====================================== #fedora-meeting-2: RELENG (2018-01-18) ======================================
Meeting started by mboddu at 17:11:39 UTC. The full logs are available athttps://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2018-01-18/releng.2018-01... .
Meeting summary --------------- * init process (mboddu, 17:11:39)
* #7227 [RFE] Add new repositories for modular[-updates[-testing]] (mboddu, 17:17:39) * LINK: https://pagure.io/releng/issue/7227 (mboddu, 17:17:45) * We got different info from mattdm and contyk. mboddu will update the ticket and ask them to agree on one option. (mboddu, 17:24:11)
* #7097 Automate the process of reviewing and merging PRs on releng/fedora-scm-requests (mboddu, 17:26:06) * LINK: https://pagure.io/releng/issue/7097 (mboddu, 17:26:16)
* #6984 create a unified ostree repo for fedora 27 and beyond (mboddu, 17:28:51) * LINK: https://pagure.io/releng/issue/6984 (mboddu, 17:28:58) * Unified repo work is done for f28 and beyond, SOP's are still work in progress. (mboddu, 17:35:36)
* Alternate Architecture Updates (mboddu, 17:35:59) * Except for power architecture everything seems to be working fine. (mboddu, 17:40:51) * Everything is fine in the alternate architecture world and power got fixed with lorax update (mboddu, 17:42:46)
* Open Floor (mboddu, 17:42:53) * To monitor bodhi pushes, please have a look at https://pagure.io/releng/pull-request/7274 as there will no more lock files (mboddu, 17:44:40)
Meeting ended at 17:46:37 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * mboddu (46) * dgilmore (14) * puiterwijk (11) * dustymabe (9) * zodbot (8) * bowlofeggs (6) * sharkcz (4) * masta (2) * nirik (1) * tyll (0) * Kellin (0) * pbrobinson (0) * pingou (0) * maxamillion (0)