===================================== #fedora-meeting: Council (2016-03-28) =====================================
Meeting started by mattdm at 18:00:18 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-03-28/council.2016-03-... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Introductions, Welcomes (mattdm, 18:00:23)
* open floor (mattdm, 18:05:27) * Flock CFP deadline in two weeks (mattdm, 18:07:14) * Next meeting (Apr 4) will be budget discussion — council meeting may run long (mattdm, 18:14:56) * ACTION: decause update council calendar on fedocal with a longer-than-usual block (decause, 18:15:12) * first modularity wg meeting proposed for thurs! (mattdm, 18:18:39) * ACTION: decause work with jzb to make the LimeSurvey account for OSAS a thing officially (decause, 18:29:43)
Meeting ended at 18:32:09 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * decause update council calendar on fedocal with a longer-than-usual block * decause work with jzb to make the LimeSurvey account for OSAS a thing officially
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * decause * decause update council calendar on fedocal with a longer-than-usual block * decause work with jzb to make the LimeSurvey account for OSAS a thing officially * jzb * decause work with jzb to make the LimeSurvey account for OSAS a thing officially * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * mattdm (54) * decause (27) * jzb (12) * langdon (10) * zodbot (9) * jwb (6) * jkurik (0) * robyduck (0) * tatica (0) * cwickert (0)
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