Hello php sig,
For some time already, I have had in mind to extend the php Packaging
Guidelines with some suggestions about test suites. I am not a php
expert, so this work is based on simply trying to codify the already
established practices. Before submitting a pull request for the
Guidelines, I would appreciate if you could spare some of your time to
"pre-review" my work and give feedback [1].
I am mostly concerned about the autoloader testing section. It talks
about the "generated autoloader", for the first time in the guidelines.
Autoloader generation is explained in the wiki page PHP/PackagingTips
[2]. The page argues against adding that information to the Guidelines,
because the autoloader is not mandatory. However, the word "should"
already carries the right meaning in the guidelines. Would it make sense
to move that section to the Guidelines, appropriately marked with
"should"? Some people (like me) only check the Guidelines and do not
always find additional information hiding in the wiki.
[2]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/PHP/PackagingTips