============================================ #fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2016-03-31) ============================================
Meeting started by nirik at 18:00:01 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-03-31/infrastructure.2... .
Meeting summary --------------- * aloha (nirik, 18:00:01)
* New folks introductions / Apprentice feedback (nirik, 18:00:01)
* announcements and information (nirik, 18:08:05) * Bugzilla messages are now live on our fedmsg bus! - threebean (nirik, 18:08:05) * Fedora 24 Alpha was released tuesday (2016-03-29) - everyone (nirik, 18:08:05) * New calendar for modularity effort - kevin (nirik, 18:08:05) * Feedback in ask now goes in ask questions with meta tag - kevin (nirik, 18:08:05) * Lots of small ansible changes pushed out after freeze - kevin/patrick (nirik, 18:08:06) * db-koji01 still under heavy load for some reason - kevin (nirik, 18:08:08) * New bodhi release pushed to production https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/infrastructure@lists.fedorapro... - lmacken (nirik, 18:08:10)
* fedmsg from bugzilla brainstorming session - kevin / threebean (nirik, 18:10:05) * LINK: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/infrastructure@lists.fedoraproj... (nirik, 18:13:32)
* CDN use? - kevin (nirik, 18:20:33) * LINK: http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/isos/x86_64/CentOS-7-livecd-x86_64.iso (nirik, 18:29:09)
* Open Floor (nirik, 18:46:09)
Meeting ended at 18:48:00 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * nirik (97) * puiterwijk (33) * threebean (15) * zodbot (7) * winterchillz (6) * gkadam (4) * tflink (2) * smdeep (1) * jflory7 (1) * sayan (1) * abadger1999 (0) * lmacken (0) * smooge (0) * pbrobinson (0) * pingou (0) * relrod (0) * dgilmore (0)
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