#gluster-meeting: Weekly Community Meeting
Meeting started by kshlm at 15:01:57 UTC. The full logs are available at
Meeting summary
* Rollcall (kshlm, 15:02:16)
* Next's weeks meeting moderator (kshlm, 15:04:13)
* jdacy will host the community meeting on 30/Mar/2016 (kshlm,
* Last weeks AIs (kshlm, 15:08:27)
* kkeithley to send a mail about using sanity checker tools in the
codebase (kshlm, 15:08:40)
* ACTION: kkeithley to send a mail about using sanity checker tools in
the codebase (kshlm, 15:09:16)
* kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla,
github (kshlm, 15:09:34)
* ACTION: kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit,
bugzilla, github (kshlm, 15:09:50)
* msvbhat will add a HOWTO for DiSTAF for developers to write tests
(kshlm, 15:10:01)
* LINK: https://github.com/gluster/distaf/blob/master/docs/HOWTO.md
(msvbhat, 15:11:37)
* LINK: https://github.com/gluster/distaf/blob/master/README.md
(msvbhat, 15:11:44)
* https://github.com/gluster/distaf/blob/master/docs/HOWTO.md
(JoeJulian, 15:12:02)
* https://github.com/gluster/distaf/blob/master/README.md (JoeJulian,
* ACTION: msvbhat to announce DiSTAF HOWTO on mailing lists (kshlm,
* ACTION: msvbhat to add links to DiSTAF on the dev workflow page.
(kshlm, 15:16:37)
* overclk to share notes from DHT2 discussion with jdarcy (kshlm,
* jdarcy to share his notes from his Bangalore discussions with the
community (kshlm, 15:18:23)
* ACTION: jdarcy to share his notes from his Bangalore discussions
with the community (kshlm, 15:18:54)
* kshlm to ping jdarcy to share his notes (kshlm, 15:19:07)
* ndevos to reach out to packagers about 3.5.9 packaging (kshlm,
* ACTION: ndevos to reach out to packagers about 3.5.9 packaging
(kshlm, 15:20:33)
* GlusterFS 3.7 (kshlm, 15:20:54)
(post-factum, 15:23:42)
(Jiffin, 15:23:49)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1318376#c3
(post-factum, 15:24:09)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1318289
(post-factum, 15:27:07)
* LINK: http://termbin.com/4nus2 (post-factum, 15:36:53)
* AGREED: Stick to 30th for 3.7.10 (kshlm, 15:39:58)
* ACTION: kshlm to update hagarth of 3.7.10 date (kshlm, 15:41:31)
* GlusterFS 3.6 (kshlm, 15:42:06)
* ACTION: kshlm to ask rabhat for an update on 3.6.10 (kshlm,
* GlusterFS 3.5 (kshlm, 15:46:36)
* GlusterFS 3.8 & 4.0 (kshlm, 15:57:40)
(Jiffin, 15:59:26)
* LINK: https://www.gluster.org/community/roadmap/3.8/ (kshlm,
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1309462
(post-factum, 16:13:30)
* LINK: https://botbot.me/freenode/gluster/msg/62715406/ (JoeJulian,
Meeting ended at 16:20:30 UTC.
Action Items
* kkeithley to send a mail about using sanity checker tools in the
* kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla,
* msvbhat to announce DiSTAF HOWTO on mailing lists
* msvbhat to add links to DiSTAF on the dev workflow page.
* jdarcy to share his notes from his Bangalore discussions with the
* ndevos to reach out to packagers about 3.5.9 packaging
* kshlm to update hagarth of 3.7.10 date
* kshlm to ask rabhat for an update on 3.6.10
Action Items, by person
* jdarcy
* jdarcy to share his notes from his Bangalore discussions with the
* kshlm
* kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla,
* kshlm to update hagarth of 3.7.10 date
* kshlm to ask rabhat for an update on 3.6.10
* msvbhat
* msvbhat to announce DiSTAF HOWTO on mailing lists
* msvbhat to add links to DiSTAF on the dev workflow page.
