Notification time stamped 2020-08-10 18:24:16 UTC
================================== #fedora-meeting: Fedora QA Meeting ==================================
Meeting started by adamw at 15:02:03 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call (adamw, 15:02:07)
* Previous meeting follow-up (adamw, 15:08:00) * no action items from last meeting (adamw, 15:08:13)
* Fedora 33 status (adamw, 15:13:19) * Fedora 33 is mostly working (adamw, 15:20:51) * FreeIPA is known broken due to Java 11 migration, team is working on it (adamw, 15:21:02) * btrfs-by-default is working out well so far, they may consider enabling compression as part of 33 cycle, we would prefer before Beta freeze if so (adamw, 15:21:36)
* Criteria proposal: login/out (adamw, 15:30:17) * AGREED: we're still discussing the best layout/wording to add the requirement, but there's strong agreement in principle that we ought to block on logging in as user B after logging out as user A (adamw, 15:46:49)
* Test Day / community event status (adamw, 15:47:00) * a kernel 5.8 test week is being arranged: (adamw, 15:47:31) * a second btrfs-by-default test day is also in the works: (adamw, 15:47:56)
* Open floor (adamw, 15:49:20)
Meeting ended at 18:24:16 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * adamw (134) * cmurf (43) * lruzicka2 (25) * kparal (20) * defolos (20) * zodbot (12) * michel_slm (7) * tablepc (7) * pjones (5) * tflink (5) * Southern_Gentlem (4) * bcotton (4) * coremodule (4) * pwhalen (1)
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