commit 4cb634a42b70f34e7ffbbb6c4344a060292a12df
Author: Pierre-Yves Chibon py(a) <pingou(a)>
Date: Tue May 31 14:21:36 2011 +0200
Make request and orphan proper actions
- Request ACL can now be called directly by pkgdb-cli request
- Orphaning a package can be done via pkgdb-cli orphan. The option --retire allows to retire in addition of the orphanning | 359 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
1 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 146b56f..e1206cb 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ if '--debug' in sys.argv:
elif '--verbose' in sys.argv:
-cmdlist = ['acl', 'list']
+cmdlist = ['acl', 'list', 'orphan', 'request']
actionlist = ['watchbugzilla', 'watchcommits', 'commit', 'approveacls']
@@ -50,21 +50,21 @@ class ActionError(Exception):
-def _get_client_authentified(pkgdbclient, username=None, password=None):
- """ Returned a BaseClient with authentification
+def _get_client_authentified(username=None, password=None):
+ """ Returned a BaseClient with authentification
:arg pkgdbclient a PackageDB object to which username and password
are added
:karg username FAS username, if None it is asked to the user
:karg password FAS password, if None it is asked to the user
- if username is None:
- username = raw_input('FAS username: ')
- if password is None:
- password = getpass.getpass()
- pkgdbclient.username = username
- pkgdbclient.password = password
- return pkgdbclient
+ if pkgdbclient.password is None:
+ if username is None:
+ username = raw_input('FAS username: ')
+ if password is None:
+ password = getpass.getpass()
+ pkgdbclient.username = username
+ pkgdbclient.password = password
def _get_group_info(group, statusmap, tmpstring="", prevstring="",
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ def _get_package_id(packagename, branch):
from dispatcher on packagedb).
:arg name, name of the package to query
- :arg branch branch for which the package id is returned Branch
+ :arg branch branch for which the package id is returned Branch
can be "devel", "f-14"...
:return package_id a string of the package_id in the packageListings
@@ -138,6 +138,56 @@ def _get_package_id(packagename, branch):
return None
+def _orphan_one_package(packagename, branch='devel', username=None,
+ password=None):
+ """
+ Orphan one package from pkgdb.
+ """
+ if branch is None:
+ branch = 'devel'
+ _get_client_authentified(username=username, password=password)
+"Orphaning package %s on branch %s" % (packagename,
+ branch))
+ pkgdbinfo = pkgdbclient.send_request(
+ '/acls/dispatcher/set_owner',
+ auth=True, req_params={'owner': 'orphan',
+ 'pkg_name': packagename,
+ 'collectn_list': branch})
+ log.debug("output: %s" % pkgdbinfo)
+ if "message" in pkgdbinfo.keys():
+ print bold + pkgdbinfo["message"] + reset + "\n"
+ else:
+ print bold + "Changed owner of %s to orphan" % packagename \
+ + reset + "\n"
+def _retire_one_package(packagename, branch='devel', username=None,
+ password=None):
+ """
+ Retire one package from pkgdb.
+ """
+ if branch is None:
+ branch = 'devel'
+ _get_client_authentified(username=username, password=password)
+ packageid = _get_package_id(packagename, branch)
+"Retiring package %s (%s) on branch %s" % (packagename,
+ packageid, branch))
+ pkgdbinfo = pkgdbclient.send_request(
+ '/acls/dispatcher/toggle_retirement',
+ auth=True, req_params={'pkg_listing_id': packageid})
+ log.debug("output: %s" % pkgdbinfo)
+ if "retirement" in pkgdbinfo.keys():
+ print bold + packagename, pkgdbinfo["retirement"] \
+ + reset + "\n"
def get_packages(motif=None):
Retrieve the list of all packages in packagedb.
@@ -147,7 +197,7 @@ def get_packages(motif=None):
Querying "pkgdb list --all back*" will return you all the packages
from pkgdb starting with back* (case insensitive), this includes
orphand and eol'd packages as well as active packges.
:karg motif the motif used to search for the packages. If the motif
does not end with a "*", one is added.
@@ -178,7 +228,7 @@ def get_orphaned_packages(motif=None, eol=False):
argument to True.
The motif is present for later used once the online version of
packagedb will be adjusted to allow it.
:karg motif the motif used to search for the packages. If the motif
does not end with a "*", one is added.
:karg eol if true only the EOL packages are returned.
