On Wed, 23 Jul 2014 08:24:50 +0200, Peter Hatina phatina@redhat.com wrote:
Was it easy? Did the strings like `:param string key_file:` help you?
At least, I know, what's the parameter type I should pass into the function/method/ctor/...
As I have mentioned, with duck-typing, you actually don't need to know: if you can pass it to open(), it's path, it does not need to be `str` or its subtype.
And If the semantics don't tell you enough, you probably have different problem anyway.
If you can preserve the actual look of our documentation (generated by sphinx), then go ahead.
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
I was trying to point put the tradeoff between supporting some features of Sphinx at cost of making python/pydoc/ipython/... almost unreadable, or making it other way.
That said, AFAIK all standard documentation is also available on web, and I don't think somebody has to convert it manually.
So yes, it would have to be usable as Sphinx, even though it may not look exactly the same. For example, in 99% it's in IMO enough to use backticks for code and asterisks for emphasis (and even those quite sparsely).
But I'd definitely like to make it (more) readable in terminal.