On Tue, 2013-11-26 at 10:05 -0500, Russell Doty wrote:
As others have said, welcome to the OpenLMI project! We look forward to working with you.
Thankyou! :)
- Qt Quick based
Makes sense.
- Similar (but not identical) in functionality and look'n'feel to
Windows Server Manager
Makes sense. Are you looking at Server Manager in Windows Server 2012 R2? Have you thought about starting with a subset? It might be interesting to start with storage - this is somewhat bounded, is where we are putting a lot of effort in the OpenLMI 1.0 release, and would be valuable to have a GUI.
Yes, I'm referring to Server Manager in Windows Server 2012/R2. And your suggestion about starting with storage is an excellent one.
- It is motivated by the same reasons that Russell Doty so
thoughtfully explained on his Tech Ponder blog re: Linux management. I see a place for both CLI and GUI interfaces.
Wow - someone actually reads the blog! Feel free to post questions and start discussions/arguments there.
Will do!
Have you looked at LMIshell? This is a client side application we are putting a lot of work into. I'm starting up a series of Blog articles on it; you should see the first one this week. LMIshell is a Python environment that provides a friendly interface to the OpenLMI API using native Python objects, a task focused scripting environment, and a high level CLI.
If you are interested in working in Python, it should be possible to build a GUI on top of LMIshell and take advantage of the Python rapid development environment and the higher level interfaces we are developing. At a minimum, you should look at the LMI Modules and see how we are using the low-level API to do management tasks.
I've briefly looked at LMIShell (and it looks great!), and in reality I should be using it instead of a C++ WBEM API (since I much prefer Python and it would help to drive the development of LMIShell too), but I'm concerned about dependency hell (since I want to use Qt Quick Controls, which needs Qt 5.1, which needs PyQt 5.1, which needs SIP 4.15, which breaks other things in Fedora because Fedora only has SIP 4.14, etc). I'll do some more tinkering to see if I can get a working PyQt setup.
- Looking a *long* way ahead, I'm interested whether such a tool could
be the basis for, or at least a component of, autonomic computing
We've thought about this. I personally believe that there is considerable potential in applying Business Process Management (BPM) and Rules Processing to system management. A really interesting starting point for this would be JBoss, using JBPM and Drools, possibly tied into the JON management framework. OpenLMI has an excellent Java interface that creates native Java objects and integrates nicely into JBoss.
I'm very interested in this. Really keen to explore this sort of approach further down the road.