@@ -228,68 +278,18 @@ def get_packager_info(packager):
packager, auth=False,
req_params={'tg_paginate_limit': 0})
+ pkgs = []
if pkgdbinfo['eol']:
print "User EOL'd"
if 'pkgs' in pkgdbinfo:
for pkg in pkgdbinfo['pkgs']:
+ pkgs.append(pkg['name'])
print " ", pkg['name'], " " * (30 - len(pkg['name'])), \
print "Total: %s packages" % len(pkgdbinfo['pkgs'])
-def toggle_acl(packagename, action, branch='devel', username=None,
- password=None):
- """
- Request for a user and a branch the action for a given package.
- :arg packagename is the name of the package for which you would like
- to request an ACL.
- :arg action is action which is requested for this package, actions
- allowed are: [watchbugzilla, watchcommit, commit, approveacls]
- :karg branch name of the branch for which to toggle the ACL. By
- default this branch is 'devel' but can also be 'f-14'...
- :karg username the FAS username for the user requesting the ACL.
- :karg password the FAS password for the user requesting the ACL.
- """
- if action not in actionlist and action !='all':
- raise ActionError("Action '%s' is not in the list: %s" % (
- action, ",".join(actionlist)))
- pkgdbclient_auth = _get_client_authentified(pkgdbclient,
- username=username, password=password)
- packageid = _get_package_id(packagename, branch)
- # if action == 'all' then we toggle all the ACLs
- if action == 'all':
- for action in actionlist:
- params = {'container_id': '%s:%s' % (packageid, action)}
- pkgdbinfo = pkgdbclient_auth.send_request(
- '/acls/dispatcher/toggle_acl_request',
- auth=True, req_params=params)
- log.debug(pkgdbinfo)
- if 'aclStatus' in pkgdbinfo.keys():
- msg = pkgdbinfo['aclStatus']
- else:
- msg = pkgdbinfo['message']
-"%s%s%s for %s on package %s branch %s" % (bold,
- msg, reset, pkgdbclient_auth.username,
- packagename, branch))
- # else we toggle only the given one
- else:
- params = {'container_id': '%s:%s' % (packageid, action)}
- pkgdbinfo = pkgdbclient_auth.send_request(
- '/acls/dispatcher/toggle_acl_request',
- auth=True, req_params=params)
- log.debug(pkgdbinfo)
- if 'aclStatus' in pkgdbinfo.keys():
- msg = pkgdbinfo['aclStatus']
- else:
- msg = pkgdbinfo['message']
-"%s%s%s for %s on package %s branch %s" % (bold,
- msg, reset, pkgdbclient_auth.username,
- packagename, branch))
+ return pkgs
def get_package_info(packagename, branch=None, pending=False,
@@ -405,10 +405,10 @@ def get_last_build(packagename, tag):
versions = []
for build in data:
- version = "%s-%s-%s" % (
+ nvr = "%s-%s-%s" % (
build['package_name'], build['version'],
- versions.append(version)
+ versions.append(nvr)
print "%sLast build:%s%s by %s for %s in Updates".rstrip() % (
" " * 8,
" " * 5,
@@ -422,21 +422,151 @@ def get_last_build(packagename, tag):
data = kojiclient.getLatestBuilds(tag,
for build in data:
- version = "%s-%s-%s" % (
+ nvr = "%s-%s-%s" % (
build['package_name'], build['version'],
- if version not in versions:
- versions.append(version)
+ if nvr not in versions:
+ versions.append(nvr)
print "%sLast build:%s%s by %s for %s in " \
"Updates-testing" % (
" " * 6,
" " * 5,
build['completion_time'].split(" ")[0],
- version
+ nvr
+def toggle_acl(packagename, action, branch='devel', username=None,
+ password=None):
+ """
+ Request for a user and a branch the action for a given package.
+ :arg packagename is the name of the package for which you would like
+ to request an ACL.
+ :arg action is action which is requested for this package, actions
+ allowed are: [watchbugzilla, watchcommit, commit, approveacls]
+ :karg branch name of the branch for which to toggle the ACL. By
+ default this branch is 'devel' but can also be 'f-14'...
+ :karg username the FAS username for the user requesting the ACL.
+ :karg password the FAS password for the user requesting the ACL.
