Notification time stamped 2020-09-24 15:02:31 UTC
================================================================= #fedora-diversity: Fedora Diversity & Inclusion Team (2020-09-24) =================================================================
Meeting started by nasirhm at 14:00:00 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * Agenda (nasirhm, 14:01:12) * (1) Roll call / introductions (nasirhm, 14:01:13) * (2) Announcements (nasirhm, 14:01:15) * (3) Action items from last meeting (nasirhm, 14:01:23) * (4) Tickets (nasirhm, 14:01:42) * (5) Open floor (nasirhm, 14:01:58)
* Roll call / introductions (nasirhm, 14:02:20)
* Announcements (nasirhm, 14:06:33) * HELP: === "Docs: Our docs need love! Consider taking on a docs issue to help the team." === (nasirhm, 14:06:35) * LINK: (nasirhm, 14:06:42) * At Nest, jwf led a session on how to edit the D&I Team docs, both from the Pagure web interface and from the command-line. A recording is coming. If you feel comfortable editing our docs, try our your new skills! We have numerous issues open to help improve our docs. (nasirhm, 14:06:46) * === "Test Days: Internationalization (i18n) features for Fedora 33" === (nasirhm, 14:09:27) * LINK: (nasirhm, 14:09:40) * The Fedora QA team is launching a series of Test Days this week for internationalization features of Fedora. Now is a great time to try using Fedora in non-English languages and share feedback with the QA team. Details in link. (nasirhm, 14:09:45)
* Action items from last meeting (nasirhm, 14:11:14) * LINK: (nasirhm, 14:11:26) * How This Works: We review past #action items from the last meeting. For each task, we get a quick update on status and move forward. (nasirhm, 14:11:32) * === [INCOMPLETE] "jwf: Ping Freenode staff about webchat clients getting auto-voice in a channel" === (nasirhm, 14:11:44) * ACTION: jwf Ping Freenode staff about webchat clients getting auto-voice in a channel (nasirhm, 14:11:46) * === [COMPLETE] "jwf: Ping GNOMEies in their to confirm the email / schedule the call" === (nasirhm, 14:11:55) * LINK: (nasirhm, 14:12:00) * Email was sent to GNOME team. A few Fedora folks filled it but we are waiting for a few folks from GNOME. Meeting will be some time next week. (nasirhm, 14:12:03) * === [COMPLETE] "jwf: Open new ticket about FWD survey questions based on Ashlyn's mailing list post" === (nasirhm, 14:12:27) * LINK: (nasirhm, 14:12:28) * === [COMPLETE] "riecatnor: Follow up in forthcoming FWD survey ticket with idea about question for topics" === (nasirhm, 14:12:48) * LINK: (nasirhm, 14:12:51) * === [di-team] "Review Ashlyn's question draft ( and share feedback in forthcoming ticket by next meeting in September" === (nasirhm, 14:13:41) * LINK: (siddharthvipul, 14:18:13) * LINK: (nasirhm, 14:18:42) * Review lime survey questions before sending it to the wider community. (nasirhm, 14:19:09)
* Selecting Dates for Virtual FWD (nasirhm, 14:25:46) * LINK: (nasirhm, 14:26:17) * Candidates for Virtual Release Party Dates are: 16th and 23rd October (nasirhm, 14:34:39) * AGREED: 16th October as the Date for Virtual Fedora Women's Day and appreciate and celebrate all the Awesome women in Fedora. (nasirhm, 14:38:06)
* Ticket #122: "Improve event organizer resource pack" (nasirhm, 14:39:24) * LINK: (nasirhm, 14:39:34) * ACTION: riecatnor to submit the event dates and provide and update (nasirhm, 14:40:37)
* Open Floor (nasirhm, 14:45:09) * Session Proposal: Women from Fedora sharing their Stories of Getting Involved (nasirhm, 14:49:24) * The D&I Team will be meeting next week, same time here for discussion about the FWD, riecatnor will be the meeting chair (nasirhm, 14:57:22) * ACTION: riecatnor to write a draft for an e-mail or a commblog post to ask women in fedora, if they would like to present their journeys in fedora (nasirhm, 14:58:55) * Trailer or some teaser like "We're Fedora" in Youtube for FWD. (nasirhm, 15:01:29)
Meeting ended at 15:02:31 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * jwf Ping Freenode staff about webchat clients getting auto-voice in a channel * riecatnor to submit the event dates and provide and update * riecatnor to write a draft for an e-mail or a commblog post to ask women in fedora, if they would like to present their journeys in fedora
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * riecatnor * riecatnor to submit the event dates and provide and update * riecatnor to write a draft for an e-mail or a commblog post to ask women in fedora, if they would like to present their journeys in fedora * **UNASSIGNED** * jwf Ping Freenode staff about webchat clients getting auto-voice in a channel
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * nasirhm (104) * riecatnor (58) * rparimi[m] (20) * siddharthvipul (17) * zodbot (13) * tg-fed-di1 (9) * di-team (0) * ramyaparimi[m] (0)
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