Notification time stamped 2018-11-29 15:52:00 UTC
============================================== #fedora-meeting-1: Infrastructure (2018-11-29) ==============================================
Meeting started by smooge at 15:00:48 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * aloha (smooge, 15:00:48)
* New folks introductions (smooge, 15:03:38) * This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves (smooge, 15:03:38) * Getting Started Guide: (smooge, 15:03:38)
* announcements and information (smooge, 15:06:01) * tflink is on extended PTO (smooge, 15:06:02) * bodhi updated (smooge, 15:06:02) * fpdc with release info available in staging ( - cverna (smooge, 15:06:02) * fedmsg-migration-tools deployed to production (smooge, 15:06:02) * lots of fedmsg moved to python3 (smooge, 15:06:04) * new fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure released (pingou, 15:07:23)
* Oncall (smooge, 15:10:30) * nirik is on call from 2018-11-22->2018-11-29 (smooge, 15:10:31) * smooge is on call from 2018-11-29->2018-12-06 (smooge, 15:10:31) * ??? is on call from 2018-12-06->2018-12-13 (smooge, 15:10:31) * Summary of last week: (from nirik ) (smooge, 15:10:31)
* Tickets discussion (smooge, 15:18:35) * (smooge, 15:18:36) * LINK: is about running a telegram <--> irc bridge (nirik, 15:19:58) * LINK: (nirik, 15:20:34)
* Apprentice Open office minutes (smooge, 15:39:29) * A time where apprentices may ask for help or look at problems. (smooge, 15:39:29)
* Open Floor (smooge, 15:44:09) * Red Hat has a vacation time from 2018-12-22 -> 2019-01-02. Most Red Hat employees will be completely unavailable and skeleton crew will try to keep things going (smooge, 15:46:34)
Meeting ended at 15:52:00 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * smooge (56) * bowlofeggs (49) * nirik (30) * puiterwijk (14) * zodbot (9) * mkonecny (5) * pingou (3) * relrod_cld (2) * mizdebsk (2) * creaked (1) * threebean (0) * cverna (0) * tflink (0) * relrod (0)
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