Notification time stamped 2020-08-28 21:58:08 UTC
================================== #fedora-meeting: EPEL (2020-08-28) ==================================
Meeting started by tdawson at 21:00:27 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * aloha (tdawson, 21:00:32)
* Old Business (tdawson, 21:05:26) * EPEL-6 is End of Life in 2020-11. It will be moved to archives in 2020-12 (tdawson, 21:07:07) * THIS IS NOT A DRILL. (tdawson, 21:07:09)
* EPEL-7 (tdawson, 21:09:58) * pgreco will investigate the three old RHEL7 packages that are still in testing, and report back next week. (tdawson, 21:14:22)
* EPEL-8 (tdawson, 21:15:33)
* EPEL-9 (tdawson, 21:43:49)
* General Issues / Open Floor (tdawson, 21:55:19)
Meeting ended at 21:58:08 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * tdawson (71) * pgreco (34) * carlwgeorge (31) * zodbot (8) * bstinson (6) * Evolution (0) * nirik (0)
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