+ """
+ if branch is None:
+ branch = 'devel'
+ if action not in actionlist and action != 'all':
+ raise ActionError("Action '%s' is not in the list: %s,all" % (
+ action, ",".join(actionlist)))
+ _get_client_authentified(username=username, password=password)
+ packageid = _get_package_id(packagename, branch)
+ # if action == 'all' then we toggle all the ACLs
+ if action == 'all':
+ log.debug("Toggle all acl for user: %s" % pkgdbclient.username)
+ for action in actionlist:
+ log.debug("Toggle acl %s for user %s and package %s "\
+ "on branch %s" %
+ (action, pkgdbclient.username, packagename, branch))
+ params = {'container_id': '%s:%s' % (packageid, action)}
+ pkgdbinfo = pkgdbclient.send_request(
+ '/acls/dispatcher/toggle_acl_request',
+ auth=True, req_params=params)
+ log.debug(pkgdbinfo)
+ if 'aclStatus' in pkgdbinfo.keys():
+ msg = pkgdbinfo['aclStatus']
+ else:
+ msg = pkgdbinfo['message']
+"%s%s%s for %s on package %s branch %s" % (bold,
+ msg, reset, pkgdbclient.username,
+ packagename, branch))
+ # else we toggle only the given one
+ else:
+ log.debug("Toggle acl %s for user %s and package %s on branch %s" %
+ (action, pkgdbclient.username, packagename, branch))
+ params = {'container_id': '%s:%s' % (packageid, action)}
+ pkgdbinfo = pkgdbclient.send_request(
+ '/acls/dispatcher/toggle_acl_request',
+ auth=True, req_params=params)
+ log.debug(pkgdbinfo)
+ if 'aclStatus' in pkgdbinfo.keys():
+ msg = pkgdbinfo['aclStatus']
+ else:
+ msg = pkgdbinfo['message']
+"%s%s%s for %s on package %s branch %s" % (bold,
+ msg, reset, pkgdbclient.username,
+ packagename, branch))
+def orphan_package(packagename, branch='devel', allpkgs=False,
+ username=None, password=None):
+ """
+ Orphan packages from pkgdb.
+ :arg packagename the name of the package to orphan
+ :kwarg branch the name of the branch to orphan. By default it is
+ 'devel' but it can also be 'all'.
+ :kwarg allpkgs default to False, if True then all the packages of
+ the user will be orphaned
+ :kwarg username the FAS username
+ :kwarg password the FAS password of the user
+ """
+ if branch is None:
+ branch = 'devel'
+ _get_client_authentified(username=username, password=password)
+ if allpkgs is True:
+ pkgs = get_packager_info(pkgdbclient.username)
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ if branch == "all":
+ #TODO: implement this feature
+ print "logic not implemented yet"
+ else:
+ _orphan_one_package(pkg, branch, username, password)
+ else:
+ if branch == "all":
+ #TODO: implement this feature
+ print "logic not implemented yet"
+ else:
+ _orphan_one_package(packagename, branch, username, password)
+def retire_package(packagename, branch='devel', allpkgs=False,
+ username=None, password=None):
+ """
+ Retire packages from pkgdb.
+ /!\ only orphaned package can be retired.
+ :arg packagename the name of the package to be retired
+ :kwarg branch the name of the branch. By default it is
+ 'devel' but it can also be 'all'.
+ :kwarg allpkgs default to False, if True then all the packages of
+ the user will be
+ :kwarg username the FAS username
+ :kwarg password the FAS password of the user
+ """
+ if branch is None:
+ branch = 'devel'
+ _get_client_authentified(username=username, password=password)
+ if allpkgs is True:
+ pkgs = get_packager_info(pkgdbclient.username)
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ if branch == "all":
+ #TODO: implement this feature
+ print "logic not implemented yet"
+ else:
+ _retire_one_package(pkg, branch, username, password)
+ else:
+ if branch == "all":
+ #TODO: implement this feature
+ print "logic not implemented yet"
+ else:
+ _retire_one_package(packagename, branch, username, password)
def setup_action_parser(action):
Parse the remaining argument for action specific arguments.
