#fedora-meeting: Fedora DotNet (2018-01-18)
Meeting started by Rhea at 15:32:56 UTC. The full logs are available at
Meeting summary
* Agenda (Rhea, 15:33:21)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:DotNet_latest (Rhea,
* (1) Roll Call (Rhea, 15:33:27)
* (2) Announcements (Rhea, 15:33:29)
* (3) Action items and Tickets (Rhea, 15:33:32)
* (4) Packaging progress / Open Floor discussion (Rhea, 15:33:36)
* Roll Call (Rhea, 15:33:40)
* ACTION: dotnet New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the
DotNet mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/DotNet ]
(Rhea, 15:33:46)
* Announcements (Rhea, 15:36:48)
* Simultaneous debugging of JavaScript and .NET code with Rider
(Rhea, 15:36:58)
(Rhea, 15:37:03)
* January 2018 Fedora Elections - voting is open (Rhea, 15:37:58)
(Rhea, 15:38:03)
* .NET Core January 2018 Update (Rhea, 15:40:29)
(Rhea, 15:40:31)
* Action items and Tickets (Rhea, 15:42:17)
* LINK: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/dotnet (Rhea,
* LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/issues?tags=meeting (Rhea,
* How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting
for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next
one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action it if needed. If no
status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward. (Rhea,
* Packaging progress / Open Floor discussion (Rhea, 15:52:25)
* clang bug is blocking our builds completely (Rhea, 15:52:41)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/issue/35 (Rhea, 15:52:43)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1518384 (Rhea,
* dnf install dotnet - blocked by a dnf bug and a hack blocked by
clang bug. (Rhea, 15:53:30)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/issue/36 (Rhea, 15:53:32)
* LINK: https://www.dotnetconf.net/ ? (tmds, 16:01:40)
* ACTION: dotnet Look for .NET conferences within your region where we
could participate and present Fedora. (Rhea, 16:02:11)
* ACTION: Rhea Prepare some talking points about dotnet-on-Fedora
(Rhea, 16:08:01)
Meeting ended at 16:08:04 UTC.
Action Items
* dotnet New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the DotNet
mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/DotNet ]
* dotnet Look for .NET conferences within your region where we could
participate and present Fedora.
* Rhea Prepare some talking points about dotnet-on-Fedora
Action Items, by person
* dotnet
* dotnet New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the DotNet
mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/DotNet ]
* dotnet Look for .NET conferences within your region where we could
participate and present Fedora.
* Rhea Prepare some talking points about dotnet-on-Fedora
* Rhea
* Rhea Prepare some talking points about dotnet-on-Fedora
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* Rhea (58)
* bexelbie (18)
* omajid (13)
* tmds (11)
* DiscordBridge (10)
* zodbot (8)
* aslice (3)
* pcreech (1)
* Southern_Gentlem (1)
* dotnet (0)
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#ansible-meeting: ansible core
Meeting started by thaumos at 15:01:05 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Open Floor (thaumos, 15:04:37)
* GCP Module Generator PR (thaumos, 15:06:20)
* GCP: DNS Managed Zones #35014 (gundalow, 15:06:29)
* LINK: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/35014 (gundalow,
* #35014 has till the "community" freeze as a) None of GCP is support:
core b) module_util changes are only to new in 2.5 modules,
therefore no risk of breaking anything else (gundalow, 15:47:10)
* OPTION 1) We have the bot and ANSIBLE_METADATA dictate auto closing
issues or PRs for these modules. (requires a proposal) (gundalow,
* OPTION 2) 100% ignoring that they are auto generated (no
exceptions), no pointing people elsewhere, just forgetting where
they came from, treated like any other module (gundalow, 15:47:32)
* Remember to consider how this applies to existing auto generated
modules, such as network/avi (gundalow, 15:47:55)
* Open Floor (gundalow, 15:48:31)
Meeting ended at 15:59:54 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* sivel (44)
* ryansb (38)
* gundalow (31)
* jtanner (23)
* mikedlr (15)
* maxamillion (15)
* thaumos (12)
* zodbot (11)
* shertel (7)
* akasurde (5)
* funzo (1)
* mkrizek (1)
* Pilou (1)
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#fedora-meeting-1: fedora_atomic_wg
Meeting started by dustymabe at 16:31:52 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* roll call (dustymabe, 16:31:57)
* previous meeting action items (dustymabe, 16:34:57)
* sanja closed membership proposal AND voting proposal. updated the
wiki and closed ticket (dustymabe, 16:39:37)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/406 (ashcrow, 16:41:01)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/407 (ashcrow, 16:41:36)
* topics? (dustymabe, 16:42:32)
* LINK: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/topics (dustymabe,
* this week's FAH release (dustymabe, 16:44:40)
* meeting schedule due to devconf? (dustymabe, 16:48:00)
* we will not have our regularly scheduled atomic wg meeting next week
due to devconf (dustymabe, 16:51:18)
* ACTION: ashcrow to send email to atomic-devel/announce to let people
know (dustymabe, 16:51:42)
* meeting schedule at devconf (dustymabe, 16:52:23)
* open floor (dustymabe, 16:59:19)
* LINK: https://github.com/ostreedev/ostree/releases/tag/v2018.1
(dustymabe, 17:04:40)
(dustymabe, 17:04:58)
Meeting ended at 17:08:42 UTC.
