=============================================== #ansible-network: Ansible Network Working Group ===============================================
Meeting started by gundalow at 16:00:09 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/ansible-network/2018-01-17/ansible_network... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Agenda (gundalow, 16:00:55) * Agenda https://github.com/ansible/community/labels/network (gundalow, 16:01:02) * Ansible 2.5 Status (gundalow, 16:02:57) * Core Engine Freeze and Module Freeze: 22 January 2018 (gundalow, 16:03:29) * That means no feature_requires for Core modules or core code after 22nd Jan (gundalow, 16:04:10) * Community Module Freeze: 7 February 2018 (gundalow, 16:04:42) * Release Candidate 1 will be 21 February, 2018 (gundalow, 16:04:52) * Target: March 2018 (gundalow, 16:04:59) * Not sure yet if we will branch (stable-2.5) at Beta 1 or Release Candidate 1 (gundalow, 16:05:33)
* netconf_rpc (gundalow, 16:14:02) * as we have stated in the past as a project, we no longer will accept generic API wrapper modules around libraries .. this was an Ansible project wide decision that was made in the core meeting (gundalow, 16:20:49) * LINK: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/dev_guide/developing_modules.html (gundalow, 16:26:22) * Policy for modules vs wrappers see bullet points on http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/dev_guide/developing_modules.html (gundalow, 16:26:52)
* Open Floor (gundalow, 16:36:29) * ACTION: privateip to ping itdependsnetwork with link to infoblox PR once created (gundalow, 16:36:42)
Meeting ended at 16:47:46 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * privateip to ping itdependsnetwork with link to infoblox PR once created
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * itdependsnetwork * privateip to ping itdependsnetwork with link to infoblox PR once created * privateip * privateip to ping itdependsnetwork with link to infoblox PR once created * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * gundalow (49) * jmcgill298 (18) * privateip (15) * samerd (6) * zodbot (6) * itdependsnetwork (4) * Qalthos (1) * funzo (1) * trishnag (1) * acozine (1)
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