Notification time stamped 2018-11-05 20:19:31 UTC
#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora-fr
Meeting started by Renault at 19:38:49 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Association Borsalinux-fr (Renault, 19:39:06)
* (Renault, 19:42:28)
* Marketing (Renault, 19:45:54)
* Documentation (Renault, 19:47:37)
* Traduction (Renault, 19:54:30)
* Projet Fedora (Renault, 20:03:21)
* F29 est sorti (Renault, 20:03:27)
* LINK: (Renault,
* Premier samedi à la Cité des Sciences (Renault, 20:08:25)
* Capitole du Libre (Renault, 20:09:52)
* Paris Open Source Summit (POSS) (Renault, 20:11:10)
* Journées Méditerranéennes du Logiciel Libre (JM2L) (Renault,
* Discussions Libres (Renault, 20:15:53)
Meeting ended at 20:19:31 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* Renault (69)
* jibec (19)
* eseyman (15)
* zodbot (11)
* Nicosss (8)
* misc (6)
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Notification time stamped 2018-11-05 15:56:54 UTC
#fedora-meeting-1: FESCO (2018-11-05)
Meeting started by zbyszek at 15:02:05 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* init process (zbyszek, 15:02:08)
* follow-ups (zbyszek, 15:03:40)
* 2003 Ursa Major (modules in buildroot) enablement (zbyszek, 15:03:53)
* LINK: (zbyszek, 15:03:59)
* ACTION: jforbes to send out an e-mail to devel mailing list
(zbyszek, 15:09:46)
* AGREED: Let's wait another week for discussion on fedora-devel (+5,
0, 0) (zbyszek, 15:12:12)
* 2004 Enabling pm_request in fedoraproject koji (zbyszek, 15:12:47)
* LINK: (zbyszek, 15:12:47)
* AGREED: current proposal is rejected. FESCo asks for a new proposal
which addresses issues 1-3 (+6, 0, 0) (zbyszek, 15:52:36)
* Next week's chair (zbyszek, 15:52:50)
* ACTION: NAME will chair next meeting (zbyszek, 15:52:50)
* ACTION: bowlofeggs will chair next meeting (zbyszek, 15:53:54)
* Open Floor (zbyszek, 15:54:00)
* Reminder: fesco members, please vote on (zbyszek, 15:54:18)
Meeting ended at 15:56:54 UTC.
Action Items
* jforbes to send out an e-mail to devel mailing list
* NAME will chair next meeting
* bowlofeggs will chair next meeting
Action Items, by person
* bowlofeggs
* bowlofeggs will chair next meeting
* jforbes
* jforbes to send out an e-mail to devel mailing list
* NAME will chair next meeting
People Present (lines said)
* zbyszek (77)
* bowlofeggs (27)
* tyll (26)
* jforbes (21)
* zodbot (17)
* maxamillion (7)
* nirik (3)
* ignatenkobrain (1)
* sgallagh (0)
* contyk (0)
* jsmith (0)
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Notification time stamped 2018-11-05 14:58:12 UTC
#fedora-meeting-2: Workstation WG
Meeting started by otaylor at 14:01:21 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Roll call (otaylor, 14:01:34)
* LUKS by default -
(otaylor, 14:10:48)
* AGREED: check the encryption checkbox in anaconda by default (+5; 0;
0) (otaylor, 14:21:49)
* ACTION: otaylor to summarize follow-up items and discussion into the
issue (otaylor, 14:22:06)
* Default disk partitioning layout for Workstation - (otaylor, 14:27:53)
* AGREED: For F30, change the default partitioning for workstation to
no LVM, unified / (separate /boot, swap) (+5; 0; 0) (otaylor,
* LINK: - What's new in
F29 Workstation article for Fedora Magazine - is still sitting
around staring at us, but if nobody is volunteering to write it (I'm
not!) then we'll have to do without. (otaylor, 14:54:28)
(juhp, 14:55:26)
Meeting ended at 14:58:12 UTC.
