Notification time stamped 2020-08-26 14:46:16 UTC
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2020-08-26
Meeting started by ykarel at 14:01:46 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* roll call (ykarel, 14:01:58)
* event update. TripleO livestream, etc (ykarel, 14:05:33)
(ykarel, 14:17:52)
* mascot? (ykarel, 14:24:48)
* ACTION: spotz to check about RDO mascot with jbrooks (ykarel,
* Next Week's chair (ykarel, 14:40:19)
* ACTION: amoralej to chair next week (ykarel, 14:40:41)
* Open Floor (ykarel, 14:40:48)
Meeting ended at 14:46:16 UTC.
Action Items
* spotz to check about RDO mascot with jbrooks
* amoralej to chair next week
Action Items, by person
* amoralej
* amoralej to chair next week
* spotz
* spotz to check about RDO mascot with jbrooks
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* spotz (35)
* ykarel (34)
* amoralej (18)
* zodbot (6)
* openstack (4)
* rdogerrit (1)
* weshay (1)
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Notification time stamped 2020-08-26 13:00:00 UTC
#fedora-meeting: Magazine editorial board
Meeting started by asamalik at 12:00:10 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Roll call (asamalik, 12:00:10)
* Agenda (asamalik, 12:04:16)
(asamalik, 12:04:16)
* -- 1/ Last week's stats -- (asamalik, 12:04:16)
* -- 2/ In progress followup -- (asamalik, 12:04:16)
* -- 3/ Finished articles to review -- (asamalik, 12:04:16)
* -- 4/ Articles to edit -- (asamalik, 12:04:16)
* -- 5/ Publishing schedule -- (asamalik, 12:04:16)
* -- 6/ Article proposals to clarify / approve -- (asamalik,
* -- 7/ Editor of the Week -- (asamalik, 12:04:17)
* -- 8/ Open floor -- (asamalik, 12:04:18)
* 1/ Last week's stats (asamalik, 12:04:29)
* Week of 17 Aug: 59.5k pageviews -- slightly below last week
(asamalik, 12:04:34)
* 2/ In progress followup (asamalik, 12:07:22)
* Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been
finished? Anything to follow up on with its author? (asamalik,
* LINK: Board:
(asamalik, 12:07:22)
* 2 articles in progress (asamalik, 12:07:40)
* 3/ Finished articles to review (asamalik, 12:15:13)
* Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good
to go. Move each either to the 'to edit' (finished) or to the 'in
progress' (needs more work) and provide feedback. (asamalik,
* LINK: Board:
(asamalik, 12:15:13)
* 1 article ready for review (asamalik, 12:16:26)
* ACTION: asamalik image and edit #224 (asamalik, 12:19:16)
* 4/ Articles to edit (asamalik, 12:26:56)
* Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image
creator. (asamalik, 12:26:56)
* LINK: Board:
(asamalik, 12:26:56)
* 5/ Publishing schedule (asamalik, 12:27:26)
* Looking at the 'queued' and 'to edit' columns, decide the publishing
schedule for the next week period. (asamalik, 12:27:26)
* If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the
'in progress' or even the 'article spec' columns come up with
additional content. (asamalik, 12:27:26)
* LINK: Board:
(asamalik, 12:27:26)
* AGREED: PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri 28 Aug 2020: #224 Ankur Sinha: How
do you Fedora? (image: asamalik, edit: asamalik) -- Mon 31 Aug 2020:
#222 PulseEffects: microphones (image: pfrields, edit: pfrields)
(asamalik, 12:34:30)
* 6/ Article proposals to clarify / approve (asamalik, 12:34:50)
* Review the the article proposals and decide about what's next — a
new article spec? more discussion? (asamalik, 12:34:50)
* LINK: Article proposals in our forum:…
(asamalik, 12:34:50)
* 7/ Editor of the Week (asamalik, 12:35:56)
* jakfrost will be Editor of the Week next week (asamalik, 12:42:17)
* 8/ Open floor (asamalik, 12:42:25)
* ACTION: asamalik starts a thread about Discourse (asamalik,
Meeting ended at 13:00:00 UTC.
