Notification time stamped 2020-09-23 13:01:10 UTC
#fedora-meeting: Magazine editorial board
Meeting started by asamalik at 12:00:10 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Roll call (asamalik, 12:00:10)
* Agenda (asamalik, 12:03:12)
(asamalik, 12:03:12)
* -- 1/ Last week's stats -- (asamalik, 12:03:12)
* -- 2/ In progress followup -- (asamalik, 12:03:12)
* -- 3/ Finished articles to review -- (asamalik, 12:03:12)
* -- 4/ Articles to edit -- (asamalik, 12:03:12)
* -- 5/ Publishing schedule -- (asamalik, 12:03:13)
* -- 6/ Editor of the Week -- (asamalik, 12:03:13)
* -- 7/ Open floor -- (asamalik, 12:03:13)
* 1/ Last week's stats (asamalik, 12:03:18)
* Week of 14 Sep: 55.5k pageviews -- roughly the same in the past
three weeks, but below average overall (asamalik, 12:03:35)
* 2/ In progress followup (asamalik, 12:09:55)
* Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been
finished? Anything to follow up on with its author? (asamalik,
* LINK: Board:
(asamalik, 12:09:56)
* ACTION: bcotton to talk to jzb about SEO training for Magazine
editors and document the subsequent knowledge (bcotton, 12:13:00)
* 3/ Finished articles to review (asamalik, 12:21:22)
* Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good
to go. Move each either to the 'to edit' (finished) or to the 'in
progress' (needs more work) and provide feedback. (asamalik,
* LINK: Board:
(asamalik, 12:21:22)
* LINK: (asamalik,
* 4/ Articles to edit (asamalik, 12:24:49)
* Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image
creator. (asamalik, 12:24:49)
* LINK: Board:
(asamalik, 12:24:49)
* 5/ Publishing schedule (asamalik, 12:35:39)
* Looking at the 'queued' and 'to edit' columns, decide the publishing
schedule for the next week period. (asamalik, 12:35:40)
* If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the
'in progress' or even the 'article spec' columns come up with
additional content. (asamalik, 12:35:40)
* LINK: Board:
(asamalik, 12:35:40)
* AGREED: PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri 25 Sep 2020: #229 Lenovo
announcement (image: TBD, edit: TBD) -- Mon 28 Sep 2020: #94
Incremental/Differential backup with rsync and Butterfly Backup
(image: stickster, edit: jakfrost) -- Wed 30 Sep 2020: #233 Install
and configure dnsmasq to provide DNS & DHCP services (image:
bcotton, edit: bcotton) (asamalik, 12:45:16)
* 7/ Editor of the Week (asamalik, 12:45:33)
* jakfrost will be Editor of the Week next week (asamalik, 12:47:54)
* 8/ Open floor (asamalik, 12:48:10)
Meeting ended at 13:01:10 UTC.
Action Items
* bcotton to talk to jzb about SEO training for Magazine editors and
document the subsequent knowledge
Action Items, by person
* bcotton
* bcotton to talk to jzb about SEO training for Magazine editors and
document the subsequent knowledge
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* asamalik (119)
* jakfrost (55)
* bcotton (28)
* stickster (27)
* FrostyX (12)
* zodbot (11)
* pingou (1)
* misc (0)
* cverna (0)
* sub_pop (0)
* rwaltr (0)
* ryanlerch (0)
* gregbartholomew (0)
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Notification time stamped 2020-09-22 17:08:18 UTC
#fedora-i3: Fedora-i3-sig
Meeting started by x3mboy[m] at 16:18:49 UTC. The full logs are
available at…
Meeting summary
* Agenda (x3mboy[m], 16:19:05)
* Roll call (x3mboy[m], 16:19:28)
* Review current status (x3mboy[m], 16:19:41)
* Open Floor (x3mboy[m], 16:19:48)
* Roll Call (x3mboy[m], 16:20:08)
* Review current status (x3mboy[m], 16:22:18)
* ISO in development. defolos running openQA tests on i3 ISO. (jwf,
* nasirhm working on default wallpaper, race condition bug, reviewing
package list. (jwf, 16:45:35)
* x3mboy[m] nominates Mousepad as default text editor. (jwf,
* ACTION: x3mboy[m] Start mailing list thread to propose Mousepad as
default text editor (jwf, 16:46:06)
* Open floor (jwf, 16:47:04)
* Open Floor (x3mboy[m], 16:47:10)
* AGREED: Move i3wm meetings to once a month (jwf, 16:52:13)
* ACTION: jwf jwf will start writing the Change Proposal (x3mboy[m],
Meeting ended at 17:08:18 UTC.