@@ -447,21 +577,17 @@ def setup_action_parser(action):'Action called: %s' % action)
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="%(prog)s " + \
"%s [options]" % action)
if action == 'acl':
p.add_argument('package', help="Name of the package to query")
- p.add_argument('branch', default=None, nargs="?",
+ p.add_argument('branch', default='devel', nargs="?",
help="Branch of the package to query")
- p.add_argument('--toggle', dest="action",
- help="Request a specific ACL for this package (actions"\
- " are %s)" % ", ".join(actionlist))
p.add_argument('--pending', action="store_true", default=False,
help="Display only ACL awaiting review")
p.add_argument('--noextra', action="store_false", default=True,
help="Do not display extra information (number of bugs"\
" opened and last build)")
- ## I don't want the '--' but I can't find the right way w/o it
- #p.add_argument('ask', action="store_true", default=False,
- #help="Ask for acl on this package")
elif action == 'list':
p.add_argument('--all', action="store_true", default=False,
dest='all', help="List all packages starting with the" \
@@ -471,10 +597,29 @@ def setup_action_parser(action):
dest='orphaned', help="List all orphaned packages")
p.add_argument('--eol', action="store_true", default=False,
dest='eol', help="List all orphaned and eol'd packages")
- p.add_argument('--user', dest='user', default=False,
+ p.add_argument('--user', dest='username', default=False,
help="List all the packages of the user <user>")
p.add_argument('pattern', default=None, nargs="?",
help="Pattern to query")
+ elif action == 'orphan':
+ p.add_argument('package', help="Name of the package to orphan")
+ p.add_argument('branch', default='devel', nargs="?",
+ help="Branch of the package to orphan " \
+ "(default: devel, can be: all)")
+ p.add_argument('--retire', action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Retire the given package")
+ p.add_argument('--all', action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Orphan all your packages")
+ elif action == "request":
+ p.add_argument('package', help="Name of the package")
+ p.add_argument("action",
+ help="Request a specific ACL for this package (actions"\
+ " are %s)" % ", ".join(actionlist))
+ p.add_argument('branch', default='devel', nargs="?",
+ help="Branch of the package for which the ACL is " \
+ "requested (default: devel)")
return p
@@ -489,10 +634,11 @@ def setup_parser():
# General connection options
p.add_argument('argument', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
- p.add_argument('--user',
- help="username")
- p.add_argument('--password',
- help="password")
+ p.add_argument('--user', dest="username",
+ help="FAS username")
+ p.add_argument('--password', dest="password",
+ help="FAS password (if not provided, will be asked " \
+ "later)")
p.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true',
help="give more info about what's going on")
p.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true',
@@ -505,46 +651,63 @@ def main():
# Set up parser for global args
parser = setup_parser()
# Parse the commandline
- args = parser.parse_args()
+ arg = parser.parse_args()
# Get our action from these args
- if args.command in cmdlist:
- action = args.command
+ if arg.command in cmdlist:
+ action = arg.command
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
"command must be one of: %s" % ','.join(cmdlist))
# Parse action-specific args
action_parser = setup_action_parser(action)
-"*** " + ", ".join(args.argument))
- args = action_parser.parse_args(args.argument)
+"*** " + ", ".join(arg.argument))
+ args = action_parser.parse_args(arg.argument)
if action == "acl":"package : %s" % args.package)"branch : %s" % args.branch)
-"toggle : %s" % args.action)
-"orphan : %s" % args.orphan)"approve : %s" % args.approve)
- if (args.action is not None):
- toggle_acl(args.package, args.action, args.branch)
-"package: %s" % args.package)
-"branch: %s" % args.branch)
get_package_info(args.package, args.branch, args.pending,
elif action == "list":"pattern : %s" % args.pattern)"all : %s" % args.all)
-"user : %s" % args.user)
+"user : %s" % args.username)
if(args.all is not None and args.all):
elif (args.orphaned is not None and args.orphaned):
get_orphaned_packages(args.pattern, args.eol)
- elif (args.user is not None and args.user):
- get_packager_info(args.user)
+ elif (args.username is not None and args.username):
+ get_packager_info(args.username)
elif (args.pattern is not None):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
"Not enough argument given")
+ elif action == "orphan":
+"user : %s" % arg.username)
+"package : %s" % args.package)
+"branch : %s" % args.branch)
+"pattern : %s" % args.pattern)
+"all : %s" % args.all)
+"retire : %s" % args.retire)
+ orphan_package(args.package, args.branch, args.all,
+ arg.username, arg.password)
+ if args.retire is True:
+ retire_package(args.package, args.branch,
+ arg.username, arg.password)
+ elif action == "request":
+"user : %s" % arg.username)
+"package : %s" % args.package)
+"branch : %s" % args.branch)
+"acl : %s" % args.action)
+ toggle_acl(args.package, args.action, args.branch,
+ arg.username, arg.password)
if __name__ == '__main__':