I knew it would come to this...
Each version of MD has shipped with it's own Mono.Cecil for quite a
while and we've been able to remove it and use the Mono.Cecil held in
gac (the idea being we all use the same Mono.Cecil). However, the new MD
has now has a Cecil.Decompiler part which needs to be build and depends
on the version of Mono.Cecil shipped with MD - so commenting out isn't
really an option...
Any one any ideas on fixing this problem or will MD have to have it's
own Mono.Cecil rather than the system wide version?
That said, Mono.Cecil is a moving target and really shouldn't be in
Biggles was quietly reading his favourite book when Algy burst through
the door. Distracted for a moment, Biggles surveyed what had happened
and turned a page. "Algy old man" he said, clearing his throat, "use the
handle next time..." - Taken from "Biggles combs his Hair"