Action Items
* asamalik image and edit #224
* asamalik starts a thread about Discourse
Action Items, by person
* asamalik
* asamalik image and edit #224
* asamalik starts a thread about Discourse
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* asamalik (118)
* jakfrost (56)
* stickster (30)
* zodbot (10)
* bcotton (7)
* cverna (0)
* sub_pop (0)
* rwaltr (0)
* ryanlerch (0)
* misc (0)
* gregbartholomew (0)
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Notification time stamped 2020-08-26 04:39:25 UTC
#fedora-meeting-2: Workstation WG (2020-08-25)
Meeting started by cmurf at 04:36:56 UTC. The full logs are available at…
Meeting summary
* Rollcall (cmurf, 04:37:25)
* present wg members: cmurf, tpopela, aday, mclasen, kalev, neal,
mcatanzaro, langdon (cmurf, 04:37:27)
* regrets wg members: petersen (cmurf, 04:37:29)
* present guests: (cmurf, 04:37:31)
* Approval of 17 Aug minutes (cmurf, 04:37:33)
* LINK:…
(cmurf, 04:37:35)
* ACTION: Langdon to provide Chris with the amendment, then we'll
re-approve (cmurf, 04:37:45)
* Announcements (cmurf, 04:37:47)
* Today is beta freeze (cmurf, 04:37:49)
* Follow-ups & Status reports (cmurf, 04:37:51)
* Workstation F33 image is still a bit oversize (cmurf, 04:37:53)
* kalev has submitted a PR to make gnome-shell non-removable (cmurf,
* GNOME upstream release happened on August 22 (beta 2?). Kalev is
turning the wheels to get the updates in. (cmurf, 04:37:57)
* Meta issue: pre-installed programs+apps for F33 (cmurf, 04:37:59)
* Make a small core of packages non-removable with DNF (cmurf,
* LINK: (cmurf,
* Remove Photos and Rhythmbox from the default apps (cmurf, 04:38:07)
* LINK: (cmurf,
* AGREED: We'll wait to do anything with Photos - Allan to speak to
Debarshi about the change first (cmurf, 04:38:17)
* Remove Boxes from default install (cmurf, 04:38:19)
* LINK: (cmurf,
* AGREED: Deferred until F34 (cmurf, 04:38:47)
* ACTION: : Chris to talk to Daniel about networking problem on live
image. (cmurf, 04:38:55)
* ACTION: : Chris to talk to Mark Pearson about Lenovo's needs for
default apps. (cmurf, 04:38:57)
* Make a small core of packages non-removable with DNF (cmurf,
* LINK: (cmurf,
* Making gnome-shell non-removable is in-progress (cmurf, 04:39:05)
* ACTION: Neal to talk to bootloader team to make grub nonremovable
(cmurf, 04:39:07)
* Open Floor (cmurf, 04:39:09)
Meeting ended at 04:39:25 UTC.
Action Items
* Langdon to provide Chris with the amendment, then we'll re-approve
* : Chris to talk to Daniel about networking problem on live image.
* : Chris to talk to Mark Pearson about Lenovo's needs for default apps.
* Neal to talk to bootloader team to make grub nonremovable
Action Items, by person
* Langdon to provide Chris with the amendment, then we'll re-approve
* : Chris to talk to Daniel about networking problem on live image.
