Hi there!
There is a new version of openlmi-tools available at [1]. Fedora packages are comming soon.
What's new? - method calls, which work with LMI_SoftwareVerificationJob can now be called in synchronous way - clients can be authenticated by x509 certificates - method calls' arguments are now passed via dictionary - instances do not auto-refresh after a method call - lmi_associators can be used to speed up associations traversal - when calling synchronous method, lmishell now properly handles SIGTERM and SIGINT - shell prompt can be customized now (due to scriptons) - LMIShell has a html documentation now; generated using sphinx - man page is generated using sphinx - bash completion - zsh completion - various fixes
[1] https://fedorahosted.org/released/openlmi-tools/openlmi-tools-0.8.tar.gz