========================================================= #fedora-meeting-1: Server SIG Weekly Meeting (2016-03-29) =========================================================
Meeting started by sgallagh at 15:00:12 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-03-29/serversig.2016... .
Meeting summary --------------- * roll call (sgallagh, 15:00:12)
* Agenda (sgallagh, 15:03:02) * Agenda Topic: Upcoming Open WG Seat (sgallagh, 15:04:12)
* Upcoming Open WG Seat (sgallagh, 15:05:35) * jds2001 to chair the next meeting (sgallagh, 15:19:35) * nirik to serve as FESCo liaison (sgallagh, 15:26:14)
* Open Floor (sgallagh, 15:26:58) * AGREED: Accept additional nominations for Server WG seat until April 12th and issue a request for nominations on CommBlog. (+5, 0, -0) (sgallagh, 16:06:38)
Meeting ended at 16:09:25 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * sgallagh (71) * danofsatx (27) * jds2001 (24) * nirik (16) * zodbot (13) * adamw (11) * mhayden (6) * pbrobinson (6) * decause (5) * mizmo (4) * stefw (1) * simo (0)
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