED: The release announcement reconciliation is a target
objective for tonight's hack session (jflory7, 16:49:50)
* Community Blog (jflory7, 16:50:38)
* === This Week in CommBlog === (jflory7, 16:50:43)
* (1) "Announcing Fedora’s Diversity Adviser" (jflory7, 16:50:48)
(jflory7, 16:50:52)
* Total Views (Mar. 24 - Mar. 29): 229 (jflory7, 16:51:08)
(jflory7, 16:51:10)
* (2) "“I contributed!” 2015 Gource Video Series (3/3)" (jflory7,
(jflory7, 16:51:23)
* Total Views (Mar. 24 - Mar. 29): 21 (jflory7, 16:51:27)
(jflory7, 16:51:31)
* (3) "FOSSASIA 2016: Singapore" (jflory7, 16:51:35)
(jflory7, 16:51:39)
* Total Views (Mar. 25 - Mar. 29): 25 (jflory7, 16:51:44)
(jflory7, 16:51:49)
* (4) "Fedora was at PyCon SK 2016" (jflory7, 16:51:53)
(jflory7, 16:51:59)
* Total Views (Mar. 29): 8 (jflory7, 16:52:03)
(jflory7, 16:52:08)
* === Coming Up in CommBlog === (jflory7, 16:52:18)
* (1) "Campus Ambassadors Initiative" (jflory7, 16:52:23)
(jflory7, 16:52:27)
(jflory7, 16:52:33)
* (2) "DevConfCZ 2016: Event Report" (jflory7, 16:52:36)
* LINK: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=1027&preview=true
(jflory7, 16:52:40)
* (3) "Fedora Essentials: Trac for Beginners" (jflory7, 16:52:44)
* LINK: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=1025&preview=true
(jflory7, 16:52:48)
* (4) "Golden chance to translate Fedora 24 in your language"
(jflory7, 16:52:54)
(jflory7, 16:52:59)
* === Other Interesting Things of Note === (jflory7, 16:53:03)
* (1) "Women in Computing and Fedora" article rolled over to 1,000+
views! (jflory7, 16:53:07)
(jflory7, 16:53:12)
* (2) Most popular article, consistently, is the "Fedora 24 release
dates and schedule" article, with 3,911 views (this month actually
being the most views ever, even from original publication).
(jflory7, 16:53:15)
(jflory7, 16:53:20)
* decause will interview nmcallum on Tang/Clevis next Wednsday
afternoon for commblog (they are doing a 1.0 release shortly
thereafter) (decause, 16:56:20)
* Open Floor (jflory7, 16:56:31)
(decause, 16:57:02)
* We're helping design team prepare Fedora (and other OSAS projects)
for Red Hat Summit: https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/435
(decause, 16:57:24)
* it was done quickly this time around, but next time, commops is
going to own the process of wrangling the Alpha/Beta/GA release
announcements: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/67
(decause, 16:58:19)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/67 (jflory7,
* FEDORA 24 BETA RELEASE DATE: 2016-05-03 (this means we should try to
have the beta announcement ready within a week before the release!)
(jflory7, 17:00:41)
* NOTE: This is tentative to change depending on the status of
blockers at a go/no-go meeting closer to the beta (stay on the watch
for any changes) (jflory7, 17:01:11)
* HELP: mattdm got some *excellent* press in NetworkWorld that we
should help promote:
(particularly on /r/linux and /r/fedora) (decause, 17:02:21)
(jflory7, 17:02:43)
(jflory7, 17:02:47)
* ACTION: jflory7 get NetworkWorld series posts pushed to reddit
(decause, 17:03:08)
* ACTION: jflory7 get NetworkWorld series posts pushed to social-media
list (decause, 17:03:15)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/434 wanted
thoughts on python brochure design (mizmo, 17:03:27)
(jflory7, 17:04:59)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/431#comment:3
(decause, 17:05:10)
* ACTION: decause provide feedback on the trifold for python mktg
(decause, 17:10:34)
Meeting ended at 17:11:04 UTC.
