Notification time stamped 2020-09-17 15:53:36 UTC
#fedora-meeting-1: Infrastructure (2020-09-17)
Meeting started by siddharthvipul at 15:00:26 UTC. The full logs are
available at…
Meeting summary
* Agenda is at: (siddharthvipul,
* About our team:
(siddharthvipul, 15:00:26)
* aloha (siddharthvipul, 15:00:26)
* New folks introductions (siddharthvipul, 15:03:27)
* This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora
Infrastructure can introduce themselves (siddharthvipul, 15:03:27)
* Getting Started Guide:
(siddharthvipul, 15:03:27)
* Next chair (siddharthvipul, 15:08:12)
* 2020-09-24 - mkonecny (siddharthvipul, 15:08:19)
* 2020-10-01 - nirik (siddharthvipul, 15:10:51)
* 2020-10-08 - mobrien (siddharthvipul, 15:11:12)
* 2020-10-15 - siddharthvipul (siddharthvipul, 15:11:37)
* announcements and information (siddharthvipul, 15:12:05)
* CPE Sustaining EU-hours team has a Monday through Friday 30 minute
meeting going through tickets at 0830 UTC in #centos-meeting
(siddharthvipul, 15:12:05)
* CPE Sustaining NA-hours team has a Monday through Friday 30 minute
meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-admin
(siddharthvipul, 15:12:05)
* Datacenter move is over, but some items still need to be done: see…
(siddharthvipul, 15:12:05)
* F33 Beta freeze is in effect (siddharthvipul, 15:12:07)
* F33 Beta is still NO GO (mkonecny, 15:12:28)
* staging is about ~80% installed (nirik, 15:13:19)
* Oncall (siddharthvipul, 15:16:07)
(siddharthvipul, 15:16:07)
* pingou is oncall for 2020-09-10 to 2020-09-17 (siddharthvipul,
* mobrien is oncall for 2020-09-17 to 2020-09-24 (siddharthvipul,
* nirik is oncall for 2020-09-24 to 2020-10-01 (siddharthvipul,
* Monitoring discussion [nirik] (siddharthvipul, 15:19:49)
* (siddharthvipul, 15:19:49)
* let's learn openshift setup by nirik (siddharthvipul, 15:22:10)
(nirik, 15:37:33)
* summary from last week oncall (siddharthvipul, 15:40:21)
* nothing to report (siddharthvipul, 15:40:31)
* Open Floor (siddharthvipul, 15:40:39)
* LINK: (nirik,
* thank you all for joining (or reading the logs) (siddharthvipul,
Meeting ended at 15:53:36 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* siddharthvipul (79)
* nirik (55)
* zodbot (19)
* creaked (10)
* TomAPC (7)
* mobrien (6)
* mkonecny (4)
* mboddu (3)
* pingou (2)
* darknao (1)
* cverna (0)
* smooge (0)
* abompard (0)
* mizdebsk (0)
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Notification time stamped 2020-09-17 14:46:02 UTC
#ansible-lockdown: Ansible Lockdown Weekly Updates
Meeting started by dfed at 14:15:41 UTC. The full logs are available at…
Meeting summary
* Updates to the Ansible Lockdown Github Repositories (dfed, 14:15:57)
* documentation and contributing instructions (dfed, 14:26:36)
* collections! (dfed, 14:30:37)
* upcoming roles (dfed, 14:33:40)
* next meeting on Oct 1 (cyberpear, 14:44:24)
* next meeting on Oct 1 1400 UTC (cyberpear, 14:44:44)
Meeting ended at 14:46:02 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* dfed (62)
* xgeorgex (45)
* cyberpear (33)
* zodbot (5)
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Notification time stamped 2020-09-16 19:28:31 UTC
#ansible-community: Ansible Community Meeting
Meeting started by felixfontein at 18:00:12 UTC. The full logs are
available at…
Meeting summary
* agenda
(felixfontein, 18:01:37)
* updates (felixfontein, 18:04:43)
* 2.10.0rc1 has been released, and if no blocker comes up, the final
2.10.0 release will be next week (felixfontein, 18:07:30)
* The docs testing website has the latest version with redirects in
test the redirects between 2.9 and 2.10 (you have to edit the URL
manually) (felixfontein, 18:08:26)
* gwmngilfen wanted to mention that has
a new look and he's starting to protoype the collections dash now
(felixfontein, 18:10:18)
* code will be in soon
(felixfontein, 18:10:21)
* moving content between collections after 2.10
(felixfontein, 18:15:40)
* Content moving out of community.general (and into
dedicated collections is generally a good thing assuming there is a
set of new maintainers (gundalow, 18:18:23)
* AGREED: 1) deprecate module/plugin once it has been added to the
target collection and that has been released (as a minor release
