Notification time stamped 2019-12-05 16:15:37 UTC
========================================== #fedora-meeting-3: Modularity Team Meeting ==========================================
Meeting started by langdon at 15:01:19 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * roll call (langdon, 15:03:42)
* agenda (langdon, 15:07:59) * this meeting is to discuss a proposal called "RFC: Modularity Simplified" @ (langdon, 15:08:31)
* RFC: Modularity Simplified (langdon, 15:08:45) * we should keep working on modularity but we need to be more diligent about not breaking existing/normal packaging (langdon, 16:08:26) * if the modularity bits are optional, they should be actually optional (langdon, 16:12:19) * if they are not production ready, they should be optional (langdon, 16:12:21) * commitment from DNF team on resolving modularity issues (and also some future plan how to integrate with libsolv) (langdon, 16:12:40) * explicit design document which describes how dependency solving should work on upgrades, switching streams and all possible situations and tooling behavior (langdon, 16:12:51) * commitment from people who work on MBS/Koji to implement features (langdon, 16:13:24) * upgrades and obsoletes need better documentation and implementation (langdon, 16:14:07) * past ~6 infos are meant to try to indicate some consensus on the group's desire for changes in modularity (langdon, 16:15:13)
Meeting ended at 16:15:37 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * langdon (135) * Son_Goku (86) * sct (50) * ignatenkobrain_ (34) * contyk (32) * zodbot (17) * zbyszek (4) * tachoknight_ (2) * Conan_Kudo (1) * ignatenkobrain (0)
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