================================== #fedora-meeting: Fedora QA meeting ==================================
Meeting started by adamw at 15:01:56 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-03-28/fedora-qa.2016-0... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call (adamw, 15:02:05)
* Previous meeting follow-up (adamw, 15:06:14) * "adamw to complete matrix changes for i686 no longer blocking media" - yeah, still didn't do that, but this time i promise I will! (adamw, 15:06:53) * "adamw to mail out a proposal with a few options for adjusting the release validation process to pungi4's expectations" - OK, that one did happen, and we went with the '1.n' numbering style for the alphas (adamw, 15:07:18) * "pschindl and pryanka to try and help out with setting up and/or running some of the test days" - neither is present ATM, will check in later in the meeting (adamw, 15:11:10)
* Fedora 24 status, Beta planning (adamw, 15:11:28) * Alpha 1.7 will be released as Alpha (adamw, 15:11:51) * ACTION: adamw and kparal to work on common bugs (adamw, 15:12:37)
* Test Days (adamw, 15:36:33) * ACTION: adamw and tflink to sort out a reply to apeter about the testdays webapp (adamw, 15:41:31) * l10n Test Day will be tomorrow, 2016-03-29, please come out and help test if you can! (adamw, 15:43:55) * ACTION: adamw to blog / microblog about l10n Test Day (adamw, 15:44:04)
* Open floor (adamw, 15:47:20)
Meeting ended at 15:52:46 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * adamw and kparal to work on common bugs * adamw and tflink to sort out a reply to apeter about the testdays webapp * adamw to blog / microblog about l10n Test Day
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * adamw * adamw and kparal to work on common bugs * adamw and tflink to sort out a reply to apeter about the testdays webapp * adamw to blog / microblog about l10n Test Day * tflink * adamw and tflink to sort out a reply to apeter about the testdays webapp * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * adamw (82) * brunowolff (17) * satellit_e (8) * tflink (7) * zodbot (4) * nirik (2) * FQ (2)
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