that will also get included in the next Ansible version), with
removal scheduled for the next major version; 2) in next major
version, remove module/plugin and add redirect with deprecation that
has no removal date/version; 3) in 1-2 years, revisit these
(felixfontein, 19:19:10)
* to discuss: what happens when the target collection is (not yet)
contained in Ansible? (felixfontein, 19:23:07)
* discussion will be continued next time :) (felixfontein, 19:25:00)
* open floor (felixfontein, 19:25:04)
Meeting ended at 19:28:31 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* felixfontein (154)
* nitzmahone (63)
* abadger1999 (57)
* tadeboro (41)
* zodbot (13)
* andersson007_ (10)
* gundalow (9)
* geerlingguy (9)
* aminvakil (1)
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Notification time stamped 2020-09-16 17:14:45 UTC
#fedora-meeting-1: fedora_coreos_meeting
Meeting started by dustymabe at 16:28:43 UTC. The full logs are
available at…
Meeting summary
* roll call (dustymabe, 16:28:47)
* Action items from last meeting (dustymabe, 16:35:19)
* F33 rebase rpmdb migration (dustymabe, 16:36:54)
* LINK:…
(dustymabe, 16:37:03)
* AGREED: we'll keep bdb for the rpm database for at least the first
release of Fedora 33 and then make the transition with a barrier in
the fedora 33 timeframe (dustymabe, 16:53:20)
* ACTION: jlebon to create a tracking ticket to move the rpm database
from bdb to sqlite in a barrier release in the f33 time frame
(dustymabe, 16:55:09)
* ad-hoc testing stream release to update the kernel (dustymabe,
* open floor (dustymabe, 17:04:12)
* the fedora archive repo is in place, currently just waiting on infra
team to create a fedora URL to front it rather than an aws.s3 URL,
which will allow us to move it in the future if we need to.
(dustymabe, 17:05:06)
(dustymabe, 17:08:50)
Meeting ended at 17:14:45 UTC.
Action Items
* jlebon to create a tracking ticket to move the rpm database from bdb
to sqlite in a barrier release in the f33 time frame
Action Items, by person
* jlebon
* jlebon to create a tracking ticket to move the rpm database from bdb
to sqlite in a barrier release in the f33 time frame
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* dustymabe (82)
* jlebon (36)
* zodbot (19)
* lucab (11)
* cyberpear (6)
* ravanelli (3)
* walters (3)
* darkmuggle (1)
* misc (1)
* skunkerk (1)
* bgilbert (1)
* bh7cw (0)
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Notification time stamped 2020-09-16 14:56:31 UTC
#fedora-meeting-2: FESCO (2020-09-16)
Meeting started by cverna at 14:00:25 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* init process (cverna, 14:00:43)
* LINK:…
(mhroncok, 14:06:09)
* ACTION: cverna to tagged #2441 as stalled (cverna, 14:14:24)
* ACTION: zbyszek to draft spins/flavors/variants policy based on with announce
notices for orphaned spins/flavors/variants similar to orphaned
packages (cverna, 14:34:23)
* ACTION: cverna to tag #2409 stalled (cverna, 14:38:46)
* LINK: (cverna, 14:40:30)
* ACTION: cverna to close #2020 (cverna, 14:43:57)
* Next week's chair (cverna, 14:46:33)
* ACTION: mhroncok to chair next meeting (cverna, 14:48:44)
* Open Floor (cverna, 14:48:51)
Meeting ended at 14:56:31 UTC.
Action Items
* cverna to tagged #2441 as stalled
* zbyszek to draft spins/flavors/variants policy based on with announce
notices for orphaned spins/flavors/variants similar to orphaned
* cverna to tag #2409 stalled
* cverna to close #2020
* mhroncok to chair next meeting
Action Items, by person
* cverna
* cverna to tagged #2441 as stalled
* cverna to tag #2409 stalled
* cverna to close #2020
* mhroncok
* mhroncok to chair next meeting
* zbyszek
* zbyszek to draft spins/flavors/variants policy based on with announce
notices for orphaned spins/flavors/variants similar to orphaned
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* King_InuYasha (66)
* cverna (57)
* nirik (25)
* dcantrell (25)
* zodbot (23)
* zbyszek (23)
* mhroncok (21)
* sgallagh (18)
* bcotton (15)
* decathorpe (7)
* mbooth (1)
* ignatenkobrain (0)
* Conan_Kudo (0)
* Eighth_Doctor (0)
* Sir_Gallantmon (0)
* Son_Goku (0)
* Pharaoh_Atem (0)
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