Notification time stamped 2018-11-08 20:26:09 UTC
#ansible-community: Ansible Contributor Experience Working Group
Meeting started by gundalow at 19:00:08 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda: (gundalow,
* We define "contributor" as someone that does or should interact with
PRs (gundalow, 19:00:26)
* As discussed in Contributor Summit in Austin, we'd setup this new
group, which I'm working on full time. We are (initially) focusing on
PRs, though we are happy to fix other stuff as we go along. It's also
expected that some of this work will also improve issues and general
community stuff. (gundalow, 19:06:30)
* Where to start (gundalow, 19:06:58)
* There is loads to do, and just about anything is "in scope", though
based on discussing in Austin we will focus on making things clearer
for people, then work on adding more contributors/maintainers/. Part
of this group is about "oiling the machine", parts is actually about
sitting down and reviewing PRs (gundalow, 19:08:37)
* Improving Docs: /community and /dev_guide (gundalow, 19:09:17)
* Plan for restructure of /community/ and /dev_guide/…
(gundalow, 19:10:10)
* this would be replacement for (gundalow, 19:13:42)
* LINK:…
is a prototype of what i wanted to do with proposal 49 (jtanner,
* ACTION: acozine gundalow to think about changelog for docs, test
infrastructure, coding standards (gundalow, 19:26:55)
* AGREED: Writing/reviewing code is only one way to be a contributor
(gundalow, 19:35:09)
* How can we make it clear that if "all" someone does is review PRs
that's great (and in someways better than contributing new_modules)
(gundalow, 19:42:55)
* Can we do some diamond diagram to show this? (gundalow, 19:43:25)
* ACTION: create issue for tracking ideas on how to motivate
reviewers. credit people in changelog, points/badges/stars - watch
out for people gaming the system (gundalow, 19:44:40)
* Improving Docs: How to Review and test a PR (gundalow, 19:46:39)
* LINK:…
(gundalow, 19:46:51)
* See the `[Docs] How to review & test a PR #399` section (gundalow,
* During Contributors Summit in Austin we identified that we don't
have any clear guidelines on how to do local testing of a PR
(gundalow, 19:49:06)
* ACTION: gundalow needs to document his bigger picture plan
(contributor workflow, why we are starting with docs before adding
people. Why we improve the SIGs before adding people) (gundalow,
* the high level plan (gundalow, 20:15:37)
* ACTION: gundalow to do walkthough and document how to test a PR
(gundalow, 20:26:00)
Meeting ended at 20:26:09 UTC.
Action Items
* acozine gundalow to think about changelog for docs, test
infrastructure, coding standards
* create issue for tracking ideas on how to motivate reviewers. credit
people in changelog, points/badges/stars - watch out for people gaming
the system
* gundalow needs to document his bigger picture plan (contributor
workflow, why we are starting with docs before adding people. Why we
improve the SIGs before adding people)
* gundalow to do walkthough and document how to test a PR
Action Items, by person
* acozine
* acozine gundalow to think about changelog for docs, test
infrastructure, coding standards
* gundalow
* acozine gundalow to think about changelog for docs, test
infrastructure, coding standards
* gundalow needs to document his bigger picture plan (contributor
workflow, why we are starting with docs before adding people. Why we
improve the SIGs before adding people)
* gundalow to do walkthough and document how to test a PR
* create issue for tracking ideas on how to motivate reviewers. credit
people in changelog, points/badges/stars - watch out for people
gaming the system
People Present (lines said)
* gundalow (131)
* misc (43)
* acozine (30)
* felixfontein (28)
* decentral1se (25)
* jtanner (18)
* caphrim007 (14)
* zodbot (10)
* sdoran (5)
* dsoper2 (5)
* agaffney (1)
* akshay196 (1)
* bizonk (0)
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Notification time stamped 2018-11-08 15:25:29 UTC
#fedora-meeting-1: Infrastructure (2018-11-08)
Meeting started by smooge at 15:00:13 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* aloha (smooge, 15:00:13)
* New folks introductions (smooge, 15:04:54)
* This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora
Infrastructure can introduce themselves (smooge, 15:04:54)
* Getting Started Guide:
(smooge, 15:04:54)
* announcements and information (smooge, 15:09:27)
* tflink is on extended PTO (smooge, 15:09:27)
* updates/reboots of infrastructure (smooge, 15:09:27)
* There will be NO infrastructure meeting 2018-11-22 (smooge,
* Red Hat Employees have a usual break 2018-12-22 -> 2019-01-02
(smooge, 15:09:28)
* bodhi-3.11.0 beta in staging… soon… with python 3! (bowlofeggs,
* Oncall (smooge, 15:10:46)
* nirik is on call from 2018-11-01 -> 2018-11-08 (smooge, 15:10:46)
* bowlofeggs is on call from 2018-11-08->2018-11-15 (smooge,
* puiterwijk is on call from 2018-11-15->2018-11-22 (smooge,
* nirik is on call from 2018-11-22->2018-11-29 (smooge, 15:10:47)
* smooge is on call from 2018-11-29->2018-12-06 (smooge, 15:10:48)
* ??? is on call from 2018-12-06->2018-12-13 (smooge, 15:10:51)
* Summary of last week: (from smooge ) (smooge, 15:10:53)
* Tickets discussion (smooge, 15:13:35)
(smooge, 15:13:36)
* Apprentice Open office minutes (smooge, 15:14:11)
* A time where apprentices may ask for help or look at problems.
