Notification time stamped 2020-08-27 15:40:42 UTC
#fedora-meeting-1: Infrastructure (2020-08-27)
Meeting started by nirik at 15:00:01 UTC. The full logs are available at…
Meeting summary
* Agenda is at: (nirik, 15:00:01)
* About our team: (nirik,
* aloha (nirik, 15:00:03)
* New folks introductions (nirik, 15:01:24)
* This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora
Infrastructure can introduce themselves (nirik, 15:01:24)
* Getting Started Guide:
(nirik, 15:01:24)
* Next chair (nirik, 15:08:54)
* magic eight ball says: (nirik, 15:08:54)
* 2020-08-27 - nirik (nirik, 15:08:54)
* 2020-09-03 - pingou (nirik, 15:08:54)
* 2020-09-10 - ? (nirik, 15:08:54)
* announcements and information (nirik, 15:13:27)
* CPE Sustaining EU-hours team has a Monday through Friday 30 minute
meeting going through tickets at 0830 UTC in #centos-meeting
(nirik, 15:13:27)
* CPE Sustaining NA-hours team has a Monday through Friday 30 minute
meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-admin (nirik,
* Datacenter move is over, but some items still need to be done: see…
(nirik, 15:13:27)
* Fedora Infra docs fest Friday 4th September 13:00 - 16:00 UTC
(mobrien, 15:15:10)
* Smoogen will be on PTO 2020-09-05->2020-09-20 (smooge, 15:16:57)
* Oncall (nirik, 15:19:26)
* (nirik,
* mobrien is oncall for 2020-08-20 to 2020-08-27 (nirik, 15:19:26)
* smooge is oncall for 2020-08-27 to 2020-09-03 (nirik, 15:19:26)
* ? is oncall for 2020-09-03 to 2020-09-10 (nirik, 15:19:27)
* Summary of last week: (from current oncall ) (nirik, 15:20:20)
* Monitoring discussion [nirik] (nirik, 15:24:58)
* (nirik, 15:24:58)
* Go over existing out items and fix (nirik, 15:24:58)
* Open Floor (nirik, 15:32:41)
Meeting ended at 15:40:42 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* nirik (91)
* mobrien (24)
* zodbot (13)
* hyperreal (13)
* nils (10)
* mboddu (9)
* smooge (8)
* seddik (6)
* TomAPC (5)
* mkonecny (1)
* siddharthvipul (1)
* cverna (0)
* pingou (0)
* abompard (0)
* mizdebsk (0)
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Notification time stamped 2020-08-27 15:00:28 UTC
#fedora-diversity: Fedora Diversity & Inclusion Team (2020-08-27)
Meeting started by jwf at 14:00:04 UTC. The full logs are available at…
Meeting summary
* Agenda (jwf, 14:00:30)
* (1) Roll call / introductions (jwf, 14:00:35)
* (2) Announcements (jwf, 14:00:36)
* (3) Action items from last meeting (jwf, 14:00:36)
* (4) Tickets (jwf, 14:00:36)
* (5) Open floor (jwf, 14:00:36)
* Roll call / introductions (jwf, 14:00:50)
* Announcements (jwf, 14:05:34)
* === "Fedora Community Outreach Revamp: Update!" === (jwf, 14:05:40)
* LINK:…
(jwf, 14:05:48)
* An update on latest news for the Fedora outreach revamp. There is a
ticket on our agenda today related to this. (jwf, 14:06:22)
* === "Fedora Council August 2020 meeting" === (jwf, 14:07:01)
(jwf, 14:07:05)
* Update from the Fedora Council from pre-Nest discussions. Includes a
highlight feature of the Fedora D&I Team. Definitely worth a read
this week! (jwf, 14:08:05)
* ACTION: jwf Ping Freenode staff about webchat clients getting
auto-voice in a channel (jwf, 14:10:07)
* Action items from last meeting (jwf, 14:10:20)
* LINK:…
(jwf, 14:10:40)
* [COMPLETE] jwf Open new ticket about D&I Team docs hack sessions
once or twice a month (due: 2020-08-17) (jwf, 14:10:58)
* LINK: (jwf, 14:11:16)
* [COMPLETE] siddharthvipul to request new badges for Virtual FWD 2020
(jwf, 14:11:30)
* LINK: (jwf, 14:11:44)
* [IN PROGRESS, NEEDS D&I TEAM] siddharthvipul ashlyna: Work together
on making a new poll to send out about which weekend in September
for the global FWD event (jwf, 14:14:06)
* [COMPLETE] jwf Reach out to GNOME D&I folks and co-conspire to
schedule a meeting date/time via WhenIsGood (jwf, 14:14:15)
* ACTION: jwf Ping GNOMEies in their to confirm the email
/ schedule the call (jwf, 14:14:32)
* Tickets (jwf, 14:15:11)
(jwf, 14:15:14)
* Ticket #153: " Fedora Ambassadors Revamp 2020: Community Survey"
(jwf, 14:15:55)
* LINK: (jwf, 14:16:05)
* IDEA: Outreach to Ambassadors/Join mailing lists is a good idea for
feedback too! (jwf, 14:26:09)
* Ticket #148: "FWD 2020: Expanding to Fedora + GNOME Women's Day"
(jwf, 14:27:55)
* LINK: (jwf, 14:28:01)
* jwf reached out to Molly de Blanc and Regina Nkemchor Adejo at GNOME
to set up a 1 hour chat. Folks active in FWD planning so far were
