Hi All!
Tom, Paul, sorry for the private mails, but you were quite involved with
these packages and so I would like to get you opinion!
The current status is, that these 4 packages don't build correctly with
mono 2.10.1. However, it looks like that nothing else requires them. ;-)
I have not investigated the build issues deeply since I got the
impression from earlier mails on this topic that these packages are more
or less obsolete anyway.
Here's my understanding from all information I gather from various
- nant seems to be still listed officially as part of the mono releases,
so it probably should stay in
- log4net and mono-ndoc should be retired
- mono-sharpcvslib could be probably retired, too (it seems to need
log4net, at least for building), but it seems to be a BR: of nant...
If we want to keep nant, I'm seeking out for some help to get it updated
to 0.90.
The straight forward way of bootstrapping it does not work since log4net
is required.
Any comments and/or suggestions are very welcome!
Best regards,