Action Items
* ashcrow to send email to atomic-devel/announce to let people know
Action Items, by person
* ashcrow
* ashcrow to send email to atomic-devel/announce to let people know
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* dustymabe (84)
* ashcrow (25)
* sanja (16)
* zodbot (16)
* jberkus (10)
* sayan (9)
* ksinny (3)
* maxamillion (3)
* kushal (2)
* puiterwijk (2)
* walters (2)
* strigazi (1)
* jbrooks (1)
* coremodule (1)
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#ansible-network: Ansible Network Working Group
Meeting started by gundalow at 16:00:09 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gundalow, 16:00:55)
* Agenda https://github.com/ansible/community/labels/network (gundalow,
* Ansible 2.5 Status (gundalow, 16:02:57)
* Core Engine Freeze and Module Freeze: 22 January 2018 (gundalow,
* That means no feature_requires for Core modules or core code after
22nd Jan (gundalow, 16:04:10)
* Community Module Freeze: 7 February 2018 (gundalow, 16:04:42)
* Release Candidate 1 will be 21 February, 2018 (gundalow, 16:04:52)
* Target: March 2018 (gundalow, 16:04:59)
* Not sure yet if we will branch (stable-2.5) at Beta 1 or Release
Candidate 1 (gundalow, 16:05:33)
* netconf_rpc (gundalow, 16:14:02)
* as we have stated in the past as a project, we no longer will accept
generic API wrapper modules around libraries .. this was an Ansible
project wide decision that was made in the core meeting (gundalow,
(gundalow, 16:26:22)
* Policy for modules vs wrappers see bullet points on
(gundalow, 16:26:52)
* Open Floor (gundalow, 16:36:29)
* ACTION: privateip to ping itdependsnetwork with link to infoblox PR
once created (gundalow, 16:36:42)
Meeting ended at 16:47:46 UTC.
Action Items
* privateip to ping itdependsnetwork with link to infoblox PR once
Action Items, by person
* itdependsnetwork
* privateip to ping itdependsnetwork with link to infoblox PR once
* privateip
* privateip to ping itdependsnetwork with link to infoblox PR once
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gundalow (49)
* jmcgill298 (18)
* privateip (15)
* samerd (6)
* zodbot (6)
* itdependsnetwork (4)
* Qalthos (1)
* funzo (1)
* trishnag (1)
* acozine (1)
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Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2018-01-17/magazine.2018-0…
Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2018-01-17/magazine.2018-0…
Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2018-01-17/magazine.2018-0…
Next week's publishing schedule was #agreed even though I missed the
command to capture:
* Fri Jan 19 - Plymouth (ryanlerch)
* Mon Jan 22 - container testing (edit/image: stickster)
* Wed Jan 24 - COPR (stickster)
* Fri Jan 26 - RSS (edit: stickster, image: ryanlerch)
* Mon Jan 29 - GPIO (ryanlerch)
* Wed Jan 31 - Contributing CI tests or alternate (TBD)
* * *
#fedora-meeting: Magazine editorial board
Meeting started by stickster at 13:00:08 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* Roll call (stickster, 13:00:13)
* Last week's stas (stickster, 13:03:41)
* (stickster, 13:03:43)
* LINK: https://www.instagram.com/p/BeBzku9B8R1/ (ryanlerch,
* just over 72K pageviews last week -- excellent week! and so far,
188.5K pageviews for January (stickster, 13:05:07)
* Check-in from last week (stickster, 13:07:12)
* Pending review posts (stickster, 13:12:14)
(stickster, 13:12:16)
* --- container testing --- (stickster, 13:13:26)
* LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=19915&preview=1&_ppp=643a7fed92
(stickster, 13:13:28)
* AGREED: pitch/draft approved (stickster, 13:18:12)
* ACTION: stickster edit this article for publication next week
(stickster, 13:18:20)
* Drafts for review (stickster, 13:19:36)
(stickster, 13:19:40)
* --- COPR article for January --- (stickster, 13:20:48)
* LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=19945&preview=1&_ppp=d157238c80
(stickster, 13:20:52)
* AGREED: COPR is go, can use this next week (stickster, 13:23:26)
* ACTION: stickster edit COPR article for next week (stickster,
* ACTION: ryanlerch message list about "useful packages" idea from
standard Fedora repos (stickster, 13:30:48)
* ACTION: ryanlerch to email list about newpackages post series
(ryanlerch, 13:30:52)
* Pitches to review (stickster, 13:31:59)
(stickster, 13:32:18)
* --- GPIO expander project --- (stickster, 13:32:31)
* LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=19937&preview=1&_ppp=608eae8fa6
(stickster, 13:32:36)
* AGREED: GPIO pitch approved, contingent on adding a couple photos
and a little more explanation at intro (stickster, 13:40:29)
* ACTION: stickster email author/list about approval and ask for
upgrades (stickster, 13:40:56)
* ACTION: pingou work with dperpeet to draft 'Contributing CI' article
(stickster, 13:51:59)
* Publishing next week (stickster, 13:52:43)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design/SXSW_Materials
(Southern_Gentlem, 13:55:18)
Meeting ended at 14:00:28 UTC.
