============================== #fedora-meeting: modularity wg ==============================
Meeting started by langdon at 15:02:54 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-03-31/modularity_wg.20... .
Meeting summary --------------- * roll call (langdon, 15:03:56)
* context setting (langdon, 15:07:12) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Modularization (langdon, 15:08:12) * modularization wiki page (langdon, 15:08:19) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Modularity_Working_Group (langdon, 15:08:38) * modularity working group wiki page (langdon, 15:08:50)
* number of voting members (langdon, 15:12:47)
* number of voting members & term of service (langdon, 15:13:42) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Server/Governance_Charter (sgallagh, 15:17:23) * ACTION: langdon to modify wiki page to show proposed governance and then send to mailing list for approval (langdon, 15:29:55)
* when should the meetings be (langdon, 15:30:36) * AGREED: meeting time is weekly on thursdays at 15h UTC (langdon, 15:34:54) * ACTION: langdon to update fedocal "correctly" (langdon, 15:35:11)
* what to deliver & when (langdon, 15:35:37)
* how to do stuff (langdon, 15:38:18) * LINK: http://taiga.fedorainfracloud.org/project/langdon-modularity/ Modularity taiga board (sctw, 15:47:21) * LINK: http://taiga.fedorainfracloud.org/ (langdon, 15:47:36) * taiga deployment seems to work much better for you to go 1) login once using fas; 2) ask someone to add you to modify the board/take cards .. but pre-invite does not seem to work well (langdon, 15:56:07) * AGREED: agile-y approach, using taiga, potentially modifiable by the WG voting members (langdon, 15:58:03) * ACTION: wg needs to write up the details of the approach (langdon, 15:58:21) * ACTION: wg needs to solve how to demo (langdon, 15:58:44) * to join the taiga project and take cards: 1) login in to taiga using fas; 2) send email to langdon@fp.o with your *target* email address for your me@fp.o acccount (langdon, 16:03:03) * we have #fedora-modularization for discussion.. so please join us there any time (langdon, 16:05:25)
Meeting ended at 16:07:28 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * langdon to modify wiki page to show proposed governance and then send to mailing list for approval * langdon to update fedocal "correctly" * wg needs to write up the details of the approach * wg needs to solve how to demo
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * langdon * langdon to modify wiki page to show proposed governance and then send to mailing list for approval * langdon to update fedocal "correctly" * **UNASSIGNED** * wg needs to write up the details of the approach * wg needs to solve how to demo
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * langdon (125) * lkocman (24) * sgallagh (23) * zodbot (19) * bconoboy (14) * sctw (14) * geppetto (12) * haraldh (11) * mattdm (10) * contyk (9) * jwb (6) * nils (4) * maxamillion (4) * masta (3) * msrb (2) * hhorak (2) * jreznik (2) * tflink (1) * adamw (1) * msekleta (1)
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