* kkeithley to send a mail about using sanity checker tools in the
* ndevos to reach out to packagers about 3.5.9 packaging
People Present (lines said)
* kshlm (159)
* post-factum (40)
* atinm (31)
* msvbhat (27)
* jdarcy (24)
* JoeJulian (18)
* shyam (11)
* Jiffin (10)
* skoduri (8)
* glusterbot (5)
* amye (4)
* overclk (3)
* zodbot (3)
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#fedora-meeting-2: FAmSCo 2016-03-23
Meeting started by giannisk at 14:01:12 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Roll Call (giannisk, 14:01:22)
* we have a quorum (4/7) (cwickert, 14:02:15)
* Final appointment of chair (giannisk, 14:04:05)
* AGREED: re-elections to take place on trac (giannisk, 14:06:49)
* ACTION: cwickert to create a new ticket regarding the elections
(giannisk, 14:07:09)
* AGREED: timeframe set to 1 week for nominations and another week for
voting (giannisk, 14:08:32)
* Deadline for nominations is 15:59:59 UTC, on March 30th (giannisk,
* Lazy consensus proposal (giannisk, 14:13:20)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/390 (giannisk,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/391 (giannisk,
* Will be closing #391, discussion to be continued under #390
(giannisk, 14:14:37)
* AGREED: to make decisions based on lazy consensus, timeframe to be
determined shortly afterwards (giannisk, 14:19:16)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/390#comment:7
(giannisk, 14:28:36)
* Mentor nominations / cleaning-up inactive mentors (giannisk,
(giannisk, 14:34:03)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/359 (giannisk,
* discussion to be continued under #359 (giannisk, 15:02:50)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/379 (giannisk,
* ACTION: giannisk to bring nomination for giannisk up for discussion
(giannisk, 15:07:09)
* the ticket for electing the new FamSCo chair is at
https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/393 (cwickert, 15:08:49)
Meeting ended at 15:15:24 UTC.
Action Items
* cwickert to create a new ticket regarding the elections
* giannisk to bring nomination for giannisk up for discussion
Action Items, by person
* cwickert
* cwickert to create a new ticket regarding the elections
* giannisk
* giannisk to bring nomination for giannisk up for discussion
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* giannisk (129)
* cwickert (102)
* tuanta (47)
* potty (39)
* lbazan (20)
* zodbot (8)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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#fedora-meeting: Fedora CommOps (2016-03-22)
Meeting started by jflory7 at 16:02:16 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (jflory7, 16:02:27)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:CommOps_2016-03-22
(jflory7, 16:02:31)
* 1. Roll Call (jflory7, 16:02:35)
* 2. Announcements (jflory7, 16:02:39)
* 3. Action items from last meeting (jflory7, 16:02:44)
* 4. Tickets (jflory7, 16:02:48)
* 5. Wiki Gardening (jflory7, 16:02:53)
* 6. Community Blog (jflory7, 16:02:56)
* 7. Open Floor (jflory7, 16:03:00)
* Roll Call (jflory7, 16:03:07)
* Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas (jflory7, 16:03:10)
* Justin W. Flory; UTC-4; CommOps, Marketing / Magazine, Ambassadors,
Join, and more (jflory7, 16:03:26)
* Tummala Dhanvi; UTC+5.30, CommOps,Security,Docs,GSOC,Ambassadors :)
(c0mrad3, 16:04:04)
* Sachin S Kamath; UTC+5.30; CommOps, Hubs, Ambassadors (skamath,
* decause; URC-4; CommOps, Council, * (decause, 16:05:15)
* GSoC Introductions (jflory7, 16:07:31)
* Sayan Chowdhury; UTC+5:30; CommOps, Magazine, Ambassadors, Marketing
(sayan, 16:11:11)
* Dan Mossor; dmossor; UTC-6; CommOps, Ambassadors, Campus
Ambassadors, Server SIG, KDE SIG (danofsatx, 16:11:28)
* Bee ; UTC +5.30 ; CommOps, Elections , Metrics (bee2502_, 16:11:55)
* Announcements (jflory7, 16:14:33)
* Flock talk submission deadline is April 8th - if you plan to give a
talk at Flock in Krakow, make sure you get your proposal in soon!
