On Tue, 2014-04-15 at 16:30 -0300, Claudio Rodrigo wrote:
The repo is in this link for mono and monodevelop
or in http://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/elsupergomez/mono/ only for Mono
Try again please, and tell me if not working. I already use this repos in production for 6 hosts.
I updated the yum repo file from the copr.fedoraproject.org link to use the url for the fedorapeople.org repo and things are good now. Thanks!
I have installed the Mono 3.4 packages there and early results are pretty good.
I was able to compile OpenSimulator 0.8.0 r/24620 with your packages out of the box.
However, OpenSim would not run at first.
The System.Draw* was looking for a native /usr/lib/libgdiplus.so library.
I have a 64-bit machine so it didn't really use that library even when I installed the i686 version of libgdiplus 2.10 RPMs.
I had to make a symlink from /usr/lib64/libgdiplus.so.0.0.0 to /usr/lib/libgdiplus.so before OpenSim would start up.
The only other feedback I have at the moment was that I could not remove the mono-winforms RPM without it trying to remove the whole mono 3.4.
My opensim server runs headless and does not have or need a GUI installed. The libgdi is for texture manipulation within the OpenSimulator.
I could be wrong, but Winforms is said to be compromised by potential MS patent issues.
If possible it would be good to have a yum group to install mono packages that only implement the ECMA standard, and leave anything possibly crippled by MS out.
The possibly crippled packages like winforms (and winfx?) could be separate rpmfusion options.