Hi, I have been installed ppemlmi-provider in my system. For installing software source, I tried, Python setup.py install
Though. I never seen any errors while installing it. But I can't seen it lib file. Where its liv path? How its reg file creation? And how I test it with wsman? Please help me. Regards, George
On 04/29/2013 04:38 AM, George varghese wrote:
Hi, I have been installed ppemlmi-provider in my system. For installing software source, I tried, Python setup.py install
You should install using the packages provided for your system. On the assumption your distribution is RPM based you should install the openlmi-providers rpm. That's the base package, it doesn't actually include any specific providers, just the extra "glue". Each individual provider is in a sub-package, e.g. to install the fan provider you would install openlmi-fan.
The reason to install via RPM is because the RPM handles a lot of the details of final installation and provide specific installation parameters during the install which you might omit.
You can install the source in one of two ways, either via a SRPM or by cloning the source code repo, the later is preferred.
git clone http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/openlmi-providers.git
The https://fedorahosted.org/openlmi/wiki page documents some of this. Also the howto you were pointed at last week contains additional related information.
Though. I never seen any errors while installing it. But I can't seen it lib file. Where its liv path? How its reg file creation? And how I test it with wsman? Please help me. Regards, George
openlmi-devel mailing list openlmi-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org https://lists.fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/openlmi-devel
See the attached log file of package build. Hope this helps, if you are trying to adjust build for different environment.
----- Original Message ----- From: "George varghese" georgooty@gmail.com To: openlmi-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 10:38:43 AM Subject: Build opemi- software source
Hi, I have been installed ppemlmi-provider in my system. For installing software source, I tried, Python setup.py install
Though. I never seen any errors while installing it. But I can't seen it lib file. Where its liv path? How its reg file creation? And how I test it with wsman? Please help me. Regards, George
_______________________________________________ openlmi-devel mailing list openlmi-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org https://lists.fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/openlmi-devel
And grab the build instructions and requirements from here http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/openlmi-providers.git/tree/openlmi-provid... Not sure whether the latest uses the same though.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ales Ledvinka" aledvink@redhat.com To: openlmi-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 11:39:27 AM Subject: Re: Build opemi- software source
See the attached log file of package build. Hope this helps, if you are trying to adjust build for different environment.
----- Original Message ----- From: "George varghese" georgooty@gmail.com To: openlmi-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 10:38:43 AM Subject: Build opemi- software source
Hi, I have been installed ppemlmi-provider in my system. For installing software source, I tried, Python setup.py install
Though. I never seen any errors while installing it. But I can't seen it lib file. Where its liv path? How its reg file creation? And how I test it with wsman? Please help me. Regards, George
_______________________________________________ openlmi-devel mailing list openlmi-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org https://lists.fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/openlmi-devel
_______________________________________________ openlmi-devel mailing list openlmi-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org https://lists.fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/openlmi-devel