On Wed, 2014-04-16 at 08:00 -0300, Claudio Rodrigo wrote:Thank you for the work you've put in already carrying Mono forward!Ok, I take a note. First view the problem with libgdiplus. About winform is part of mono since long time ago. I will evaluete if is posible separete from main instalation. Thanks for feedback
This removes a big worry for me on whether I have to move my server from
Fedora to something else after OpenSimulator moves past 2.10.8.
Now... much less worry!
I just hope your 3.4 build can make it into Fedora 21.
Is there some "me too" or voting feature someone like me can use to say
"Please include this" ?
I had heard that for Fedora 21 the SIGs process was under review for
replacement because it had become too hard to get things through.
As far as Mono goes, are there any significant changes from 2.10.8 to
3.4 that should be mentioned on the Mono 3.4 page for people interested?
I am wondering about things like changes you can make for performance,
such as switching garbage collectors, for example.
I plan to ask the OpenSimulator folks who have been playing with Mono 3
so far if they have any performance tips and if any sound useful, I will
pass them back along.
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