(jflory7, 16:15:23)
(jflory7, 16:15:25)
* GSoC 2016 application deadline is coming up this Friday! If you are
planning on applying, make sure you have everything finished this
week by Friday. (jflory7, 16:16:21)
(jflory7, 16:16:22)
* decause will be doing a first round of proposal reviews today after
commops meeting (decause, 16:16:56)
* 5 Things in Fedora This Week: mattdm's regular series about five
things in Fedora published yesterday. Read up on the things
happening in Fedora, like F24 scheduling, internships, Modularity
WG, and more! (jflory7, 16:17:10)
* LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/5tftw-2016-03-21/ (jflory7,
* Server SIG is planning on discussing Fedora 24 talking points - more
updates to come soon! (jflory7, 16:18:32)
* ACTION: jflory7 Remember to plan out announcements ahead of time
next time (jflory7, 16:18:59)
* Action items from last meeting (jflory7, 16:19:01)
(jflory7, 16:19:07)
* === linuxmodder to draft a rough copy for ticket 21 === (jflory7,
* ACTION: Corey84 to draft a rough copy for ticket 21 (jflory7,
* ACTION: linuxmodder to continue working on ticket 21 with
update and solid draft for next week (Corey84, 16:21:47)
* For Ticket #21, incorporate budget site + reimbursement into article
https://budget.fedoraproject.org/#reimbursement (jflory7, 16:21:52)
* === [?] jflory7 / decause Follow up with tatica about the Diversity
Adviser announcement email on announce(a)lists.fp.o === (jflory7,
* ACTION: decause Send out the announcement of the Fedora Diversity
Adviser position (jflory7, 16:22:44)
* ACTION: decause / jflory7 Mirror the announcement on the Community
Blog (jflory7, 16:22:53)
* === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Review and edit bee2502's fedmsg2gource
article for the Community Blog === (jflory7, 16:23:05)
* ACTION: jflory7 Review and edit bee2502's fedmsg2gource article for
the Community Blog (jflory7, 16:23:06)
* === [COMPLETE] decause ping pravins/noriko about commblog
announcement === (jflory7, 16:23:12)
(jflory7, 16:23:18)
* === decause follow up with pravins and noriko about g11n vFAD tasks
on commops list === (jflory7, 16:23:24)
* Will discuss further about G11n vFAD in Ticket #29 (jflory7,
* === decause follow-up with applicant intro emails === (jflory7,
* ACTION: decause follow up with OSAS about Limesurvey for Contributor
Survey in Fedoraland (decause, 16:25:21)
* ACTION: decause review GSoC proposals today (decause, 16:26:04)
* === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Create a ticket for updating the Onboarding
Fedocal === (jflory7, 16:26:07)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/63 (jflory7,
* === [COMPLETE] decause reping server list for F24 talking points
(due:today) === (jflory7, 16:26:14)
* === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Create tickets for the two wiki gardening
tasks of the Join page and F24 Talking Points === (jflory7,
* ACTION: jflory7 Create tickets for the two wiki gardening tasks of
the Join page and F24 Talking Points (jflory7, 16:26:26)
* === [INCOMPLETE] c0mrad3 / jflory7 Follow up in #fedora-commops
after the meeting about making a ticket for the "Join" wiki page
gardening and come up with ideas about what needs cleaning up
specifically === (jflory7, 16:26:32)
* ACTION: decause ping the GSoC Mentors one more time to get listed on
the GSoC site. (decause, 16:29:50)
* GSoC Mentors must be added by Friday 3/25 at 15:00 EST (decause,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/62 (c0mrad3,
* === [INCOMPLETE] decause ship DevConf.cz article (due: Friday) ===
(jflory7, 16:30:43)
* ACTION: decause add Corey84 to the GSoC mentors invite list on org
site (decause, 16:30:47)
* === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Follow up with bkp for the GSoC post on
Facebook / Google+ === (jflory7, 16:35:06)
* === decause follow-up with OSAS about hosted limsurvey instance, cc
tatica === (jflory7, 16:35:11)
* === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Update Fedocal entry for the meeting time ===
(jflory7, 16:35:21)
* === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Convert Etherpad => Tickets === (jflory7,
* ACTION: commops add hacksession to fedocal for tomo night (3/23) at
22:00UTC (decause, 16:35:26)
* LINK: https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/commops-power-sessions
(jflory7, 16:35:31)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/63 (jflory7,
* ACTION: jflory7 Convert Etherpad Power Session items into tickets in
CommOps Trac (jflory7, 16:35:42)