(smooge, 15:14:12)
* Open Floor (smooge, 15:18:42)
Meeting ended at 15:25:29 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* smooge (54)
* aikidouke (17)
* zodbot (17)
* puiterwijk (11)
* bowlofeggs (7)
* _Constant (5)
* mkonecny (4)
* clime (4)
* bcotton (2)
* cverna (2)
* Kal3ssiN (2)
* creaked (1)
* chris787 (1)
* relrod (1)
* nirik (0)
* threebean (0)
* pingou (0)
* tflink (0)
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Notification time stamped 2018-11-07 17:52:20 UTC
#fedora-commops: Fedora CommOps (2018-11-07)
Meeting started by bt0 at 17:03:31 UTC. The full logs are available at…
Meeting summary
* Agenda (bt0, 17:04:37)
* LINK:…
(bt0, 17:05:18)
* (1) Roll call / Q&A (bt0, 17:06:07)
* (2) Announcements (bt0, 17:06:07)
* (3) Action items from last meeting (bt0, 17:06:07)
* (4) Tickets (bt0, 17:06:07)
* (5) Open floor (bt0, 17:06:07)
* Roll call / Q&A (bt0, 17:06:21)
* Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas (bt0, 17:06:58)
* ACTION: commops New members, please introduce yourself on the
CommOps mailing list [ ]
(bt0, 17:07:10)
* Alberto Rodriguez S; UTC-6;CommOps, Merketing, Ambassadors,
Fedora-Join, dotNet, Mindshare, Cats (bt0, 17:08:53)
* Announcements (bt0, 17:13:25)
* Say thanks during Fedora Appreciation Week (Nov. 5-11) (bt0,
(bt0, 17:14:43)
* Don't forget send a happiness packet (bt0, 17:15:13)
* LINK: (bt0,
* Celebrate Fifteen Years of Fedora ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) (bt0, 17:18:02)
(bt0, 17:18:34)
* FAW 2018 Day 1: “Community makes the difference” (bt0, 17:19:29)
* LINK:…
(bt0, 17:19:39)
* FAW 2018 Day 2: “Change the world through Open Source. He said.”
(bt0, 17:21:54)
* LINK:…
(bt0, 17:22:05)
* FAW 2018 Day 3: “Becoming part of Fedora family because of her!
(bt0, 17:24:58)
* FAW 2018 Day 3: “Becoming part of Fedora family because of her!"
(bt0, 17:25:12)
* LINK:…
(bt0, 17:25:25)
* FPgM report: 2018-44 (bt0, 17:27:11)
(bt0, 17:27:19)
* Announcing the release of Fedora 29 (bt0, 17:29:18)
* LINK: (bt0,
(bt0, 17:30:49)
* Action items from last meeting (bt0, 17:32:01)
* LINK:…
(bt0, 17:32:51)
* How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting
for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next
one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action if needed. If no
status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward. (bt0,
* === [In Progress] "bt0 Complete a first draft of new CommOps docs
page on suggested Pagure tags (due: post-FAW, revisit later)" ===
(bt0, 17:33:18)
* ACTION: === "bt0 Complete a first draft of new CommOps docs page on
suggested Pagure tags (due: post-FAW, revisit later)" (bt0,
* === [Completed] "x3mboy Send an email to announce(a)lists.fp.o with
Appreciation Week announcement and link to Fedora Magazine article
(bt0, 17:33:51)
* === [Completed] "jwf Schedule tweet excerpts of Contributor Stories
on Twitter by Sunday, Nov. 4th" === (bt0, 17:34:19)
* === [Completed] "bt0 Post a reminder to commops(a)lists.fp.o that we
migrated to Discourse, mailing list will be archived on Nov. 14th,
and share link to Discourse CommOps category" === (bt0, 17:35:03)
* ACTION: "bt0 Remember to send a second reminder about CommOps
mailing list going away to Discourse on Wednesday, Nov. 7th" (bt0,
* Tickets (bt0, 17:35:57)
(bt0, 17:36:08)
* Ticket #110: "Fedora Appreciation Week 2018" (bt0, 17:36:23)
* LINK: (bt0, 17:36:31)
(bt0, 17:36:39)
* Open floor (bt0, 17:47:06)
Meeting ended at 17:52:20 UTC.
