============================== #rdo: RDO meeting - 2018-01-31 ==============================
Meeting started by jpena at 15:01:19 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/rdo/2018-01-31/rdo_meeting_-_2018-01-31.20... .
Meeting summary --------------- * roll call (jpena, 15:01:49)
* Plan to provide VM images for Octavia (jpena, 15:05:56) * AGREED: Build images for Octavia using a periodic job on review.rdoproject.org, store on images.rdoproject.org (jpena, 15:22:58) * ACTION: jpena to send email to dev@lists with results of Octavia image discussion (jpena, 15:23:31)
* Discuss Power CI for RDO (jpena, 15:24:16) * LINK: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/current-tripleo (amoralej, 15:40:12)
* Preparation for queens release (jpena, 15:42:22) * ACTION: maintainers to send final updates for specs with requirements updates (amoralej, 15:45:55) * we will pin non-OpenStack puppet modules for queens with the builds in next promotion (amoralej, 15:49:28)
* Chair for the next meeting (jpena, 15:53:25) * ACTION: amoralej to chair the next meeting (jpena, 15:53:49)
* open floor (jpena, 15:53:54)
Meeting ended at 16:00:48 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * jpena to send email to dev@lists with results of Octavia image discussion * maintainers to send final updates for specs with requirements updates * amoralej to chair the next meeting
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * amoralej * amoralej to chair the next meeting * jpena * jpena to send email to dev@lists with results of Octavia image discussion * **UNASSIGNED** * maintainers to send final updates for specs with requirements updates
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * amoralej (60) * jpena (37) * mjturek (26) * bcafarel (13) * number80 (8) * rdogerrit (6) * zodbot (6) * openstack (6) * EmilienM (5) * pabelanger (4) * ykarel (2) * mary_grace (2) * mnaser (1) * tosky (1) * chandankumar (1)
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