Action Items
* decause work with jzb to create the account for LimeSurvey
* jflory7 Create an event in the Onboarding calendar for the G11n vFAD
* jflory7 Get the Etherpad badge proposals to the ticket
* decause create featured image for g11n article on commblog
* jflory7 Create a Fedocal entry in CommOps for the Hack Session ASAP
* jflory schedule modularity article to publish on tuesday next week
* NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps ]
* jflory7 Get back with dhanvi about what is needed to be updated, how
to go about doing it, etc. (make the game plan)
* jflory7 get NetworkWorld series posts pushed to reddit
* jflory7 get NetworkWorld series posts pushed to social-media list
* decause provide feedback on the trifold for python mktg
Action Items, by person
* decause
* decause work with jzb to create the account for LimeSurvey
* decause create featured image for g11n article on commblog
* decause provide feedback on the trifold for python mktg
* jflory7
* jflory7 Create an event in the Onboarding calendar for the G11n vFAD
* jflory7 Get the Etherpad badge proposals to the ticket
* jflory7 Create a Fedocal entry in CommOps for the Hack Session ASAP
* jflory7 Get back with dhanvi about what is needed to be updated, how
to go about doing it, etc. (make the game plan)
* jflory7 get NetworkWorld series posts pushed to reddit
* jflory7 get NetworkWorld series posts pushed to social-media list
* NewMembers
* NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps ]
* jflory schedule modularity article to publish on tuesday next week
People Present (lines said)
* jflory7 (305)
* decause (157)
* skamath (46)
* zodbot (26)
* c0mrad3 (25)
* danofsatx (20)
* mizmo (19)
* Dimuthu (13)
* bee2502_ (11)
* JohnMH (10)
* tatica (5)
* langdon (5)
* wesleyotugo (4)
* sgallagh (3)
* akshays (2)
* stickster (1)
* kjtdimuthu (1)
* NewMembers (0)
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#fedora-meeting-1: Server SIG Weekly Meeting (2016-03-29)
Meeting started by sgallagh at 15:00:12 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* roll call (sgallagh, 15:00:12)
* Agenda (sgallagh, 15:03:02)
* Agenda Topic: Upcoming Open WG Seat (sgallagh, 15:04:12)
* Upcoming Open WG Seat (sgallagh, 15:05:35)
* jds2001 to chair the next meeting (sgallagh, 15:19:35)
* nirik to serve as FESCo liaison (sgallagh, 15:26:14)
* Open Floor (sgallagh, 15:26:58)
* AGREED: Accept additional nominations for Server WG seat until April
12th and issue a request for nominations on CommBlog. (+5, 0, -0)
(sgallagh, 16:06:38)
Meeting ended at 16:09:25 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* sgallagh (71)
* danofsatx (27)
* jds2001 (24)
* nirik (16)
* zodbot (13)
* adamw (11)
* mhayden (6)
* pbrobinson (6)
* decause (5)
* mizmo (4)
* stefw (1)
* simo (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting
Meeting started by pwhalen at 15:00:07 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* 1) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== (pwhalen, 15:01:47)
* firefox/xulrunner/thunderbird still broken. No other major issues.
(pwhalen, 15:06:05)
* 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== (pwhalen, 15:08:26)
* Latest - kernel-4.6.0-0.rc1.git0.1.fc25 (pwhalen, 15:09:00)
* LINK: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=749302
(pwhalen, 15:09:16)
* LINK: http://arm.koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=3478214
(pwhalen, 15:11:58)
* Please test and provide feedback. (pwhalen, 15:12:11)
* 3) ==== U-Boot Status ==== (pwhalen, 15:14:26)
* All U-Boot issues should be resolved in uboot-tools-2016.03-4.
Please test and provide feedback. (pwhalen, 15:16:36)
* 4) ==== F24 Alpha Released today (29-03-2016) ==== (pwhalen,
* Testing Summary:
(pwhalen, 15:17:52)
* ARM Issues in Alpha: (pwhalen, 15:18:44)
* (Initial-setup) Only uses upper left part of the display (pwhalen,
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1160891
(pwhalen, 15:18:52)
* 5) == Open Floor == (pwhalen, 15:26:23)
Meeting ended at 15:28:08 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* pwhalen (48)
* pbrobinson (24)
* hrw (15)
* zodbot (7)
* puiterwijk (4)
* dgilmore (2)
* dmarlin (0)
* bconoboy (0)
* jsmith (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting
Meeting started by pwhalen at 15:00:07 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* 1) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== (pwhalen, 15:01:47)
* firefox/xulrunner/thunderbird still broken. No other major issues.