Action Items
* x3mboy[m] Start mailing list thread to propose Mousepad as default
text editor
* jwf jwf will start writing the Change Proposal
Action Items, by person
* jwf
* jwf jwf will start writing the Change Proposal
* x3mboy[m]
* x3mboy[m] Start mailing list thread to propose Mousepad as default
text editor
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* jwf (40)
* x3mboy[m] (40)
* nasirhm (25)
* zodbot (10)
* defolos (10)
* fedi3bridgerbot1 (2)
* jwflory (0)
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Notification time stamped 2020-09-22 16:08:13 UTC
#ansible-docs: Docs Working Group aka DaWGs
Meeting started by samccann at 14:31:42 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* opening chatter (samccann, 14:31:55)
* 2.10 release (acozine, 14:45:36)
* merge redirect PR once 2.10 is released and 2.10 docs published
(samccann, 14:45:52)
(samccann, 14:46:50)
* LINK: is
passing CI (acozine, 15:02:15)
(samccann, 15:04:38)
* Draft release email:
(abadger1999, 15:12:31)
* need to merge to bring
`known_issues` from changelog into porting guide (samccann,
* also need PR (from abadger??) that will create a manual changelog
fragment for the bugs/caveats listed in the draft release note
(samccann, 15:19:55)
* ACTION: samccann to draft the 'release process for docs' to document
these steps for the next release... (samccann, 15:20:37)
* ACTION: abadger1999 to add the three known bugs to the
changelog/porting guide (abadger1999, 15:22:30)
(abadger1999, 15:30:46)
* ACTION: samccann discuss with release managers on how to
streamline/improve the release caveats in the future (samccann,
* Question for next release: What level of issue/bug will we want in
future porting guides? (samccann, 15:59:15)
* LINK: there's a
backport of the stable-2.9 PR to stable-2.8 (felixfontein,
* open floor (samccann, 16:06:24)
Meeting ended at 16:08:13 UTC.
Action Items
* samccann to draft the 'release process for docs' to document these
steps for the next release...
* abadger1999 to add the three known bugs to the changelog/porting guide
* samccann discuss with release managers on how to streamline/improve
the release caveats in the future
Action Items, by person
* abadger1999
* abadger1999 to add the three known bugs to the changelog/porting
* samccann
* samccann to draft the 'release process for docs' to document these
steps for the next release...
* samccann discuss with release managers on how to streamline/improve
the release caveats in the future
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* acozine (90)
* samccann (59)
* felixfontein (52)
* abadger1999 (48)
* zodbot (10)
* gundalow (8)
* aminvakil (2)
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#fedora-meeting-3: RELENG (2020-09-22)
Meeting started by mboddu at 15:02:47 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* init process (mboddu, 15:02:47)
* Alt Arch Updates (mboddu, 15:04:25)
* #9577 Fedora Media Writer 4.1.6 released (mboddu, 15:12:40)
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:12:45)
* #8949 repo_include_all does not work with external repos (mboddu,
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:18:00)
* #9762 Please create a repo for python-bokeh on src.fp.o. PDC branch
exists but repo and branches were not created (mboddu, 15:24:45)
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:24:51)
* #9745 Delete the modules/ruby wip/2.7 (mboddu, 15:32:19)
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:32:23)
* #9714 Restart the ftbfs bugzilla spam cron and/or help me debug it
(mboddu, 15:41:08)
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:41:13)
* mboddu will take over this ticket (mboddu, 15:44:54)
* Open Floor (mboddu, 15:45:13)
* F33 Beta 1.3 is running right now (mboddu, 15:45:22)
Meeting ended at 15:58:23 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mboddu (66)
* nirik (25)
* jednorozec (11)
* sharkcz (8)
* zodbot (7)
* pbrobinson (0)
* dustymabe (0)
* pingou (0)
* ksinny (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
Notification time stamped 2020-09-22 15:58:23 UTC
#fedora-meeting-3: RELENG (2020-09-22)
Meeting started by mboddu at 15:02:47 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* init process (mboddu, 15:02:47)
* Alt Arch Updates (mboddu, 15:04:25)
* #9577 Fedora Media Writer 4.1.6 released (mboddu, 15:12:40)
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:12:45)
* #8949 repo_include_all does not work with external repos (mboddu,
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:18:00)
* #9762 Please create a repo for python-bokeh on src.fp.o. PDC branch
exists but repo and branches were not created (mboddu, 15:24:45)
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:24:51)
* #9745 Delete the modules/ruby wip/2.7 (mboddu, 15:32:19)
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:32:23)
* #9714 Restart the ftbfs bugzilla spam cron and/or help me debug it
(mboddu, 15:41:08)
* LINK: (mboddu, 15:41:13)
* mboddu will take over this ticket (mboddu, 15:44:54)
* Open Floor (mboddu, 15:45:13)
* F33 Beta 1.3 is running right now (mboddu, 15:45:22)
Meeting ended at 15:58:23 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* mboddu (66)
* nirik (25)
* jednorozec (11)
* sharkcz (8)
* zodbot (7)
* pbrobinson (0)
* dustymabe (0)
* pingou (0)
* ksinny (0)
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