Notification time stamped 2019-12-05 15:57:09 UTC
============================================== #fedora-meeting-1: Infrastructure (2019-12-05) ==============================================
Meeting started by smooge at 15:00:40 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * Agenda is at: (smooge, 15:00:41) * aloha (smooge, 15:00:41)
* Next chair (smooge, 15:01:49) * magic eight ball says: (smooge, 15:01:49) * 2019-12-05 -smooge (smooge, 15:01:49) * 2019-12-12 -nirik (smooge, 15:01:49) * 2019-12-19 - ?? (smooge, 15:01:49) * 2019-12-26 - NO MEETING (smooge, 15:01:50) * 2020-01-02 - NO MEETING (smooge, 15:01:52) * 2020-01-09 - ?? (smooge, 15:01:54)
* New folks introductions (smooge, 15:05:50) * This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves (smooge, 15:05:50) * Getting Started Guide: (smooge, 15:05:50)
* announcements and information (smooge, 15:07:10) * No meetings coming up due to various holidays. Many Fedora people will be on time-off til parts of january (smooge, 15:07:11) * work in progress in improving the script syncing assignee and CC from dist-git to bugzilla (smooge, 15:07:11) * work done on improving the error messages sent by fedscm-admin when processing scm requests (smooge, 15:07:11) * builder reinstalls/uprgades to f31 continuing. Should be done before holiday break - kevin (smooge, 15:07:11) * ops folks are trying a 30min ticket triage every day at 19UTC in #fedora-admin (smooge, 15:07:12)
* Oncall (smooge, 15:12:58) * (smooge, 15:12:58) * smooge is on call 2019-11-28->2019-12-05 (smooge, 15:12:58) * kevin is oncall 2019-12-05 -> 2019-12-12 (smooge, 15:12:58) * On-call summary: mirrorlist outages still happening.. most other pings have been on 'do my ticket' tpes (smooge, 15:13:49) * cverna is oncall 2019-12-12 -> 2019-12-19 (smooge, 15:17:51) * NOONE is oncall 2019-12-19 -> 2020-01-02 (smooge, 15:17:51)
* Monitoring discussion (smooge, 15:18:09) * (smooge, 15:18:09) * Go over existing out items and fix (smooge, 15:18:09)
* Tickets discussion (smooge, 15:27:05) * (smooge, 15:27:05) * Fedora CoreOS Team requests (smooge, 15:30:52) * LINK: (smooge, 15:30:52)
* ResultsDB Ownership Going Forward (smooge, 15:33:46) * LINK: (smooge, 15:33:46)
* backlog discussion (smooge, 15:40:34) * go over our backlog and discuss and determine priority (smooge, 15:40:34) * LINK: (smooge, 15:40:34) * topic: provision new aarch64 builders (smooge, 15:40:34)
* Community Fires Team [pingou?] (smooge, 15:43:39)
* Open Floor (smooge, 15:45:25)
Meeting ended at 15:57:09 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * smooge (78) * nirik (32) * pingou (20) * tflink (16) * zodbot (15) * cverna (10) * relrod (3) * mizdebsk (3) * lgriffin (2) * mkonecny (1) * bowlofeggs (0) * abompard (0)
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