Action Items
* stickster edit this article for publication next week
* stickster edit COPR article for next week
* ryanlerch message list about "useful packages" idea from standard
Fedora repos
* ryanlerch to email list about newpackages post series
* stickster email author/list about approval and ask for upgrades
* pingou work with dperpeet to draft 'Contributing CI' article
Action Items, by person
* pingou
* pingou work with dperpeet to draft 'Contributing CI' article
* ryanlerch
* ryanlerch message list about "useful packages" idea from standard
Fedora repos
* ryanlerch to email list about newpackages post series
* stickster
* stickster edit this article for publication next week
* stickster edit COPR article for next week
* stickster email author/list about approval and ask for upgrades
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* stickster (94)
* ryanlerch (41)
* cverna (21)
* zodbot (8)
* Southern_Gentlem (6)
* phracek (2)
* mattdm (1)
* pingou (1)
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.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
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The open source story continues to grow: http://opensource.com
#fedora-meeting: Magazine editorial board
Meeting started by stickster at 13:00:08 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* Roll call (stickster, 13:00:13)
* Last week's stas (stickster, 13:03:41)
* (stickster, 13:03:43)
* LINK: https://www.instagram.com/p/BeBzku9B8R1/ (ryanlerch,
* just over 72K pageviews last week -- excellent week! and so far,
188.5K pageviews for January (stickster, 13:05:07)
* Check-in from last week (stickster, 13:07:12)
* Pending review posts (stickster, 13:12:14)
(stickster, 13:12:16)
* --- container testing --- (stickster, 13:13:26)
* LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=19915&preview=1&_ppp=643a7fed92
(stickster, 13:13:28)
* AGREED: pitch/draft approved (stickster, 13:18:12)
* ACTION: stickster edit this article for publication next week
(stickster, 13:18:20)
* Drafts for review (stickster, 13:19:36)
(stickster, 13:19:40)
* --- COPR article for January --- (stickster, 13:20:48)
* LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=19945&preview=1&_ppp=d157238c80
(stickster, 13:20:52)
* AGREED: COPR is go, can use this next week (stickster, 13:23:26)
* ACTION: stickster edit COPR article for next week (stickster,
* ACTION: ryanlerch message list about "useful packages" idea from
standard Fedora repos (stickster, 13:30:48)
* ACTION: ryanlerch to email list about newpackages post series
(ryanlerch, 13:30:52)
* Pitches to review (stickster, 13:31:59)
(stickster, 13:32:18)
* --- GPIO expander project --- (stickster, 13:32:31)
* LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=19937&preview=1&_ppp=608eae8fa6
(stickster, 13:32:36)
* AGREED: GPIO pitch approved, contingent on adding a couple photos
and a little more explanation at intro (stickster, 13:40:29)
* ACTION: stickster email author/list about approval and ask for
upgrades (stickster, 13:40:56)
* ACTION: pingou work with dperpeet to draft 'Contributing CI' article
(stickster, 13:51:59)
* Publishing next week (stickster, 13:52:43)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design/SXSW_Materials
(Southern_Gentlem, 13:55:18)
Meeting ended at 14:00:28 UTC.
Action Items
* stickster edit this article for publication next week
* stickster edit COPR article for next week
* ryanlerch message list about "useful packages" idea from standard
Fedora repos
* ryanlerch to email list about newpackages post series
* stickster email author/list about approval and ask for upgrades
* pingou work with dperpeet to draft 'Contributing CI' article
Action Items, by person
* pingou
* pingou work with dperpeet to draft 'Contributing CI' article
* ryanlerch
* ryanlerch message list about "useful packages" idea from standard
Fedora repos
* ryanlerch to email list about newpackages post series
* stickster
* stickster edit this article for publication next week
* stickster edit COPR article for next week
* stickster email author/list about approval and ask for upgrades
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* stickster (94)
* ryanlerch (41)
* cverna (21)
* zodbot (8)
* Southern_Gentlem (6)
* phracek (2)
* mattdm (1)
* pingou (1)
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