Notification time stamped 2020-08-12 03:46:34 UTC
============================================== #fedora-meeting-2: Workstation WG (2020-08-11) ==============================================
Meeting started by cmurf at 03:44:48 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * Rollcall (cmurf, 03:45:06) * present wg members: cmurf, tpopela, mclasen, Neal, jens, langdon, mcatanzaro, owen (cmurf, 03:45:08) * regrets wg members: aday kalev (cmurf, 03:45:10) * present guests: feborges, james (cmurf, 03:45:12)
* Approve August 04 minutes (cmurf, 03:45:14) * LINK: (cmurf, 03:45:16) * AGREED: No objections - approved (cmurf, 03:45:18)
* Announcements (cmurf, 03:45:20) * F33 branchpoint is today (cmurf, 03:45:22) * Work on gnome-disks is proceeding (cmurf, 03:45:24) * Many FTBFS bugs against various desktop packages. python changes and cmake changes. (cmurf, 03:45:26)
* Welcome video for GNOME Tour (cmurf, 03:45:34) * LINK: (cmurf, 03:45:36) * AGREED: This seems to be on the right track. (cmurf, 03:45:40)
* Remove Photos and Rhythmbox from default apps (cmurf, 03:45:42) * LINK: (cmurf, 03:45:44) * Some questions about Videos being the default music player. Upstream is OK with this. (cmurf, 03:45:52) * AGREED: Continue discussion next week when Allan is present. (cmurf, 03:46:00)
* btrfs Fedora Magazine article (cmurf, 03:46:02) * LINK: (cmurf, 03:46:04) * ACTION: Langdon to attempt a rewrite of the article, working with Chris. (cmurf, 03:46:16)
Meeting ended at 03:46:34 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * Langdon to attempt a rewrite of the article, working with Chris.
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * Langdon to attempt a rewrite of the article, working with Chris.
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * cmurf (40) * zodbot (7)
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