----------------------------------------------------------- This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit: http://reviewboard-openlmi.rhcloud.com/r/271/ -----------------------------------------------------------
Review request for OpenLMI Developers.
Repository: openlmi-storage
Description -------
Use mountpoint as transient filesystem identifier.
While Blivet creates dummy StorageDevice instances for non-device filesystems, these devices do not have any stable indentifier and it's not possible to locate them reliably.
We should identify transient filesystems by their mount point, which usually do not change.
Diffs -----
src/openlmi/storage/LMI_TransientFileSystem.py PRE-CREATION
Diff: http://reviewboard-openlmi.rhcloud.com/r/271/diff/
Testing -------
Jan Safranek
----------------------------------------------------------- This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit: http://reviewboard-openlmi.rhcloud.com/r/271/#review316 -----------------------------------------------------------
Ship it!
Ship It!
- Jan Synacek
On April 26, 2013, 12:37 p.m., Jan Safranek wrote:
This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit: http://reviewboard-openlmi.rhcloud.com/r/271/
(Updated April 26, 2013, 12:37 p.m.)
Review request for OpenLMI Developers.
Repository: openlmi-storage
Use mountpoint as transient filesystem identifier.
While Blivet creates dummy StorageDevice instances for non-device filesystems, these devices do not have any stable indentifier and it's not possible to locate them reliably.
We should identify transient filesystems by their mount point, which usually do not change.
src/openlmi/storage/LMI_TransientFileSystem.py PRE-CREATION
Diff: http://reviewboard-openlmi.rhcloud.com/r/271/diff/
Jan Safranek
----------------------------------------------------------- This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit: http://reviewboard-openlmi.rhcloud.com/r/271/ -----------------------------------------------------------
(Updated April 30, 2013, 9:11 a.m.)
Status ------
This change has been marked as submitted.
Review request for OpenLMI Developers.
Repository: openlmi-storage
Description -------
Use mountpoint as transient filesystem identifier.
While Blivet creates dummy StorageDevice instances for non-device filesystems, these devices do not have any stable indentifier and it's not possible to locate them reliably.
We should identify transient filesystems by their mount point, which usually do not change.
Diffs -----
src/openlmi/storage/LMI_TransientFileSystem.py PRE-CREATION
Diff: http://reviewboard-openlmi.rhcloud.com/r/271/diff/
Testing -------
Jan Safranek