Notification time stamped 2020-08-20 18:11:12 UTC
#fedora-admin: Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting
Meeting started by smooge at 18:00:59 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops (smooge,
* agenda is at (smooge,
* /mnt/koji ran out of disk space today due to snapshot churn eating 30
TB of disk. (smooge, 18:01:48)
Meeting ended at 18:11:12 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* smooge (29)
* mboddu (22)
* zodbot (9)
* fm-admin (2)
* nirik (0)
* pingou (0)
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Notification time stamped 2020-08-20 17:58:42 UTC
#fedora-meeting-1: Council (2020-08-20)
Meeting started by bcotton at 17:03:47 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Introductions, Welcomes (bcotton, 17:03:51)
* Today's agenda (bcotton, 17:04:55)
* Fedora Legal update (bcotton, 17:04:57)
* Project directory (bcotton, 17:04:58)
* Nest feedback and discussion (bcotton, 17:05:00)
* Your topics here! (bcotton, 17:05:01)
* Fedora Legal update (bcotton, 17:08:30)
* spot has left Red Hat, so we need a new legal liaison (bcotton,
* bcotton will handle this in the short-/medium-term (bcotton,
* ACTION: bcotton to update the legal(a) alias
(bcotton, 17:08:35)
* ACTION: bcotton. (mattdm, 17:08:49)
* ACTION: mattdm to check back with mo about where she's at with
addressing the lawyers' concerns (mattdm, 17:10:18)
* Project directory (bcotton, 17:11:57)
* The prototype is approved and merged (bcotton, 17:11:59)
* ACTION: dcantrell to begin populating Engineering teams in the
directory (bcotton, 17:12:08)
* ACTION: x3mboy to begin populating Mindshare teams in the directory
(bcotton, 17:12:10)
(mattdm, 17:14:11)
* ACTION: x3mboy file ticket to schedule council docs vfad :)
(mattdm, 17:19:05)
* ACTION: bcotton to put asamalik's Pagure comment on team directory
into a to-be-created pretty Council doc (bcotton, 17:30:59)
* Nest feedback and discussion (bcotton, 17:36:15)
* LINK: (bcotton,
* LINK: (bookwar[m], 17:41:28)
* Next meeting (bcotton, 17:43:56)
* The next Fedora Council meeting is Thursday 3 September (bcotton,
* The next meeting will *probably* be in #fedora-meeting. Watch for
email updates about that (bcotton, 17:46:40)
* ACTION: bcotton to check with IRC SIG Meeting owners to see if we
can take their meeting slot since they don't seem to be using it
(bcotton, 17:47:03)
* Do we have anything to announce? (bcotton, 17:47:25)
* This is a regular check to make sure we're communicating to the
contributor (via CommBlog) and user (via Magazine) communities
(bcotton, 17:47:27)
* notes from Fedora Council virtual meeting before Nest (mattdm,
* LINK:…
(mattdm, 17:50:44)
* Dashboard check (bcotton, 17:51:24)
(bcotton, 17:51:26)
* Open floor (bcotton, 17:53:35)
Meeting ended at 17:58:42 UTC.
Action Items
* bcotton to update the legal(a) alias
* bcotton.
* mattdm to check back with mo about where she's at with addressing the
lawyers' concerns
* dcantrell to begin populating Engineering teams in the directory
* x3mboy to begin populating Mindshare teams in the directory
* x3mboy file ticket to schedule council docs vfad :)
* bcotton to put asamalik's Pagure comment on team directory into a
to-be-created pretty Council doc
* bcotton to check with IRC SIG Meeting owners to see if we can take
their meeting slot since they don't seem to be using it
Action Items, by person
* asamalik
* bcotton to put asamalik's Pagure comment on team directory into a
to-be-created pretty Council doc
* bcotton
* bcotton to update the legal(a) alias
* bcotton.
* bcotton to put asamalik's Pagure comment on team directory into a
to-be-created pretty Council doc
* bcotton to check with IRC SIG Meeting owners to see if we can take
their meeting slot since they don't seem to be using it
* dcantrell
* dcantrell to begin populating Engineering teams in the directory
* mattdm
* mattdm to check back with mo about where she's at with addressing
the lawyers' concerns
* x3mboy
* x3mboy to begin populating Mindshare teams in the directory
* x3mboy file ticket to schedule council docs vfad :)
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* bcotton (85)
* mattdm (69)
* jwf (52)
* x3mboy (37)
* bookwar[m] (27)
* riecatnor (24)
* King_InuYasha (24)
* zodbot (17)
* dgilmore (7)
* Conan_Kudo (3)
* sgallagh (1)
* dcantrell (0)
* pbrobinson (0)
* bookwar (0)
* asamalik (0)
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Notification time stamped 2020-08-20 15:30:31 UTC
#fedora-meeting-1: Infrastructure (2020-08-20)
Meeting started by mkonecny at 15:00:06 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda is at: (mkonecny, 15:00:06)
* About our team: (mkonecny,
* aloha (mkonecny, 15:00:07)
* New folks introductions (mkonecny, 15:02:17)
* This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora
Infrastructure can introduce themselves (mkonecny, 15:02:17)
* Getting Started Guide:
(mkonecny, 15:02:17)
* Next chair (mkonecny, 15:05:20)
* magic eight ball says: (mkonecny, 15:05:20)
* 2020-08-20 - siddharthvipul (mkonecny, 15:05:20)