Action Items
* commops New members, please introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing
list [ ]
* === "bt0 Complete a first draft of new CommOps docs page on suggested
Pagure tags (due: post-FAW, revisit later)"
* "bt0 Remember to send a second reminder about CommOps mailing list
going away to Discourse on Wednesday, Nov. 7th"
Action Items, by person
* bt0
* === "bt0 Complete a first draft of new CommOps docs page on
suggested Pagure tags (due: post-FAW, revisit later)"
* "bt0 Remember to send a second reminder about CommOps mailing list
going away to Discourse on Wednesday, Nov. 7th"
* commops
* commops New members, please introduce yourself on the CommOps
mailing list [ ]
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* bt0 (69)
* zodbot (15)
* fcommops-tg (1)
* commops (0)
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Notification time stamped 2018-11-07 17:28:31 UTC
#fedora-meeting: EPEL (2018-11-07)
Meeting started by smooge at 17:01:14 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Chair and Introductions (smooge, 17:01:14)
* Agenda (smooge, 17:02:20)
* smooge biffed cinnamon in EL7 (smooge, 17:02:28)
* python vfad3.6 (smooge, 17:02:47)
* EL-7.6 (smooge, 17:03:03)
* Alternate Architectures (smooge, 17:03:10)
* Remove HA from EPEL builds? (smooge, 17:03:25)
* open floor (smooge, 17:03:30)
* Smooge biffed it (smooge, 17:06:37)
* asked cinnamon maintainer to retire packages versus orphan them
(smooge, 17:06:38)
* packager did so. (smooge, 17:06:38)
* python36 VFAD (smooge, 17:11:27)
* Date will be 2018-11-20 (smooge, 17:11:27)
* need to send data to bex and bcotton by end of day (smooge,
* need help rebuilding packages in copr with changes to epel-macros
(smooge, 17:11:27)
* EPEL-7.6 (smooge, 17:12:58)
* Alternative Architectures (smooge, 17:17:15)
* Remove HA from EPEL build channels (smooge, 17:21:08)
* turns out the channel is not available to everyone (smooge,
* what would need to be rebuilt? [not much it would seem] (smooge,
* Open Floor (smooge, 17:26:35)
Meeting ended at 17:28:31 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* smooge (61)
* nirik (16)
* pgreco (12)
* zodbot (7)
* tdawson (4)
* orc_fedo (1)
* Evolution (0)
* bstinson (0)
* avij (0)
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Notification time stamped 2018-11-07 16:37:06 UTC
#ansible-network: Ansible Network Working Group
Meeting started by andriusb at 16:00:34 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Core Team Updates (andriusb, 16:01:35)
* Ansible 2.8 devel is in full swing (andriusb, 16:02:07)
* LINK:…
(andriusb, 16:02:19)
* Open Floor (andriusb, 16:03:12)
* PR creators should be encouraged to backport to stable release when
their PR is merged for PRs that improve/ are useful (samccann,
* PR #48154 (andriusb, 16:09:13)
* LINK: (andriusb,
* ACTION: Ansible 2.7 Release Manager will pick it up during the next
z-release devel window (andriusb, 16:10:40)
* ACTION: @Qalthos Ansible 2.7 Release Manager will pick it up during
the next z-release devel window (andriusb, 16:11:00)
* Open Floor (andriusb, 16:11:19)
* In 2.8 Lenovo would like to change the following modules in tune with
the existing modules pertaining to cnos_interface, cnos_vlan,
cnos_portchannel (andriusb, 16:11:58)
* ACTION: @ikhan Assign appropriate expert to Anil_Lenovo for legacy
module refactoring advice (andriusb, 16:16:30)
* Open Floor (andriusb, 16:17:47)
* Lenovo would like to add a CNOS provider to ansible-network Galaxy
(andriusb, 16:24:38)
* ACTION: @ikhan @andriusb rocess for partner submissions (andriusb,
* ACTION: @ikhan @andriusb Provide process for partner provider
submissions to ansible-network Galaxy (andriusb, 16:25:53)
* Open Floor (andriusb, 16:33:10)
Meeting ended at 16:37:06 UTC.
Action Items
* Ansible 2.7 Release Manager will pick it up during the next z-release
devel window
* @Qalthos Ansible 2.7 Release Manager will pick it up during the next
z-release devel window
* @ikhan Assign appropriate expert to Anil_Lenovo for legacy module
refactoring advice
* @ikhan @andriusb rocess for partner submissions
* @ikhan @andriusb Provide process for partner provider submissions to
ansible-network Galaxy
Action Items, by person
* andriusb
* @ikhan @andriusb rocess for partner submissions
* @ikhan @andriusb Provide process for partner provider submissions to
ansible-network Galaxy
* Anil_Lenovo
* @ikhan Assign appropriate expert to Anil_Lenovo for legacy module
refactoring advice
* Qalthos
* @Qalthos Ansible 2.7 Release Manager will pick it up during the next
z-release devel window
* Ansible 2.7 Release Manager will pick it up during the next
z-release devel window
People Present (lines said)
* andriusb (43)
* Anil_Lenovo (22)
* zodbot (5)
* samccann (3)
* Qalthos (1)
* alex_ak (1)
* pffs (1)
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