Action Items
* otaylor to summarize follow-up items and discussion into the issue
Action Items, by person
* otaylor
* otaylor to summarize follow-up items and discussion into the issue
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* otaylor (65)
* mcatanzaro (27)
* juhp (20)
* zodbot (15)
* ryanlerch (13)
* sgallagh (12)
* aday (11)
* cschalle (6)
* bcotton (2)
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Notification time stamped 2018-11-01 17:53:02 UTC
#ansible-lockdown: general project
Meeting started by defionscode at 16:01:03 UTC. The full logs are
available at…
Meeting summary
(defionscode, 16:03:28)
* AGREED: use benchparse to init new role (defionscode, 16:07:19)
* LINK:…
(defionscode, 16:08:54)
* IDEA: model after k8s subprojects (defionscode, 16:09:09)
* AGREED: create ansible-lockdown org to house incubating roles
(defionscode, 16:24:47)
* ACTION: defionscode to make org and role scaffolding for stigs
(defionscode, 16:27:47)
* AGREED: create ansible-lockdown-incubator org for things
not-yet-endorsed by lockdown maintainers as 'ready' (defionscode,
(shepdelacreme, 16:42:20)
* AGREED: create a submodule at /library to house patched modules in
order to support older ansible releases (defionscode, 16:43:43)
* merger with ansible hardening (defionscode, 16:44:44)
* LINK:…
(cyberpear, 16:48:12)
* ACTION: odyssey4me to follow up internally regarding ansible
lockdown's use of openstack infra (defionscode, 16:48:20)
* LINK:…
(odyssey4me, 16:49:02)
* ACTION: odyssey4me to find out whether Rackspace wishes to add
branding, and what the terms are if they do. (odyssey4me, 16:54:48)
* ACTION: defionscode to add odyssey4me and cloudnull to active
members list on the community page (defionscode, 16:59:25)
* how to best address manual and not remediated tasks (defionscode,
* IDEA: generate xccdf xml report that can be ingested into DISA's
STIG viewer (defionscode, 17:10:30)
* AGREED: callback plugin to output manual/nonremediated benchmark
rules (defionscode, 17:15:33)
* ACTION: defionscode to make mvp of callback plugin for
manual/nonremediated rules (defionscode, 17:16:00)
* Style Guidelines (defionscode, 17:16:54)
* AGREED: no line limit lenght, but allow for changes/commits that do
line breaks/continuation (defionscode, 17:20:05)
* AGREED: removing severity, audit, and patch tags severity tags go to
the include level in main.yml and audit/patch tags go away
completely (defionscode, 17:22:09)
* AGREED: rename fix-cat* to cat*.yml (defionscode, 17:25:00)
* AGREED: blocks should be named, and should follow convention unless
it's complex and further details are warranted (defionscode,
* AGREED: standardize on yes/no for BOOL (defionscode, 17:36:53)
* AGREED: move away from "myvar|failed" to "myvar is failed"
(defionscode, 17:39:42)
* AGREED: once accepted into the upstream, use the scap_facts module
to trigger failures in CI for roles (defionscode, 17:48:31)
Meeting ended at 17:53:02 UTC.
Action Items
* defionscode to make org and role scaffolding for stigs
* odyssey4me to follow up internally regarding ansible lockdown's use of
openstack infra
* odyssey4me to find out whether Rackspace wishes to add branding, and
what the terms are if they do.
* defionscode to add odyssey4me and cloudnull to active members list on
the community page
* defionscode to make mvp of callback plugin for manual/nonremediated
Action Items, by person
* defionscode
* defionscode to make org and role scaffolding for stigs
* defionscode to add odyssey4me and cloudnull to active members list
on the community page
* defionscode to make mvp of callback plugin for manual/nonremediated
* odyssey4me
* odyssey4me to follow up internally regarding ansible lockdown's use
of openstack infra
* odyssey4me to find out whether Rackspace wishes to add branding, and
what the terms are if they do.
* defionscode to add odyssey4me and cloudnull to active members list
on the community page
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* defionscode (198)
* cyberpear (72)
* shepdelacreme (63)
* odyssey4me (20)
* cyberpear_ (5)
* zodbot (5)
* mnaser (3)
* alikins_ (1)
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#fedora-meeting-2: RELENG (2018-11-01)
Meeting started by mboddu at 17:00:09 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* init process (mboddu, 17:00:10)
* Open Floor (mboddu, 17:08:17)
* Fedora 29 is released and mboddu enabled Cloud and Container
composes for F29 (mboddu, 17:08:55)
* nirik filed ursa-major and pm_command requests against FESCo
(mboddu, 17:09:25)
* mboddu will push the automated bodhi pushes patch tomorrow and will
watch it run for tomorrow and nirik will check it over the weekend
(mboddu, 17:25:34)
Meeting ended at 17:51:12 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mboddu (56)
* nirik (23)
* masta (10)
* zodbot (9)
* tyll (0)
* puiterwijk (0)
* Kellin (0)
* pbrobinson (0)
* dustymabe (0)
* pingou (0)
* maxamillion (0)
* sharkcz (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
Notification time stamped 2018-11-01 17:51:12 UTC
#fedora-meeting-2: RELENG (2018-11-01)
Meeting started by mboddu at 17:00:09 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* init process (mboddu, 17:00:10)
* Open Floor (mboddu, 17:08:17)
* Fedora 29 is released and mboddu enabled Cloud and Container
composes for F29 (mboddu, 17:08:55)
* nirik filed ursa-major and pm_command requests against FESCo
(mboddu, 17:09:25)
* mboddu will push the automated bodhi pushes patch tomorrow and will
watch it run for tomorrow and nirik will check it over the weekend
(mboddu, 17:25:34)
Meeting ended at 17:51:12 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mboddu (56)
* nirik (23)
* masta (10)
* zodbot (9)
* tyll (0)
* puiterwijk (0)
* Kellin (0)
* pbrobinson (0)
* dustymabe (0)
* pingou (0)
* maxamillion (0)
* sharkcz (0)
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