* Tickets (jflory7, 16:35:48)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/report/9 (jflory7,
* === Ticket #17 === (jflory7, 16:35:56)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/17 (jflory7,
* * "Interview Fedora's Diversity and Inclusion Advisor, tatica"
(jflory7, 16:36:05)
* decause is closing this ticket today! Watch your inbox for the big
announcement. (jflory7, 16:36:26)
* === Ticket #29 === (jflory7, 16:36:34)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/29 (jflory7,
* * "G11n - proposal for the group revitalization" (jflory7,
(c0mrad3, 16:37:30)
* ACTION: commops add "save the date" for g11n vFAD to onboarding
Fedocal (decause, 16:39:43)
* ACTION: jflory7 / pravins / noriko Get the planned dates for the
G11n vFAD into the Onboarding calendar in Fedocal (jflory7,
* AGREED: The G11n team has made great strides in preparing plans for
the vFAD and are requesting review on the CommBlog post. We will
work closely with them to help work for an intended vFAD date of
March 31st - April 5th! (jflory7, 16:40:44)
* === Ticket #39 === (jflory7, 16:40:55)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/39 (jflory7,
* * "CommOps and Google Summer of Code" (jflory7, 16:41:09)
(jflory7, 16:41:18)
* ACTION: jflory7 Reply to email from pravins ASAP about CommBlog G11n
vFAD article (jflory7, 16:41:57)
* vFAD explanation (decause, 16:44:01)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Activity_Day_-_FAD
(decause, 16:44:08)
* "The Fedora Activity Day (FAD) is a regional event (either one-day
or a multi-day) that allows Fedora contributors to gather together
in order to work on specific tasks related to the Fedora Project. "
(decause, 16:44:20)
* LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/help-port-python-packages-python-3/
(decause, 16:45:45)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_organize_a_FAD
(c0mrad3, 16:48:10)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_organize_a_FAD
(cprofitt, 16:48:10)
* Tickets (jflory7, 16:48:25)
* * "CommOps and Google Summer of Code" (jflory7, 16:48:32)
(jflory7, 16:48:44)
(jflory7, 16:48:54)
* Applicants: Please watch your inboxes this week for more
information! (jflory7, 16:49:04)
* === Ticket #49 === (jflory7, 16:49:10)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/49 (jflory7,
* * "[Onboarding Series] Infrastructure" (jflory7, 16:49:22)
* ACTION: jflory7 Get the Etherpad badge proposals to the ticket ASAP
(jflory7, 16:51:01)
* LINK: https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/commops-power-sessions
(jflory7, 16:51:15)
* 0) Get a FAS Account (sign the FPCA) (jflory7, 16:51:34)
* 1) You start with getting started doc
(jflory7, 16:51:45)
* 2) IRC, Mail List, and say "hi, I like to join the Apprentice
group." (jflory7, 16:51:52)
* 3) Answer the monthly apprentice status update about what systems
you are working with, what you are doing with them, and what you are
learning. (jflory7, 16:52:02)
* 4) Participate in the Fedora-infra weekly meeting. (jflory7,
* 5) Achievement get! Fedora Infrastructure official member.
(jflory7, 16:52:19)
* AGREED: The badge identification process will be covered at our next
hack session (tentatively) (jflory7, 16:55:53)
* === Ticket #57 === (jflory7, 16:55:59)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/57 (jflory7,
* * "[Onboarding Series] CommOps!" (jflory7, 16:56:14)
* AGREED: CommOps on-boarding series will be pushed off for now until
the Infrastructure and G11n teams are completed first; there's a lot
of other work on the near horizon and it's best to focus our efforts
there first before going too far ahead. (jflory7, 16:58:40)
* ==== Ticket #63 === (jflory7, 16:58:45)
* we're going to be running a bit over today in meeting time everyone
because of GSoC prepping and intro's (decause, 16:59:16)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/63 (jflory7,
* * "Populate on-boarding calendar with Outreachy + GSoC events"
(jflory7, 16:59:45)
* ACTION: skamath Officially "accept" Ticket #63 on Trac and begin
working on adding dates to the calendar for GSoC (jflory7,
* ACTION: Dimuthu Begin working on adding the dates to the calendar
for Outreachy (jflory7, 17:03:27)
* Wiki Gardening (jflory7, 17:04:15)
* ACTION: NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps ] (jflory7, 17:04:23)
* HELP: The Fedora Join page could use some cycles for tidying up,
reformatting, and general cleanup. It's a well-visited page and it's
important the information on this page is current and correct.
