=================================== #fedora-meeting: FESCO (2015-07-29) ===================================
Meeting started by nirik at 18:00:01 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2015-07-29/fesco.2015-07-29-... .
Meeting summary --------------- * init process (nirik, 18:00:02)
* ticket #1427 List of release blocking deliverables (nirik, 18:02:22) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Program_Management/ReleaseBlocking/Fed... (nirik, 18:02:57)
* ticket #1455 F23 System Wide Change: Standardized Passphrase Policy (nirik, 18:12:08) * AGREED: Change is accepted. (+7,0,0) (nirik, 18:27:26) * ACTION: nirik to file bugs on components to match policy (nirik, 18:27:39) * ACTION: nirik to write up wiki page with policy and announce it. (nirik, 18:27:49)
* ticket #1463 upgrades for F23 and beyond (nirik, 18:28:20) * LINK: http://lists.rpm.org/pipermail/rpm-ecosystem/Week-of-Mon-20150727/thread.htm... (paragan, 18:38:01) * AGREED: will send change proposal to list and revist next week (+6,0,0) (nirik, 18:40:20) * ACTION: nirik to send proposed change to list to gather feedback (nirik, 18:41:15)
* ticket #1466 non-responsive maintainer exception process for skottler (nirik, 18:41:18) * AGREED: jwb to talk to maintainer and work out some mutially agreeable solution (+5,0,0) (nirik, 18:54:06)
* ticket #1467 F23 Changes - Progress at Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable) (nirik, 18:54:42)
* Next weeks chair (nirik, 19:05:27) * ACTION: paragan to chair next week. (nirik, 19:08:07)
* Open Floor (nirik, 19:08:12)
Meeting ended at 19:15:44 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * nirik to file bugs on components to match policy * nirik to write up wiki page with policy and announce it. * nirik to send proposed change to list to gather feedback * paragan to chair next week.
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * nirik * nirik to file bugs on components to match policy * nirik to write up wiki page with policy and announce it. * nirik to send proposed change to list to gather feedback * paragan * paragan to chair next week. * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * nirik (119) * sgallagh (33) * jreznik_pp (28) * rishi (26) * jwb (20) * swilkerson (16) * dgilmore (14) * thozza (13) * paragan (11) * zodbot (10) * zbyszek (5) * kushal (3) * ajax (1) * hguemar (0)
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