============================== #rdo: RDO meeting - 2018-01-17 ==============================
Meeting started by chandankumar at 15:00:57 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/rdo/2018-01-17/rdo_meeting_-_2018-01-17.20... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call (chandankumar, 15:01:08)
* Nomination of new RDO infrastructure cores (chandankumar, 15:03:33)
* Nominations for configuration cores (chandankumar, 15:13:25) * LINK: https://www.rdoproject.org/infra/review-rdo-infra-core/ (chandankumar, 15:13:52)
* Let's chat about review.rdoproject.org and softwarefactory-project.io (chandankumar, 15:16:15) * LINK: https://softwarefactory-project.io/dashboard/ (fbo, 15:32:30)
* New grafana for review.rdoproject.org (chandankumar, 15:35:23) * LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/grafana/ (chandankumar, 15:35:27)
* Cleaning up github.com/[redhat-openstack,openstack-packages,rdo-packages,rdo-common,rdo-infra] (chandankumar, 15:41:51)
* New tool to search code (chandankumar, 15:49:38) * LINK: https://codesearch.rdoproject.org/ (chandankumar, 15:49:50)
* Summary of rdopkg development in 2017 (chandankumar, 15:54:49) * LINK: https://www.rdoproject.org/blog/2018/01/summary-of-rdopkg-development-in-201... (jruzicka, 15:55:01)
* RDO team interview at the PTG? (chandankumar, 15:57:41) * LINK: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MK7rCgYXCQZP1AgQ0RUiuc-cEXIzW5RuRzz5... (chandankumar, 15:57:49)
* chair for next meeting (chandankumar, 15:59:53) * ACTION: dmsimard to chair for next meeting (chandankumar, 16:00:14)
Meeting ended at 16:01:15 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * dmsimard to chair for next meeting
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * dmsimard * dmsimard to chair for next meeting * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * dmsimard (87) * chandankumar (45) * apevec (29) * number80 (19) * amoralej (13) * zodbot (10) * openstack (10) * fbo (10) * weshay (8) * rbowen (7) * pabelanger (6) * jpena (4) * jruzicka (4) * rdogerrit (3) * jtomasek (2) * mhu (2) * EmilienM (2) * trown (1) * bcafarel (1) * mary_grace (1)
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