(pwhalen, 15:06:05)
* 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== (pwhalen, 15:08:26)
* Latest - kernel-4.6.0-0.rc1.git0.1.fc25 (pwhalen, 15:09:00)
* LINK: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=749302
(pwhalen, 15:09:16)
* LINK: http://arm.koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=3478214
(pwhalen, 15:11:58)
* Please test and provide feedback. (pwhalen, 15:12:11)
* 3) ==== U-Boot Status ==== (pwhalen, 15:14:26)
* All U-Boot issues should be resolved in uboot-tools-2016.03-4.
Please test and provide feedback. (pwhalen, 15:16:36)
* 4) ==== F24 Alpha Released today (29-03-2016) ==== (pwhalen,
* Testing Summary:
(pwhalen, 15:17:52)
* ARM Issues in Alpha: (pwhalen, 15:18:44)
* (Initial-setup) Only uses upper left part of the display (pwhalen,
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1160891
(pwhalen, 15:18:52)
* 5) == Open Floor == (pwhalen, 15:26:23)
Meeting ended at 15:28:08 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* pwhalen (48)
* pbrobinson (24)
* hrw (15)
* zodbot (7)
* puiterwijk (4)
* dgilmore (2)
* dmarlin (0)
* bconoboy (0)
* jsmith (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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#gluster-meeting: Gluster Community Bug Triage meeting
Meeting started by Manikandan at 12:01:14 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* agenda: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bug-triage (Manikandan,
* Roll Call (Manikandan, 12:01:44)
* msvbhat will look into lalatenduM's automated Coverity setup in
Jenkins which need assistance from an admin with more permissions
(Manikandan, 12:03:48)
* ACTION: msvbhat will look into lalatenduM's automated Coverity setup
in Jenkins which need assistance from an admin with more permissions
(Manikandan, 12:05:10)
* ndevos need to decide on how to provide/use debug builds (Manikandan,
* ACTION: ndevos need to decide on how to provide/use debug builds
(Manikandan, 12:08:55)
* kkeithley_ will come up with a proposal to reduce the number of bugs
against "mainline" in NEW state (Manikandan, 12:09:25)
* ACTION: kkeithley_ will come up with a proposal to reduce the number
of bugs against "mainline" in NEW state (Manikandan, 12:12:06)
* Manikandan and Nandaja will update on bug automation (Manikandan,
* ACTION: Manikandan and Nandaja will update on bug automation
(Manikandan, 12:14:47)
* msvbhat provide a simple step/walk-through on how to provide
testcases for the nightly rpm tests (Manikandan, 12:15:11)
* msvbhat provide a simple step/walk-through on how to provide
testcases for the nightly rpm tests (Manikandan, 12:15:57)
* ndevos to propose some test-cases for minimal libgfapi test
(Manikandan, 12:16:24)
* ACTION: ndevos to propose some test-cases for minimal libgfapi test
(Manikandan, 12:17:19)
* Group Triage (Manikandan, 12:18:01)
* LINK: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bugs-to-triage
(Manikandan, 12:18:10)
* http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Bug_triage
- The bug triage guidelines can be found here (Manikandan,
* Open Floor (Manikandan, 12:22:31)
* hgowtham will host Bug Triage on April 5 (Manikandan, 12:27:12)
* jiffin will host Bug Triage on April 26 (Manikandan, 12:28:14)
* Saravanakmr/skoduri will host Bug Triage on April 19 (Manikandan,
* Rafi will host Bug Triage on April 12 (Manikandan, 12:29:09)
Meeting ended at 12:31:26 UTC.