CC'd to the email. jwf is actioned to drop a quick direct message to
GNOMEies later to confirm the email and date/time. (jwf, 14:29:32)
* LINK:…
(jwf, 14:30:15)
* LINK: (jwf, 14:30:37)
* ACTION: jwf Open new ticket about FWD survey questions based on
Ashlyn's mailing list post (jwf, 14:34:01)
* ACTION: riecatnor Follow up in forthcoming FWD survey ticket with
idea about question for topics (jwf, 14:34:19)
* ACTION: di-team Review Ashlyn's question draft
( and share feedback in
forthcoming ticket by next meeting in September (jwf, 14:34:53)
* ACTION: jwf Add Fedora + GNOME chat to the D&I Team Fedocal with
details about our meeting agenda (jwf, 14:39:28)
* Tickets #116, 142, 143: various docs tickets (jwf, 14:41:37)
* LINK: (jwf, 14:41:44)
* LINK: (jwf, 14:41:54)
* LINK: (jwf, 14:42:00)
* LINK:…
(riecatnor, 14:45:57)
* LINK:…
(riecatnor, 14:46:19)
* LINK: (jwf, 14:46:25)
* ACTION: jwf Pick a date/time twice a month for D&I docs mentor
sessions and add to Fedocal (jwf, 14:49:44)
* Open floor (jwf, 14:51:53)
* ACTION: jwf give a action to misc (misc, 14:57:52)
* ACTION: misc Open a Fedora D&I ticket about "hey guys" auto-reply
feature for zodbot and thinking it through (jwf, 14:58:24)
Meeting ended at 15:00:28 UTC.
Action Items
* jwf Ping Freenode staff about webchat clients getting auto-voice in a
* jwf Ping GNOMEies in their to confirm the email / schedule
the call
* jwf Open new ticket about FWD survey questions based on Ashlyn's
mailing list post
* riecatnor Follow up in forthcoming FWD survey ticket with idea about
question for topics
* di-team Review Ashlyn's question draft
( and share feedback in
forthcoming ticket by next meeting in September
* jwf Add Fedora + GNOME chat to the D&I Team Fedocal with details about
our meeting agenda
* jwf Pick a date/time twice a month for D&I docs mentor sessions and
add to Fedocal
* jwf give a action to misc
* misc Open a Fedora D&I ticket about "hey guys" auto-reply feature for
zodbot and thinking it through
Action Items, by person
* di-team
* di-team Review Ashlyn's question draft
( and share feedback in
forthcoming ticket by next meeting in September
* jwf
* jwf Ping Freenode staff about webchat clients getting auto-voice in
a channel
* jwf Ping GNOMEies in their to confirm the email /
schedule the call
* jwf Open new ticket about FWD survey questions based on Ashlyn's
mailing list post
* jwf Add Fedora + GNOME chat to the D&I Team Fedocal with details
about our meeting agenda
* jwf Pick a date/time twice a month for D&I docs mentor sessions and
add to Fedocal
* jwf give a action to misc
* misc
* jwf give a action to misc
* misc Open a Fedora D&I ticket about "hey guys" auto-reply feature
for zodbot and thinking it through
* riecatnor
* riecatnor Follow up in forthcoming FWD survey ticket with idea about
question for topics
* zodbot
* misc Open a Fedora D&I ticket about "hey guys" auto-reply feature
for zodbot and thinking it through
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* jwf (182)
* riecatnor (24)
* zodbot (13)
* meskarune (12)
* siddharthvipul (8)
* misc (7)
* ashlyna (5)
* tg-fed-di (2)
* fm-diversity (1)
* di-team (0)
* tatica (0)
* tatica[m] (0)
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Notification time stamped 2020-08-26 18:20:16 UTC
#ansible-community: Ansible Community Meeting
Meeting started by felixfontein at 18:01:04 UTC. The full logs are
available at…
Meeting summary
* things still open on the agenda:
(felixfontein, 18:02:50)
* current state (felixfontein, 18:06:35)
* release scripts are ready for beta (felixfontein, 18:06:45)
* collection's minor version is frozen for 2.10.0, only patch releases
are accepted (felixfontein, 18:07:25)
* most collections for 2.10 have changelogs, but there's still a
larger bunch which does not (felixfontein, 18:08:27)
* only chance to include changelog after minor version freeze is to
make a patch release (increase only z in x.y.z) before the final
freeze (felixfontein, 18:09:08)
* open floor (felixfontein, 18:17:37)
Meeting ended at 18:20:16 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* felixfontein (23)
* abadger1999 (8)
* zodbot (6)
* cyberpear (2)
* cyberpair (0)
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Notification time stamped 2020-08-26 17:31:01 UTC
#fedora-meeting-1: fedora_coreos_meeting