(jflory7, 17:04:28)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join (jflory7, 17:04:34)
* HELP: The Marketing team is in the process of working on Fedora 24
talking points and extra hands are needed to organize some of the
key talking points for this upcoming release (jflory7, 17:04:37)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_talking_points
(jflory7, 17:04:41)
* ACTION: jflory7 Create a CommOps ticket for F24 talking points
(jflory7, 17:05:16)
* HELP: fedmsg documentation could use more updating to help better
explain features and functionality (jflory7, 17:06:20)
* LINK: https://fedora-fedmsg.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ (jflory7,
* LINK: https://pagure.io/fedocal (decause, 17:10:07)
* HELP: The Fedora Security team could use additional help in
expanding and helping work with their own documentation (jflory7,
* Community Blog (jflory7, 17:12:41)
* How This Works: jflory7 will give a few brief updates about recent
published articles in the Community Blog as well as an idea of
what's coming up in the horizon. It's a very fast blast of info, and
then we have some discussion about Community Blog info afterwards.
(jflory7, 17:12:44)
* === This Week in CommBlog === (jflory7, 17:13:00)
* (1) "Reminder: Flock talk submission deadline is April 8" (jflory7,
(jflory7, 17:13:08)
* Total Views (Mar. 16 - Mar. 22): 62 (jflory7, 17:13:15)
(jflory7, 17:13:17)
* === Coming Up in CommBlog === (jflory7, 17:13:21)
* (1) "Campus Ambassadors Initiative" (jflory7, 17:13:25)
(jflory7, 17:13:30)
(jflory7, 17:13:39)
* (2) "DevConfCZ 2016: Event Report" (jflory7, 17:13:53)
* LINK: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=1027&preview=true
(jflory7, 17:13:59)
* (3) "Fedora Essentials: Trac for Beginners" (jflory7, 17:14:06)
* LINK: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=1025&preview=true
(jflory7, 17:14:11)
* (4) "I contributed ! 2015 Fedora Contributions Video using
Gource(fedmsg2gource?)" (jflory7, 17:14:19)
* LINK: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=722&preview=true
(jflory7, 17:14:25)
* (5) "Using your Fedora email alias with Gmail" (jflory7, 17:14:30)
(jflory7, 17:14:36)
* (6) "Golden chance to translate Fedora 24 in your language"
(jflory7, 17:14:45)
(jflory7, 17:14:50)
* (7) "FOSSASIA 2016: Singapore" (jflory7, 17:15:00)
(jflory7, 17:15:06)
(jflory7, 17:15:11)
* Open Floor (jflory7, 17:16:20)
* tatica is in the process of helping plan a Fedora Women Day in July.
Expect to hear more about this later on! CommOps is glad to help
with organizing and planning this. (jflory7, 17:17:57)
* Parting Words (decause, 17:21:08)
Meeting ended at 17:26:55 UTC.
Action Items
* jflory7 Remember to plan out announcements ahead of time next time
* Corey84 to draft a rough copy for ticket 21
* linuxmodder to continue working on ticket 21 with update and
solid draft for next week
* decause Send out the announcement of the Fedora Diversity Adviser
* decause / jflory7 Mirror the announcement on the Community Blog
* jflory7 Review and edit bee2502's fedmsg2gource article for the
Community Blog
* decause follow up with OSAS about Limesurvey for Contributor Survey in
* decause review GSoC proposals today
* jflory7 Create tickets for the two wiki gardening tasks of the Join
page and F24 Talking Points
* decause ping the GSoC Mentors one more time to get listed on the GSoC
* decause add Corey84 to the GSoC mentors invite list on org site
* commops add hacksession to fedocal for tomo night (3/23) at 22:00UTC
* jflory7 Convert Etherpad Power Session items into tickets in CommOps
* commops add "save the date" for g11n vFAD to onboarding Fedocal
* jflory7 / pravins / noriko Get the planned dates for the G11n vFAD
into the Onboarding calendar in Fedocal
* jflory7 Reply to email from pravins ASAP about CommBlog G11n vFAD
* jflory7 Get the Etherpad badge proposals to the ticket ASAP
* skamath Officially "accept" Ticket #63 on Trac and begin working on
adding dates to the calendar for GSoC
* Dimuthu Begin working on adding the dates to the calendar for
* NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps ]
* jflory7 Create a CommOps ticket for F24 talking points
Action Items, by person
* Corey84
* Corey84 to draft a rough copy for ticket 21
* decause add Corey84 to the GSoC mentors invite list on org site
* decause
* decause Send out the announcement of the Fedora Diversity Adviser
* decause / jflory7 Mirror the announcement on the Community Blog
* decause follow up with OSAS about Limesurvey for Contributor Survey
in Fedoraland
* decause review GSoC proposals today
* decause ping the GSoC Mentors one more time to get listed on the
GSoC site.
