We are quite interested in pegasus 2.14 - do you have any idea when it
might be available?
On Tue, 2013-11-26 at 18:07 +0530, Devchandra L Meetei wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:13 PM, Tomá¹ Smetana <>
> wrote:
> Hi Steve.
> Looks good. There is actually one more project that creates a
> web GUI for
> the system management and we thing eventually of integrating
> OpenLMI into it:
> Cockpit ( However I believe
> there is a place
> for a desktop GUI as well and it makes a lot of sense for both
> the solutions
> to exist. You may be however interested in the Cockpit
> project since they
> are or will be probably solving many problems you may
> encounter as well.
> Thanks Tomas for sharing the Cockpit. Looking at the source briefly,
> it seems that it initiated recently by RedHat.
> and Good to know that RedHat is investing in system management.
> As a side note, yet to be released pegasus 2.14 will start having
> support for REST ful API(CIM-RS) phase by phase
> and we have put some effort to turn pegasus to serve html pages like a
> webserver does. Pegasus will be able to accept/yield
> JSON for any CIM instance in the repository, which can be consumed for
> GUI.
> Sometimes back, was also thinking to put effort in web app using
> CIM-RS through django which can
> 1) administer the cimserver including config management, indications
> subscription management etc
> 2) Have a traceAnalyser to help debugging
> 3) and support for Automatic provider Registration etc etc
> However, my interest was limited only to help provider developer with
> a GUI(Not as a full fledged system management app)
> Anybody might still be able to create system management app faster
> without bringing in a separate webserver.
> Regards,
> --
> Tomá¹ Smetana
> Platform Engineering, Red Hat
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