Meeting started by cverna at 16:30:21 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* roll call (cverna, 16:30:38)
* Looking at what's next for FCOS (cverna, 16:34:33)
* We have determined that F.K.R.P are the items with the most interest
in completing first (dustymabe, 17:17:58)
* - F. Add coherent support for modifying kernel arguments, and
provide fcct sugar (dustymabe, 17:18:10)
* - K. Updates in offline/disconnected environment (dustymabe,
* - R. [Stable root image
(dustymabe, 17:18:28)
* - P. [Adding OpenStack to our
(dustymabe, 17:18:39)
* (after the items already in progress) (bgilbert, 17:19:03)
* Open Floor (cverna, 17:22:27)
* PXE boot on the `next` stream (as of 32.20200824.1.0) now requires
the separate rootfs image (dustymabe, 17:25:58)
Meeting ended at 17:31:01 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* dustymabe (66)
* cverna (55)
* aoei (35)
* jlebon (27)
* zodbot (26)
* bgilbert (18)
* lorbus (16)
* lucab (15)
* cyberpear (14)
* jdoss (5)
* miabbott (5)
* darkmuggle (3)
* skunkerk (2)
* imcleod (1)
* misc (1)
* davdunc (1)
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Notification time stamped 2020-08-26 16:26:29 UTC
#ansible-network: Ansible Network Working Group
Meeting started by Qalthos at 15:59:58 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* LINK: is where the
meeting agenda can always be found (Qalthos, 16:00:39)
* Core Updates (Qalthos, 16:01:13)
* There will be another release for all supported modules by the 31st
(Qalthos, 16:03:27)
* starting with ansible.netcommon 1.2.0 sometime this week (Qalthos,
* This is in preparation for the release of Ansible 2.10 later this
year (Qalthos, 16:07:57)
* community.yang proposal (Qalthos, 16:11:06)
(Qalthos, 16:11:18)
* This is a proposal for a set of modules to manage YANG-enabled
devices in a generic way from structured data in JSON or YAML
(Qalthos, 16:13:13)
* The details are in the issue, so if that is interesting to you,
please look through it and leave comments (Qalthos, 16:14:15)
* Open Floor (Qalthos, 16:15:02)
Meeting ended at 16:26:29 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* Qalthos (15)
* zodbot (6)
* pabelanger (0)
* ganeshrn (0)
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Notification time stamped 2020-08-26 15:34:15 UTC
#fedora-meeting: Prioritized bugs and issues
Meeting started by bcotton at 15:00:13 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Purpose of this meeting (bcotton, 15:00:25)
* The purpose of this process is to help with processing backlog of
bugs and issues found during the development, verification and use
of Fedora distribution. (bcotton, 15:00:26)
* The main goal is to raise visibility of bugs and issues to help
contributors focus on the most important issues. (bcotton,
* LINK:…
(bcotton, 15:00:29)
* Roll Call (bcotton, 15:00:36)
* Nominated bugs (bcotton, 15:08:57)
* 2 nominated bugs (bcotton, 15:08:59)
* LINK:…
(bcotton, 15:09:01)
* gcc crashes during PGO Firefox build (bcotton, 15:09:15)
(bcotton, 15:09:17)
* AGREED: Reproducability is unclear, so we will defer a decision
until the next meeting. (bcotton, 15:14:53)
* [Rawhide] gcc crashes at brew during Firefox build (bcotton,
(bcotton, 15:15:13)
* Upstream fix exists (bcotton, 15:16:26)
* LINK: (bcotton,
* AGREED: Accepted as prioritized bug because it blocks builds of a
key package (bcotton, 15:19:51)
* Accepted bugs (bcotton, 15:20:06)
* 1 accepted bugs (bcotton, 15:20:08)
* LINK:…
(bcotton, 15:20:09)
* [Fedora Media Writer] Does not work on macOS Catalina (bcotton,
(bcotton, 15:20:25)
* LINK: (bcotton, 15:20:27)
* ACTION: bcotton to try to find a contact for Red Hat's apps in the
App Store to see if they can provide some help (bcotton, 15:31:03)
* Next meeting (bcotton, 15:33:14)
* We will meet again on 9 September at 1500 UTC in #fedora-meeting
(bcotton, 15:33:16)
Meeting ended at 15:34:15 UTC.
Action Items
* bcotton to try to find a contact for Red Hat's apps in the App Store
to see if they can provide some help
Action Items, by person
* bcotton
* bcotton to try to find a contact for Red Hat's apps in the App Store
to see if they can provide some help
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* bcotton (54)
* mhroncok (27)
* zodbot (6)
* smooge (6)
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