Disclaimer: I know this is OpenLMI mailing list, but I will post announcements about new versions of KonkretCMPI here, because many of OpenLMI providers use it.
Since KonkretCMPI upstream [1] is dead for long time (last upstream version 0.8.7 was released 2008-10-22) I've decided to continue development myself. I don't have access to original SCM repository or web page, so I've created git repo at github [2].
Highlights of version 0.9.0: * Use CMake as buildsystem (added FindCMPI.cmake and FindKonkretCMPI.cmake modules) * Python bindings for the MOF parser * Fixed using experimental schema * Assertion crash fixed * Add missing headers * Many other minor bugs fixed
You can download the new version from github [3]. It is already in Fedora rawhide and it's coming to Fedora 18 soon.
Radek Novacek
[1] http://konkretcmpi.org/ [2] https://github.com/rnovacek/konkretcmpi [3] https://github.com/rnovacek/konkretcmpi/archive/0.9.0/konkretcmpi-0.9.0.tar....
I'd like to announce release of KonkretCMPI 0.9.2
Highlights of version 0.9.2 * Modifiable templates for method stubs. * Stub substitutions for method name, method type. * Generated code for method input arguments name and type. * Also generated code for output arguments. * Bugfix possible integer overflow. * Name collision avoidance for status variable in generated * Modifiable template for enumeration stub. * Plenty of bugfixes not announced in silent 0.9.1 release.
Below is the context which remains in effect with 3 updates: ----- Original Message -----
From: "Radek Novacek" rnovacek@redhat.com To: openlmi-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 2:20:29 PM Subject: ANNOUNCE: KonkretCMPI 0.9.0 released
Disclaimer: I know this is OpenLMI mailing list, but I will post announcements about new versions of KonkretCMPI here, because many of OpenLMI providers use it.
Since KonkretCMPI upstream [1] is dead for long time (last upstream version 0.8.7 was released 2008-10-22) I've decided to continue development myself. I don't have access to original SCM repository or web page, so I've created git repo at github [2].
You can download the new version from github [3]. It is already in Fedora
rawhide and it's coming to Fedora 20 soon.
Radek Novacek
and Ales Ledvinka
[1] http://konkretcmpi.org/ [2] https://github.com/rnovacek/konkretcmpi [3]