* : Chris to talk to Mark Pearson about Lenovo's needs for default
* Neal to talk to bootloader team to make grub nonremovable
People Present (lines said)
* cmurf (57)
* zodbot (7)
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Notification time stamped 2020-08-26 04:09:20 UTC
#fedora-meeting-2: Workstation WG (2020-08-18)
Meeting started by cmurf at 04:07:37 UTC. The full logs are available at…
Meeting summary
* Rollcall (cmurf, 04:07:57)
* present wg members: cmurf, kalev, aday, langdon, neal, michael, owen
(cmurf, 04:07:59)
* regrets wg members: tpopela, mclasen (cmurf, 04:08:01)
* present guests: james, salimma (cmurf, 04:08:03)
* Approv 11 Aug minutes (cmurf, 04:08:05)
* LINK:…
(cmurf, 04:08:07)
* AGREED: Approved - no objections (cmurf, 04:08:09)
* Announcements (cmurf, 04:08:11)
* GNOME test day for F33 will be 19 August (cmurf, 04:08:13)
* Follow-ups & Status reports (cmurf, 04:08:21)
(cmurf, 04:08:27)
* Remove Photos and Rhythmbox from the default apps (cmurf, 04:08:31)
* LINK: (cmurf,
* ACTION: Allan will talk to Debarshi, the Photos maintainer, to let
him know (cmurf, 04:08:35)
* ACTION: Michael to make the comps changes (cmurf, 04:08:53)
* Make a small core of packages non-removable with DNF (cmurf,
* LINK: (cmurf,
* AGREED: The WG agrees to make grub2, shim and gnome-shell
non-removable. (cmurf, 04:08:59)
* ACTION: Neal to open a PR to make grub2 and shim non-removable
Fedora-wide (cmurf, 04:09:01)
* ACTION: Kalev to protect gnome-shell (using
fedora-release-workstation) (cmurf, 04:09:03)
Meeting ended at 04:09:20 UTC.
Action Items
* Allan will talk to Debarshi, the Photos maintainer, to let him know
* Michael to make the comps changes
* Neal to open a PR to make grub2 and shim non-removable Fedora-wide
* Kalev to protect gnome-shell (using fedora-release-workstation)
Action Items, by person
* Allan will talk to Debarshi, the Photos maintainer, to let him know
* Michael to make the comps changes
* Neal to open a PR to make grub2 and shim non-removable Fedora-wide
* Kalev to protect gnome-shell (using fedora-release-workstation)
People Present (lines said)
* cmurf (38)
* zodbot (7)
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#fedora-meeting-3: RELENG (2020-08-25)
Meeting started by mboddu at 15:01:59 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* init process (mboddu, 15:01:59)
* lorax new options (mboddu, 15:05:32)
* LINK: (mboddu,
* LINK: (mboddu,
* jednorozec will create a new PR for it, we will merge it and try it
out on rawhide first (mboddu, 15:22:30)
* #9717 proposal: "archive" yum repo for Fedora; non-latest packages
from the updates repo (mboddu, 15:22:37)
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:22:46)
* #9562 cloud/container image creation fails on s390x (mboddu,
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:33:17)
* Open Floor (mboddu, 15:46:54)
* Fedora F33 is in beta freeze right now, bodhi is enabled and please
make sure everyone submits FBR's if they need any changes to the
infra (mboddu, 15:48:04)
Meeting ended at 15:55:55 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mboddu (87)
* nirik (32)
* jednorozec (10)
* smooge (8)
* zodbot (8)
* dustymabe (8)
* sharkcz (4)
* pbrobinson (0)
* pingou (0)
* ksinny (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
Notification time stamped 2020-08-25 15:55:55 UTC
#fedora-meeting-3: RELENG (2020-08-25)
Meeting started by mboddu at 15:01:59 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* init process (mboddu, 15:01:59)
* lorax new options (mboddu, 15:05:32)
* LINK: (mboddu,
* LINK: (mboddu,
* jednorozec will create a new PR for it, we will merge it and try it
out on rawhide first (mboddu, 15:22:30)
* #9717 proposal: "archive" yum repo for Fedora; non-latest packages
from the updates repo (mboddu, 15:22:37)
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:22:46)
* #9562 cloud/container image creation fails on s390x (mboddu,
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:33:17)
* Open Floor (mboddu, 15:46:54)
* Fedora F33 is in beta freeze right now, bodhi is enabled and please
make sure everyone submits FBR's if they need any changes to the
infra (mboddu, 15:48:04)
Meeting ended at 15:55:55 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mboddu (87)
* nirik (32)
* jednorozec (10)
* smooge (8)
* zodbot (8)
* dustymabe (8)
* sharkcz (4)
* pbrobinson (0)
* pingou (0)
* ksinny (0)
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