* 2020-08-27 - nirik (mkonecny, 15:05:20)
* 2020-09-03 - ??? (mkonecny, 15:05:20)
* 2020-09-03 - pingou (mkonecny, 15:06:25)
* announcements and information (mkonecny, 15:07:25)
* CPE Sustaining EU-hours team has a Monday through Friday 30 minute
meeting going through tickets at 0830 UTC in #centos-meeting
(mkonecny, 15:07:25)
* CPE Sustaining NA-hours team has a Monday through Friday 30 minute
meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-admin
(mkonecny, 15:07:25)
* Datacenter move is over, but some items still need to be done: see…
(mkonecny, 15:07:25)
* nirik is on PTO this week (smooge, 15:08:10)
* smooge will be on PTO for 2020-09-05->2020-09-20 and (smooge,
* pingou is AFK next week (pingou, 15:09:00)
* Oncall (mkonecny, 15:10:38)
* (mkonecny,
* siddharthvipul is oncall for 2020-08-13 to 2020-08-20 (mkonecny,
* mobrien is oncall for 2020-08-20 to 2020-08-27 (mkonecny, 15:10:38)
* ??? is oncall for 2020-08-27 to 2020-09-03 (mkonecny, 15:10:39)
* smooge is oncall for 2020-08-27 to 2020-09-03 (mkonecny, 15:12:31)
* Summary of last week: (from current oncall ) (mkonecny, 15:14:25)
* Monitoring discussion [nirik] (mkonecny, 15:19:17)
* (mkonecny, 15:19:17)
* Go over existing out items and fix (mkonecny, 15:19:17)
* Open Floor (mkonecny, 15:23:38)
Meeting ended at 15:30:31 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mkonecny (66)
* smooge (28)
* pingou (22)
* zodbot (15)
* mobrien (11)
* darknao (6)
* seddik (2)
* nirik (0)
* cverna (0)
* abompard (0)
* mizdebsk (0)
* siddharthvipul (0)
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Notification time stamped 2020-08-19 18:14:50 UTC
#fedora-meeting-2: Workstation WG (2020-08-18)
Meeting started by cmurf at 18:13:08 UTC. The full logs are available at…
Meeting summary
* Rollcall (cmurf, 18:13:22)
* present wg members: cmurf, kalev, aday, langdon, neal, michael, owen
(cmurf, 18:13:24)
* regrets wg members: tpopela, mclasen (cmurf, 18:13:26)
* present guests: james, salimma (cmurf, 18:13:28)
* Approv 11 Aug minutes (cmurf, 18:13:30)
* LINK:…
(cmurf, 18:13:32)
* AGREED: Approved - no objections (cmurf, 18:13:34)
* Announcements (cmurf, 18:13:36)
* GNOME test day for F33 will be 19 August (cmurf, 18:13:38)
* Follow-ups & Status reports (cmurf, 18:13:46)
(cmurf, 18:13:52)
* Remove Photos and Rhythmbox from the default apps (cmurf, 18:13:56)
* LINK: (cmurf,
* ACTION: Allan will talk to Debarshi, the Photos maintainer, to let
him know (cmurf, 18:14:00)
* ACTION: Michael to make the comps changes (cmurf, 18:14:20)
* Make a small core of packages non-removable with DNF (cmurf,
* LINK: (cmurf,
* AGREED: The WG agrees to make grub2, shim and gnome-shell
non-removable. (cmurf, 18:14:26)
* ACTION: Neal to open a PR to make grub2 and shim non-removable
Fedora-wide (cmurf, 18:14:28)
* ACTION: Kalev to protect gnome-shell (using
fedora-release-workstation) (cmurf, 18:14:30)
Meeting ended at 18:14:50 UTC.
Action Items
* Allan will talk to Debarshi, the Photos maintainer, to let him know
* Michael to make the comps changes
* Neal to open a PR to make grub2 and shim non-removable Fedora-wide
* Kalev to protect gnome-shell (using fedora-release-workstation)
Action Items, by person
* Allan will talk to Debarshi, the Photos maintainer, to let him know
* Michael to make the comps changes
* Neal to open a PR to make grub2 and shim non-removable Fedora-wide
* Kalev to protect gnome-shell (using fedora-release-workstation)
People Present (lines said)
* cmurf (39)
* zodbot (7)
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Notification time stamped 2020-08-19 17:00:55 UTC
#fedora-meeting-1: fedora_coreos_meeting
Meeting started by dustymabe at 16:29:01 UTC. The full logs are
available at…
Meeting summary
* roll call (dustymabe, 16:29:05)
* Action items from last meeting (dustymabe, 16:33:21)
* nasirhm opened PR for adding nvme-cli and it merged (dustymabe,
* ACTION: bgilbert to summarize discussion in #586 (bgilbert,
* high level issues for Fedora CoreOS (dustymabe, 16:35:06)
* in next week's meeting we'll talk about high level issues we should
try to tackle soon in FCOS, more details coming in an email to
coreos(a) (dustymabe, 16:37:56)
* 2020-08-19: gather status update for Fedora Council (dustymabe,
* better Vultr and OpenStack support coming with Afterburn 4.5.0 - (lucab,
* a framework for docs for our upstream projects, starting from
Zincati - (lucab, 16:46:58)
* open floor (dustymabe, 16:51:56)
* LINK:…
(dustymabe, 16:57:38)
* LINK:…
(dustymabe, 16:58:00)
* dusty and neal did a presentation on Monday about running OKD on
FCOS on DigitalOcean:
(dustymabe, 16:58:48)
Meeting ended at 17:00:55 UTC.
Action Items
* bgilbert to summarize discussion in #586
Action Items, by person
* bgilbert
* bgilbert to summarize discussion in #586
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* dustymabe (53)
* zodbot (26)
* jdoss (19)
* nasirhm (17)
* jlebon (11)
* bgilbert (11)
* aoei (9)
* cyberpear (6)
* lucab (5)
* cverna (4)
* darkmuggle (1)
* abai (1)
* skunkerk- (1)
* lorbus (1)
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