* decause add Corey84 to the GSoC mentors invite list on org site
* Dimuthu
* Dimuthu Begin working on adding the dates to the calendar for
* jflory7
* jflory7 Remember to plan out announcements ahead of time next time
* decause / jflory7 Mirror the announcement on the Community Blog
* jflory7 Review and edit bee2502's fedmsg2gource article for the
Community Blog
* jflory7 Create tickets for the two wiki gardening tasks of the Join
page and F24 Talking Points
* jflory7 Convert Etherpad Power Session items into tickets in CommOps
* jflory7 / pravins / noriko Get the planned dates for the G11n vFAD
into the Onboarding calendar in Fedocal
* jflory7 Reply to email from pravins ASAP about CommBlog G11n vFAD
* jflory7 Get the Etherpad badge proposals to the ticket ASAP
* jflory7 Create a CommOps ticket for F24 talking points
* NewMembers
* NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps ]
* noriko
* jflory7 / pravins / noriko Get the planned dates for the G11n vFAD
into the Onboarding calendar in Fedocal
* pravins
* jflory7 / pravins / noriko Get the planned dates for the G11n vFAD
into the Onboarding calendar in Fedocal
* jflory7 Reply to email from pravins ASAP about CommBlog G11n vFAD
* skamath
* skamath Officially "accept" Ticket #63 on Trac and begin working on
adding dates to the calendar for GSoC
* linuxmodder to continue working on ticket 21 with update and
solid draft for next week
* commops add hacksession to fedocal for tomo night (3/23) at 22:00UTC
* commops add "save the date" for g11n vFAD to onboarding Fedocal
People Present (lines said)
* jflory7 (317)
* decause (150)
* c0mrad3 (56)
* Corey84 (36)
* zodbot (34)
* skamath (24)
* tatica (19)
* Dimuthu (15)
* elioqoshi (10)
* TrustyWolf (9)
* Keekri1 (9)
* sayan (8)
* JohnMH (7)
* slaykovsky (7)
* bee2502_ (6)
* trishnag (5)
* cprofitt (5)
* jeketam (5)
* danofsatx (4)
* masetrax (2)
* masta (2)
* NewMembers (0)
* noriko (0)
* pravins (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBothttps://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-03-22/commops.2016-03…
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#fedora-meeting-1: Server SIG Weekly Meeting (2016-03-22)
Meeting started by sgallagh at 15:00:20 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* roll call (sgallagh, 15:00:20)
* Agenda (sgallagh, 15:05:07)
* Agenda Topic: Default guided partitioning scheme (sgallagh,
* Agenda Topic: Fedora 24 Talking Points (sgallagh, 15:05:07)
* Agenda Topic: Upcoming Open WG Seat (sgallagh, 15:05:07)
* Default guided partitioning scheme (sgallagh, 15:07:14)
(sgallagh, 15:09:06)
* AGREED: Linked proposal is accepted. (+6, 0, -0) (sgallagh,
* AGREED: We will make this change for Fedora 24 Beta. (+5, 0, -2)
(sgallagh, 16:05:25)
* ACTION: jds2001 to write release notes and update documentation to
cover the change in defaults (sgallagh, 16:06:00)
* ACTION: sgallagh to prep the partitioning changes this week
(sgallagh, 16:10:04)
Meeting ended at 16:10:10 UTC.
Action Items
* jds2001 to write release notes and update documentation to cover the
change in defaults
* sgallagh to prep the partitioning changes this week
Action Items, by person
* jds2001
* jds2001 to write release notes and update documentation to cover the
change in defaults
* sgallagh
* sgallagh to prep the partitioning changes this week
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* sgallagh (112)
* jds2001 (51)
* simo (50)
* adamw (28)
* mizmo (16)
* zodbot (11)
* mhayden (8)
* nirik (2)
* danofsatx (2)
* stefw (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBothttps://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-03-22/serversig.201…
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