=================== #foss2serve Meeting ===================
Meeting started by darci at 18:01:20 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/foss2serve/2015-07-30/foss2serve.2015-07-30... .
Meeting summary --------------- * LINK: http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_1 (darci, 18:02:42) * LINK: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/foss2serve/2015-07-29/foss2serve.2015-07-29... (darci, 18:04:06) * I'm Liz Johnson, Assoc Prof at Xavier U in Cincinnati. New to FOSS and IRC (lizj, 18:05:59) * I'm Andrea Tartaro, Assistant Professor at Furman University (Greenville, SC). Also new to FOSS and IRC. (atartaro, 18:06:43) * Introductions (darci, 18:06:44) * I'm Alan Rea, Professor of Information Systems at Western Michigan Univ. (docrea, 18:07:05) * I am Lynn Lambert for Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Va. I did one POSSE before, but am still a novice. (lynnlambert, 18:07:32) * I'm Rafael Escalante, CS instructor at El Paso Community College in Texas. Not new to FOSS, but haven't taught about it before. (rescal, 18:07:32) * Hi! I'm Candace Sheremeta. I'm currently a research assistant in CS Ed at North Carolina State University, and I have previously worked in FOSS at Red Hat. (cshereme, 18:07:43) * Hi! I'm Ingrid Russell, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Hartford, CT. I used an HFOSS project in a software engineering course about 6 years ago. Intereseted in learning more about recent work in this area. (IngridR, 18:08:03)
* IRC Commands (darci, 18:13:44) * I'm Darci Burdge from Nassau Community College. I am a member of the foss2serve team (darci, 18:14:47) * LINK: http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html (docrea, 18:19:29)
* HFOSS Projects (darci, 18:31:55) * LINK: http://foss2serve.org/index.php/HFOSS_Communities (darci, 18:32:52) * LINK: http://foss2serve.org/index.php/50_Ways (ghislop, 18:46:44)
* General Questions (darci, 18:51:27) * LINK: http://sourceforge.net/ (docrea, 18:54:04) * LINK: http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_1_Activities#Part_A:_First_Two_Weeks (darci, 19:11:46)
Meeting ended at 19:13:24 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * darci (81) * ghislop (39) * atartaro (20) * cshereme (14) * lizj (14) * CyclingFan (13) * emme (11) * docrea (9) * KarenAlkoby (8) * IngridR (5) * [1]Kate (4) * rsjodin (4) * KarenA (4) * howardf (2) * rescal (2) * zodbot (2) * Guest46287 (2) * lynnlambert (2) * liz_afk (1) * docrea_ (1) * cshereme|away (1)
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