Using the tutorial for writing a new mof file, https://fedorahosted.org/openlmi/wiki/ProviderTutorialImplementationC
For generating C skeleton,
KONKRET_SCHEMA_DIR*=*/usr/share/sfcb/CIM konkret -m tutorial.mof TUT_UnixProcess TUT_ProcessChild
After executing this command, created only .h files. not created TUT_UnixProcessProvider.c, TUT_ProcessChildProvider.c What can I do for creating provider files?
Please note that konkret version is 0.9.0
Regards, George
thank you for noticing, it was mistake in the tutorial, I've fixed it.
The correct command is:
$ konkret -m tutorial.mof -s TUT_UnixProcess -s TUT_ProcessChild TUT_UnixProcess TUT_ProcessChild
The "-s" arguments specify which skeletons will be generated.
Radek Novacek
On Tue 18 of Jun 2013 13:51:48 George varghese wrote:
Using the tutorial for writing a new mof file, https://fedorahosted.org/openlmi/wiki/ProviderTutorialImplementationC
For generating C skeleton,
KONKRET_SCHEMA_DIR*=*/usr/share/sfcb/CIM konkret -m tutorial.mof TUT_UnixProcess TUT_ProcessChild
After executing this command, created only .h files. not created TUT_UnixProcessProvider.c, TUT_ProcessChildProvider.c What can I do for creating provider files?
Please note that konkret version is 0.9.0
Regards, George