================== #fedora-zh Meeting ==================
Meeting started by alick at 13:12:06 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-zh/2015-07-31/fzug_weekly_meeting.20... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call 报到 (alick, 13:12:45) * topic Offline Events 线下活动 (alick, 13:14:10) * topic isyangxin Fedora 23 Tasks 任务 (alick, 13:14:40)
* Offline Events 线下活动 (alick, 13:21:33) * Fedora 22 Live DVDs arrived in Beijing (zsun, 13:22:48) * Call for proposals for Fedora 22 Release Party Beijing (zsun, 13:23:13) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F22_Beijing (zsun, 13:24:04) * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:PhnomPenh_2014/Materials (alick, 13:34:33) * HELP: need someone to design the poster for F23 Release Party (zsun, 13:35:19) * ACTION: alick check exact location of fedora logo banner (alick, 13:36:00) * LINK: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/meetbot/fedora-zh/2015-07-24/fedora-zh.2015... (alick, 13:43:48) * ACTION: tonghuix zsun send out CFP for F22 Release Party (alick, 13:45:27)
* Fedora 23 Tasks 任务 (alick, 13:46:59) * LINK: https://fedora.zanata.org/ (alick, 13:49:24) * HELP: translators update fedora-websites translations (alick, 13:52:23) * LINK: http://www.newsmth.net/nForum/#!article/TeX/324308 (alick, 13:53:07)
Meeting ended at 14:02:22 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * alick check exact location of fedora logo banner * tonghuix zsun send out CFP for F22 Release Party
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * alick * alick check exact location of fedora logo banner * tonghuix * tonghuix zsun send out CFP for F22 Release Party * zsun * tonghuix zsun send out CFP for F22 Release Party * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * alick (52) * zsun (33) * zodbot (7) * zhouxiaobo (3) * kaio (3) * isyangxin (2) * bnw (2) * tonghuix (1) * K410 (1) * Pany (0)
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