Action Items
* msvbhat will look into lalatenduM's automated Coverity setup in
Jenkins which need assistance from an admin with more permissions
* ndevos need to decide on how to provide/use debug builds
* kkeithley_ will come up with a proposal to reduce the number of bugs
against "mainline" in NEW state
* Manikandan and Nandaja will update on bug automation
* ndevos to propose some test-cases for minimal libgfapi test
Action Items, by person
* Manikandan
* Manikandan and Nandaja will update on bug automation
* ndevos
* ndevos need to decide on how to provide/use debug builds
* ndevos to propose some test-cases for minimal libgfapi test
* msvbhat will look into lalatenduM's automated Coverity setup in
Jenkins which need assistance from an admin with more permissions
* kkeithley_ will come up with a proposal to reduce the number of bugs
against "mainline" in NEW state
People Present (lines said)
* Manikandan (67)
* ndevos (17)
* Saravanakmr (6)
* hgowtham (4)
* rafi (4)
* zodbot (3)
* skoduri (2)
* jiffin (2)
* post-factum (1)
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#fedora-meeting: Council (2016-03-28)
Meeting started by mattdm at 18:00:18 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Introductions, Welcomes (mattdm, 18:00:23)
* open floor (mattdm, 18:05:27)
* Flock CFP deadline in two weeks (mattdm, 18:07:14)
* Next meeting (Apr 4) will be budget discussion — council meeting may
run long (mattdm, 18:14:56)
* ACTION: decause update council calendar on fedocal with a
longer-than-usual block (decause, 18:15:12)
* first modularity wg meeting proposed for thurs! (mattdm, 18:18:39)
* ACTION: decause work with jzb to make the LimeSurvey account for
OSAS a thing officially (decause, 18:29:43)
Meeting ended at 18:32:09 UTC.
Action Items
* decause update council calendar on fedocal with a longer-than-usual
* decause work with jzb to make the LimeSurvey account for OSAS a thing
Action Items, by person
* decause
* decause update council calendar on fedocal with a longer-than-usual
* decause work with jzb to make the LimeSurvey account for OSAS a
thing officially
* jzb
* decause work with jzb to make the LimeSurvey account for OSAS a
thing officially
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mattdm (54)
* decause (27)
* jzb (12)
* langdon (10)
* zodbot (9)
* jwb (6)
* jkurik (0)
* robyduck (0)
* tatica (0)
* cwickert (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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#fedora-blocker-review: F24-blocker-review
Meeting started by adamw at 16:02:36 UTC. The full logs are available at
Meeting summary
* Roll Call (adamw, 16:02:37)
* we're short on people today as it's a holiday in some places, so
we'll try again tomorrow, same time, same place (adamw, 16:15:34)
Meeting ended at 16:15:42 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* adamw (16)
* RaphGro (8)
* zodbot (5)
* tflink (3)
* sgallagh (3)
* brunowolff (2)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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#fedora-meeting: Fedora QA meeting
Meeting started by adamw at 15:01:56 UTC. The full logs are available at
Meeting summary
* Roll call (adamw, 15:02:05)
* Previous meeting follow-up (adamw, 15:06:14)
* "adamw to complete matrix changes for i686 no longer blocking media"
- yeah, still didn't do that, but this time i promise I will!
(adamw, 15:06:53)
* "adamw to mail out a proposal with a few options for adjusting the
release validation process to pungi4's expectations" - OK, that one
did happen, and we went with the '1.n' numbering style for the
alphas (adamw, 15:07:18)
* "pschindl and pryanka to try and help out with setting up and/or
running some of the test days" - neither is present ATM, will check
in later in the meeting (adamw, 15:11:10)
* Fedora 24 status, Beta planning (adamw, 15:11:28)
* Alpha 1.7 will be released as Alpha (adamw, 15:11:51)
* ACTION: adamw and kparal to work on common bugs (adamw, 15:12:37)
* Test Days (adamw, 15:36:33)
* ACTION: adamw and tflink to sort out a reply to apeter about the
testdays webapp (adamw, 15:41:31)
* l10n Test Day will be tomorrow, 2016-03-29, please come out and help
test if you can! (adamw, 15:43:55)
* ACTION: adamw to blog / microblog about l10n Test Day (adamw,
* Open floor (adamw, 15:47:20)
Meeting ended at 15:52:46 UTC.
Action Items
* adamw and kparal to work on common bugs
* adamw and tflink to sort out a reply to apeter about the testdays
* adamw to blog / microblog about l10n Test Day
Action Items, by person
* adamw
* adamw and kparal to work on common bugs
* adamw and tflink to sort out a reply to apeter about the testdays
* adamw to blog / microblog about l10n Test Day
* tflink
* adamw and tflink to sort out a reply to apeter about the testdays
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* adamw (82)
* brunowolff (17)
* satellit_e (8)
* tflink (7)
* zodbot (4)
* nirik (2)
* FQ (2)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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