Recently I've tried to use "rpmdev-rmdevelrpms" and I've stumbled over a strange dependency chain regarding some mono packages.
Installing banshee requires eventually glib2-devel and so "rpmdev-rmdevelrpms" won't work since it can't remove glib2-devel without uninstalling banshee, too.
The dependency chain is in F10:
banshee -> boo -> nant -> mono-sharpcvslib -> mono-nunit-> glib2-devel
and in rawhide:
banshee -> mono-nunit -> glib2-devel and banshee -> nant and banshee -> boo -> nant
Since in general a normal (user-)programs should not pull in any development packages for a couple of good reasons I'd like to bring this topic to your attention. ;)
What do you think - does it make sense to spend some effort into trying to avoid these problems?
If yes, what could be done with the problem above? I would assume since banshee needs boo for the scripting interface, that boo should not depend itself on nant... ( and in rawhide banshee should neither depend on nant nor mono-nunit, too ).
Best regards, Christian